TO Report # 1 (2004-06-21)

This report was submitted by VA Drako

Training Officer's report [1-21/06/04]
VA Drako
SSSD Sovereign


At the very beginning I'd like to thank the FC and the XO for appointing me as the TO. I'll do my best to perform my duties well and not to fail you. I also want to congratulate FA Keldorn, who was appointed as the Security Officer and Darth Nocturnus - the new Grand Master.


- Last week 9 cadets recieved the Ground Training certification from my hands. Congrats to them.

- Restoring the IWATS courses in your profiles is continued. I remind you - I accept only requests for the MP course. Requests for other courses should be sent directly to the course PROF.

- Top Gun Academy project is on hold. I should be back to it within next 2 weeks (when my exams session is over).

- All pending competitions were processed.

- Small note about competitions: I noticed that most of competitions descriptions are like "You have a battle, go and fly it". I want to see more roleplaying in such comps. I'll expect a small fictional background for flying comps as it for sure will make them more interesting for pilots.

- Don't ask me for the CA nor TOA positions. The only answer is "no".


Top Gun is on hold. The Imperial University is going forward although slowly. The TO database is currently in works.

I'm going to start a serious cooperation between training facilities of all subgroups. I'm going to work with SG-TO's on recruiting and training matters. Hopefully such cooperation will help us in gaining members and will make the training process easier. I have already seen problems which appears when someone from outside the TC has taken the IWATS course. I suppose that the same problem appears in other subgroups.

That's all for this week.


TO/VA Drako/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign

End of message.

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