LO Report # 15 (2004-06-05)

This report was submitted by VA Xander Drax

Logistics Office Report #15 - 06/05/04

Logistics News

1. Work continues on the EH memorium. Remember, the Logisitics Office needs your knowledge of those folks that should be included in it. Send that info to your local LO represntative, or any LO representative quickly.

2. I've sent my minions to the four winds to search out information for the new expanded EH Codex. If you're in an SG and would like to input some info about your SG for the Codex, contact those minions, namely CM Sirik Xirok and MAJ Archangel.

3. Speaking of the Codex, a few updates to announce this week. Updated lists of EHCS members and SGCOM's have been added. These have all been drawn from the EHNL's, and a couple of officers that were in and out between newsletters were also added. If you know of any errors or omissions, please do not hesitate to send them in.

Logistics Staff

LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: VA Daniel Stevens

LOA: Major Hunter
LOA: Major Archangel
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok

Logistics Links

http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ - EH Memorium

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