LO Report # 14 (2004-05-29)

This report was submitted by VA Xander Drax

Logistics Office Report #14 - 05/29/04

Logistics News

1. First, I'd like to correct an error made in the last few weeks. VA Daniel Stevens was removed from the position of LOA because of computer problems that were out of his control, and as of this moment he has been effectivly reinstated.

2. With school out and finals over (or nearly) for us LO Peeps, we've now got time to work on the various projects on our plates. The most important projects, in my opinion, are the Codex and EH Memorium. Both have layouts now, they just require content.

3. VA Stevens will be heading up the Memorium project as he was already working on it somewhat under DN. Assisting him with that will be MAJ Hunter. If you have info on members that should be included in this endevour, do not hesitate to contact these officers.

4. I'll be in charge of the Codex, and MAJ Archangel and CM Xirok will be assisting me with that. SG's and Command Officers should be contacted about this shortly.

5. You can preview the EH Memorium layout here: www.lusankya.org/mem/

Logistics Staff

LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: VA Daniel Stevens

LOA: Major Hunter
LOA: Major Archangel
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok

Logistics Links

http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ - EH Memorium

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