RO Report # 0 (2000-06-16)

This report was submitted by FA Arcon Telf

This is the Recon Office Report for the week of 6.16.2000!

-- In an effort to integrate the Recon Office with the subgroups more
(as urged by DP Trench), from here on out, RO reports will go also to SGCOMs
throughout the fleet. On that note, if any SGCOMs need the RO for a project,
assistance, or just advice, please do not hesitate to ask!

-- The Recon Office domain's current look is being totally revamped
at a secret location. Expect the release of the new format before the RO
leaves on June 21st, and expect to be suprised.

-- On that note, the ROA has been unusually out of contact for some
time. Should he not return, VA Slage and FA Telf will select the interim
Recon Office to serve while their absences overlap. Please do NOT apply.

-- A hearty and well-deserved congratulations goes out to DP Trench
on the 5th anniversary of the BHG and his MoH!

RO/FA Telf

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