SCO Report # 8 (2000-09-30)

This report was submitted by VA Kermee


1. I've been having some computer/connections problems this last week, resulting in a reduced access to email
& the web. While I should still be able to maintain a 24 turn around time on most email, I just ask that
people could bare with me for the moment if things move a little slower than usual. Things should be resolved
within a week or two at the most.

2. File Archive - As a result of these problems, its been a bit of a slow week, despite this there are still a
steady stream of new files floating into the file archive. Again I ask that if you have any files that may be
useful, please let me know. In particular I am currently looking for Jedi Knight & Dark Forces related
material, as well as more general files that are not related to any specific game.

VA Kermee, Fleet Science Officer.
[ | ]
- SCO/VA Kermee/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign {Legionnaire}
- GOE/GS/SS/BS/PCx3/ISMx13/MoI/MoT-ghx2/LoC ISx10/OV
- DJK (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan WR-PM w/1/DC

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