ISDII Colossus Report # 7 (2004-10-19)

This report was submitted by VA Gunman

ISD Colossus Ship Report #7
-The Tactical Office has some vacancies. Check'em out here.
-There is a rather high number of big positions available. PREX, IO, and PRF. Check the usual websites for requirements.
-Windows XP SP2: Those of you with Windows XP have no doubt noticed the release of its second Service Pack. Unfortunately, once you install it, you'll no longer be able to install any custom ship patches provided by the SCO. Even you don't install it, but install some of the available single updates/fixes, the result will be the same. If you intend to fly any mission/battle that requires these patches, I suggest you don't run Windows Update until the SCO finds a solution to this problem.
-LC Keller is the new WC of Wing XVI.
-The Tie Corps has been mentioned on an Australian gaming magazine. Click here to see it.
-We have a new Security Officer. I know I'm not supposed to make any comments in these reports but... It's one hell of a surprise! The new SO is none other than Vladet Xavier himself.
- The Sovereign Squadron League is over. Check the final results here.
-For all you MP fanatics, I'm sorry to say that the Zone rooms are closing. Every next Week of War can be the last.
-It was a sad week for both the TCBG and Sovereign. The veteran AD Proton has decided to retire as Sovereign COM, and our very own BGCOM AD Mell Kerrigan will be retiring after the ECR.
1º-Scuslem (Omicron): 40 points
2º-Gunman (Bratpack): 28 points
3º-Kadon Beir (Iota): 26 points
4º-Fortune (Eta): 19 points
5º-Alphafoxtrot1 (Eta): 15 points
6º-Andrelious J. Inahj (Nu): 13 points
7º-Drake (Nu): 10 points
8º-Anthony Starr (Eta): 9 points
9º-Curtis (Bratpack): 8 points
10º-Daniel Russel (Nu): 7 points
11º-Mel Aani S'ger (Iota): 5 points
11º-Rinuchu Stealth (Nu): 5 points
13º-Athen (Omicron): 4 points
13º-Trowa (Omicron): 4 points

1º-Eta Squadron: 58 points
2º-Omicron Squadron: 56 points
3º-Bratpack Flight: 36 points
4º-Nu Squadron: 35 points
5º-Iota Squadron: 31 points
6º-Pi Squadron: 0 points

Pilot's podium is made of Scuslem, Gunman, and Kadon Beir. They are the 3 best pilots of the ISD Colossus.
-Daniel Russel has been promoted to both LCM and FL. I see a great future in him, keep it up.
-Special Mention: One of the pilots who has joined us recently, LT Charlie Zhong, has been on fire in terms of activity! And you should follow his example. His high activity already earned him an ISM and a CoB this morning.
-As far as I know, the "Draw Miack's face on MS Paint" competition is over. I'll wait Curtis results.
-Sadly, Wisal Pol-Jo, a good member of this wing and a friend, has retired. You can still find him on IRC though.
-Three pilots noticed Omicron's situation and came in to help. We salute CM Trowa, LT Athen, and CM Wap Eal.
-RO Banner competition: The Recon Office is holding a two-part contest. First part, an EH-Wide banner comp. The banner needs to be in traditional rectangle-shape. This comp will continue through November 20th, 2004 at midnight. The second part is voting. Bannes will be set up on a website and the EH will vote it through the polling center. Take note that this banner will represent the whole EH at the largest SW convention ever!
-The XvT and XWA 1v1 Tournaments have started. Sadly, CPT Scuslem signed in too late, so I'll be the only one in the XWA tournament. Well... wish me luck.
-The ECR will be officialy starting this thursday. I'll send out the full details and a plan soon enough. Today, hopefully.
-Let me remind all CMDRs that you must post your reports on the ship's website as well as the TC database.
Rinuchu Stealth: IS-SW; ISM
Giovanni Palermo: IS-BW; ISM
Trowa: IS-SW; PC
Miackus: IS-BW; ISM
Scuslem: IS-SW; IS-BW; PC
Curtis: IS-BW
Anthony Starr: IS-SW; ISM
Andrelious J. Inahj: ISM
Charlie Zhong: ISM; CoB
This part of the report never looks empty thanks to all of you. Looking at this makes it feel all the effort worthwhile. Keep it up.
COM/VA Gunman/ISD Colossus
PIN #: 844

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