ISDII Colossus Report # 2 (2004-08-01)

This report was submitted by VA Gunman

ISD Colossus Ship Report #2
This report is at least one day late. My apologies. To compensate for it, I'll make another one still this month.
-New gaming platform: I think the most important news this last month is that the Tie Corps has a new game to play with. Free Worlds, a Star Wars mod for Freelancer, is now available to the Tie Corps. This mod is MP only, and you can't just enter a server and do whatever you want. But you can trade, mine, and kill! For information on game rules, factions, and to obtain the mod itself, go to
-Note the Emperor's Hammer has an Imperial subfaction on that server. To become part of it, you must first register to the forum, and then ask High Admiral Priyum Patel or Admiral Turtle Jerrar with your ID line, forum name, and desired [EH] name (your name must start with the [EH] tag). Once you're a part of it, you may also win LoCs just like in any other normal MP by participating on the occasional organized combat engagement. So far, the Empire stole two bases from the New Republic, but then they took them back :P
-To dedicate to Free Worlds, the Tie Corps has commissioned the ISD Predator. This ship will be solely dedicated to the mod, and anyone may create clones and transfer there.
-XvT Co-Op: if you own "X-Wing vs Tie Fighter", you may fly your missions in cooperative mode with your fellow pilots. Then, you should take a screenshot of your mission scores (I suggest you send your plt file as well, though it may not work), and send it to your superior office, also informing him that you flew in Co-Op. Mach Blader has been making use of this so far. Please read:
-The position of Internet Officer is open for applications. Check the EH website for details.
-The Tactical Office has a new website at
-The Fleet Medical Corps has a new manual at
-Three new IWATS courses are available:
-The War Office has released a new website. It contains all the information you need for War games. It's at
If you're interested in the upcoming IMPSTORM, check it out!
-Admiral Mell Kerrigan, our BGCOM, resigned but then un-resigned a few days later. Back to your business :P
-Medal of Communication: The Medal of Communication is awarded to first-echelon (squadron or equivalent organizational units) unit members by their Commander for an outstanding level of communication in a particular month. Such communication will generally include, at a minimum, e-mail contact with the Commander and the unit in general, a high level of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) presence, and activity on the EH Message Boards. Commanders are authorized to award this medal once per month to one individual in their unit. Subsequent awards will upgrade the Medal of Communication as follows.

Bronze Oak Cluster - For two awards
Silver Oak Cluster - For three awards
Gold Oak Cluster - For four awards
Platinum Oak Cluster - For five awards
Diamond Oak Cluster - For six and subsequent awards
-Zaccarow, the "Emperor" on the Burnout Server where we play Freeworlds, received the Medal of Allegiance.
-Newsletter 104 has been released!
-There were a number of cases in the HCI, regarding a fake MP event. Some cheating punishments were issued, and Airmags was expelled. Remember, if the authorities ever ask you for information, always offer your full cooperation.
-New Most Wanted: Captain Darknyte has been added to the Most Wanted list. He is to be kicked. banned, blocked, and expelled from anything regarding to the EH. Also, anyone found associating with him (that includes talking to him) or aiding him will also be summarily expelled. CMDRs and WC, I'm sure you know what to do if you spot him on #isd_colossus.
I was no fan of Darknyte, so I can't resist in pasting this:Added to the most wanted list July 29th 2004 for various real life troubles he did to the GA. One kid who never had (has or will have) a brain nor a sense of when to quit.
-Due to RL, Terrian had to resign from CMDR of Pi. Mach Blader has taken his place.
-Aidan Pryde also left the Colossus and transferred to the Intrepid. Andrel Inahj has taken his place as Nu CMDR.
-There was a major MP event in early July, Countdown to Oblivion. Only two pilots from the Colossus participated in it: me and Aidan Pryde, both on XWA. I hope next time something like this comes up, more ppl participate. Next time I'll make sure of it!
Here are the results:
-Fortune, Penfold, and Giovanni Palermo have joined our ship. Hopefully, I can get a few more for us. Also note that we're the largest ship on the TCBG :)
-I was the first person in the Colossus ever to get a LoC for activity in Freeworlds:
-... but MAJ Angel was the first pilot in the whole fleet to complete the Freeworlds IWATS Course! Congratz to LC Mark too, who was probably second :)
-The Colossus Squadron League is over! Results will be released once Andrel and Mach give me score reports.
-There have been a few problems around IRC among some of us. I won't talk to anyone in particular in this report. Instead, I'll just quote a part of the FO report #42 that applies to this situation:
I would like everyone to take into account that we have a wide range of Ethnic, Gender and age groups in this club. Be mindful! I've established a very good working relationship with the SO and have already worked out a few speedbumps over the past few weeks. If any problems are witnessed, please notify your superiors, the COMM and myself so we can determine if the SO will get involved.
-Once again, if you have problems in playing any games or with EHBL, check the appropriate sites! You have with some tutorials. You have where you can check for previous bugs, or report your own. You also have the Technical Support Forum. CHECK THESE!!! And if you really have to ask ppl for help on IRC, please be detailed, and don't make any annoying threats. Look, the solution for your problem exists, you just have to find it.
-FO Cyric appeals to his trusty CMDRs to fill in the empty FL spots around the fleet. So get to it, CMDRs!
-Probably the most important news for not only the ship but to the Battlegroup as well was the creation of the network. This alone gives us an edge over the other BGs. Our new ship website comes included in all this at .
If he's reading this, a very special thanks to Thorin for making all this possible :)
-One other thing... a pilot has removed himself from this egroup, apparently because there was too much mail. I'm not pleased with this, but I know his CMDR is competent enough to pass him information. I would appreciate if anyone that has problems with the email in this egroup talk to me about it, and I'll reduce it. Also, those of you with Yahoo profiles can adjust how much mail you get.
-LC Zystem Fryar has become an Imperator, which means he's now one of the most experienced pilots in the Tie Corps, and a reason for all of us to be proud of being part of the Colossus. Excellent work, Zys, I hope I can continue to see your BSFs rolling.
-I'm now a Vice Admiral :)
MEDALS (since last ship report)
Andrel Inahj: CoB
Darksnake: CoB, ISM
Zystem Fryar: IS-SW, IS-BW, BS
Scuslem: IS-SW, IS-BW, ISM
Mason Selrood: CoB, IS-BW
Aero Slasher: 2 IS-BRs, ISM
Gunman: 6 LoCs, LoA,
Kadon Beir: CoB, PC, IS-SW, ISM
Curtis: ISM, IS-BW, IS-SW
Kayle Bayron: BS
Kalve Ryder: PC
Mach Blader: IS-BW, CoB
Giovanni Palermo: ISM
-Expect at least one ship vs ship comp next month. If the first goes well, maybe two. Afterwards, it's the second edition of the CSL.
-So many pilots... but so few citations! The only squadron with a decent number of citations right now is Pi Squadron. I wanna see the others get to work.
-Tie Corps Summer Patrol: if you just heard about this now, then I'm sorry, you're too late to start. Those of you who are already involved, keep checking for news.
That's all for now.
COM/VA Gunman/ISD Colossus
PIN #: 844

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