SSD Avenger Report # 8 (2004-04-04)

This report was submitted by VA Ky Terrak

SSD Avenger's COM Weekly Report #5

RA Ky Terrak reporting in for the SSD Avenger on 4/4/2004


            I must say....GREAT JOB!!!!  You guys are really showing the rest of the fleet what this Ship is made of.  You guys are really making us look great!!!!  There are still no submissions in the Joke comp so send me your worst Star Wars Joke over the Avenger Egroup.  If you are not signed up for it then PLEASE send an email to your Commander and he will get that taken care of for you guys.  Make sure that you are keeping in contact with your Commanders at least once a week to let them know what's going on.


Tie Corps News:

- Well the whole TC Website seems to have been misplaced.  So if you have it in your Fighter by accident please let me know ASAP. 
- Take the new Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds IWATS at
- check the website for up to date news (whenever it gets returned)

Avenger News:

- CM Tycho Celchu has stepped down as CMDR due to RL issues.  We wish you the best of luck!!!
- Welcome SL Drake to Hunter
- LT McWay/Rage went AWOL
- LT Dark Paladin/Rage went AWOL
- CM Alain Dindareanu/Rage is MIA   (if anyone can get a hold of him then let your CMDR know)
- If anyone has something that they would like me to add here just send me an email. 
- -

Promotions & Medals:

- CT Drake has been promoted to SL and placed in Hunter
- LT Von Predator/Hunter was awarded 4 IS-BWs, 3 IS-BRs, 2 IS-SWs and a MoI
- LCM Jan Pieter/Butcher was awarded 2 IS-BWs and 2 IS-SWs
- CPT Andrijas/Hunter was awarded 2 IS-SWs and 2 IS-BWs
- LT Earnim Branet/Hunter was awarded an IS-SW
- LCM Paul Tecluse/Hunter  was awarded an IS-SW
- LT Todar/Fury was awarded an IS-BR
- LT Anthony/Wraith was awarded an IS-BR 

Things to keep you busy

IWATS Completed:

Great job!!! 

- LT Von Predator/Hunter completed completed Galactic Battlegrounds with 98% 
- CPT Andrijas/Hunter completed Galactic Battlegrounds with 90% and Wing Management with 97%
- SL Drake/Hunter completed mIRC 1 with 100%
- LT Revlt Coranier completed Galactic Battlegrounds with 96%
-CM Mouse Droid/Fury completed Galactic Battlegrounds with 96%
- LC Frey Gallandro/Wing XVIII completed Wing Management with 94%
- CPT Chris Cox/Rage completed Wing Management with 88%
- LT Revlt Coranier/Trapper completed mIRC with 90% and Trillian with 100%
- CPT Ketan-Shej/Trapper completed Galactic Battlegrounds with 98% 


  1. Avenger Joke Comp #1
                    Still NOT ONE submission on this
                This is just a little comp to have some fun with.  Starting now going for one month, we will send out Star Wars jokes on the SSD_Avenger egroup and at the end of the month we will all judge on the winner which will receive an IS-SR and second place will receive an IS-BR

                 Here is my joke submission.
                        Two Gamorrean guards are walking down a narrow, deserted canyon when suddenly a Krayt Dragon comes out and starts chasing them. One of the Gamorreans stops to put on his best running shoes. "Don't waste time," shouts the other one, "you can't outrun a Krayt Dragon with those!" "I don't have to outrun the Krayt Dragon," says the first one as he finishes lacing his shoes, "I just have to outrun you!"


Rage Squadron - 6
Hunter Squadron - 53
Butcher Squadron - 0
Wraith Squadron - 1
Wing XIX
Wing Commander- 1
Trapper Squadron - 15
Fury Squadron - 6
Flayer Squadron - 3
Storm Squadron - 2
Once again....Way to GO Hunter!!!!!.  Are the rest of you guys going to let these guys beat you every week?

Weekly Fiction:

Stay tuned for the continuation of the fiction

Serve the Emperor above all others.
RA Ky Terrak

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