SSD Avenger Report # 3 (2004-02-28)

This report was submitted by VA Ky Terrak

SSD Avenger's COM Weekly Report #2

RA Ky Terrak reporting in for the SSD Avenger on 2/28/2004


        Well guys its the end of yet another  week.  This week our activity levels have increased and that makes me happy.  Lets try to keep that rise going.  We have seen a lot of command changes this week and still have a couple to add for next week.  Thanks to everyone who has applied for the open positions.  It has been hard trying to decide who best suits each spot.  Please show them the utmost respect in all matters.   Remember to also keep in contact with your Commanders even if its just email. Communication is the most important tool that we have. With this being my first report done in HTML please let me know what I can do to make it easier to ready or improve the quality. And with that being said...Onto the Weekly COM Report


Tie Corps News:

- VA BubbaX has resigned as COM of the Rel...Aps are not being taken - check the website for upto date news -

Avenger News:

- LC Frey Gallandro is the new WC for Wing XVIII - CPT Andrijas is the new Hunter Squadron CMDR - CM Aurelius Erasmus is the new Wraith Squadron CMDR - LCM Zev Lolet has joined Storm - I have setup a new website for the Avenger. Please take a look and let me know if there are any ideas that you have to make it better - -

Promotions & Medals:

- LC Frey Gallandro promoted to WC  - CPT Andrijas sidestepped to Hunter SC - LCM Aurelius Erasmus promoted to CM and Wraith SC - CM Tatsu/Storm was promoted to CPT - LT Ons Shy/Storm was promoted to LCM - SL Gimli/Flayer was promoted to LT Congratulations to all of you!!!!

Things to keep you busy

IWATS Completed:

Quite a few this week.  Great Job guys!!!!  - LT Kat Lyons/Butcher completed Internet Basics with 100%, Trillian with 100%, MultiPlayer with 87% and Flash with 80% - LC D.T. Hammer/Wing XVIII completed Internet Basics with 90% - CPT Andrijas/Hunter completed Trillian with 100% - LT Revlt Coranier/Trapper completed Internet Basics with 100% - LT Harrold Kain/Wraith completed ICQ with 94% - CM Kalith Jaenus/Fury completed Internet Basics with 100%


        Well guys we currently have 3 competitions that are going on and I haven't had much participation in either of them.  Two of them  end this TOMORROW so get your entries sent in.
  1. Avenger's Choice Comp     This is a competition to help me find out what kind of comps you guys are interested in partticipating in. Submit your ideas to me no later than 2/29 and the best idea will recieve an IS-SR
  2.  Ky's 1 Year Anniversary Fiction Comp      My 1 year anniversary with the TC is coming up on the 18th of this month. Finish the following story and the most interesting one will be awarded an IS-SR with second and thirs place getting an IS-BR This one ends on Feb 29 also so start writing RA Ky Terrak streched as he woke up. Looking over at the chrono he noticed that he had time for his morning workout before getting some breakfast. After his workout he went and got cleaned up before going to the ships main mess hall for breakfast. Passing by the calander on the wall he was amazed to see that today was his one year anniversay with the Tie Corps. He hoped that no one noticed and that there were no big surprizes in store for him. Getting into his Duty Uniform he started to the mess hall. As the door opened
  3. Avenger's Recruiting Bananza     This is obviously a recruiting Comp.  The pilot to bring the most new membership onto the Avenger will be awarded an IS-SR with second place receiving an IS-BR.  This will start today and end on 3/3


Rage Squadron - 0 Hunter Squadron - 2  Butcher Squadron - 12 Wraith Squadron - 4
Wing XIX
Trapper Squadron - 12 Fury Squadron - 5 Flayer Squadron - 3 Storm Squadron - 0
Great Jump in activity this week, but lets try to get at least one pilot file a week.

Weekly Fiction:

I have some stuff that I am going to add to this section as soon as I get some time to go through it.  So look for it

Serve the Emperor above all others. RA Ky Terrak

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