SSD Avenger Report # 0 (2001-11-09)

This report was submitted by RA ShadowHawk

First, a hearty congratulations to our former BGCOM Firefox. Yes, Former, as he resigned that position to become our GM!
Second, the Sith comp. The ladder is found at
Single player info was announced at the page. Also at, is the EH ladder.
Third, communication!
I want you to be reading your squadron reports, posting on the egroup, appearing on IRC and generally being where the action is. There is plenty to do: the Sith comp, Tiger's COM's challenge, and individual squadron comps for a start. Earn FCHG points! Earn Squadron league points for "Squadron of the Month" The next pilot who gripes to me 'there ain't enough to do' gets to design the next ship-wide comp.
Fourth, Fenn's Wing report. This story is in response to a story I wrote for the monthly Krath comp. (Got an 'honorable mention' on the DB page, hey!) Ask me for a copy, and I'll send it to you.
Fifth, watch for information about "Prelude to Andevia". I know our TO has put a lot of time and effort into it. He's working on a quality comp. (I know this, in part, because I know the degree of perfection he wanted just for the little voice thing he had me do!)
Sixth, an ongoing opportunity,
Our Thursday Avenger comp has been going since it was designed by Tiger and Smitty many months ago. Now it's the official Dark Brotherhood MP comp which awards the coveted Cluster of Fire for winners in JK, Xvt and XWA. Last week we had 14, let's have more next week! See you Thursday, 8-11pm at #avenger on IRC (undernet). See you any time there, I'm there most of the time I can get free from my alternate world (RL).
Seventh, ideas
I know you have many, I'd love to hear them. Let's keep the Avenger the growing and rocking place I know it can be! I'm big enough to take constructive criticism. Be sure to let your commanders and Wing commanders know your concerns. I won't second-guess them.
GO FLY! Have fun, and keep the evil Lite Jedi at bay. Grow in Darkness.
COM/RA ShadowHawk/SSD Avenger
T/D "Queen's Ransom"
DJK Shadowhawk (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
WR/DC-KC-O-C/(BN)(LSS) T/A "Aerie"

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