ISDII Colossus Report # 1 (2001-12-13)

This report was submitted by RA Absolut Vodka

ISD Colossus Ship Report

ISD Colossus Ship Report #1 (12 DEC 01)

From the desk of the Commodore:

Okay a few words from me your loving Commodore. As you can tell the ships colors as they satnd for now are as they are seen here in this report. I have picked these to represent the ship, along with a flag that will be produced as soon as I can find a template to create one. As you all know we have been thru some trying times most recently and I do apologize for not being more available to you. I will be touching base on a few items that I'm sure most have some questions about, they will be broken down later in this report.

I know many of you are concerned about whats going on here with the Colossus, but never fear we have it under control. I am coming to you today not to bitch and complain but to simply state whats going on and so words of wisdom I hope and some general info.
The Website:

As you can tell the website is undergoing several changes. The first and foremost is the Ships colors being added to the site. Yes these are a Dark Red (Symbolic for the Blood of our enemies) for letters or words and Light Slate Gray for the background, as evident on this report. These will be used for all ship comms from me, and Drake if he wants to use them. I have also made a few changes to the site. Adding a Colossus Tech Data under the reference section. What is this you ask?

Well I'm glad you did, cuz you see this will be for some information regarding the ISD Colossus Technical Data. What I'll be looking for here in the near future is some technical (pics) drawings of an ISD or ISD II to use as part of that reference of data. What its for is so I can show some of our newest members or others cruising our domain some good gouge of our glorious ship. If anyone has any info regarding pics of this type please contact me directly.

Another thing I'll be looking for is someone to be our Cantina Bartender and rec lounge organizer. Hmm...whats this? Well its like this, you see we have a recreational lounge, but it has no link. Why? Well it seems our last bartender got all shot up on a mission, and we never had taken the opportunity to look for his replacement. Think you can handle dishing out humor? Or the creation of a few good drinks for our hardend fighter pilots? If so then you might be what we're looking for. One thing to keep in mind is that you'll need to be effective at FTP usage. Cuz part of your job will be to maintian the rec lounge and Bar by creating a webpage for it. Why? Well how else are we to lure our pilots in for a drink if its not gonna be fun? If this sounds good to you and you think you can handle this job, then send your apps to me and Drake, with a subject header of your email: Cantina Administrator App.

Lastly, you'll notice that I've added or changed the placement of the WC page and also added a COM's Office link. Only thing is the link isn't there yet. Thats because I haven't decided on the view I want to show you yet :). Which only means that Drake also has to get off his duff and make his new home again so that you guys can see his work, that we all love to see.
The Colossus Awards:

Well as you know every month we post the Colossus Awards to those pilot whose shown an exceptional amount of work or some type of craftsmanship. These haven't been decided on as of yet. Why? Well lets see. First off when I called for nominations I only received a few. A couple of them came from CMDR's. Now this is good and I like to see the effort being submitted, however, there was a slight error. It seems that maybe, just maybe the proper word may not have been out out to all members of the ship. So to set the matter straight, I'll post it again, and hopefully I'll geta better response this time.

If not then I guess I'll either have to go with the ones who we're already recommended or ask my faithful WC (XO) for whom he thinks should get them. So as a reminder to all hands. Everyone is entitled to vote on who they feel should get those awards. All pilots are to submit their nominations to me with a CC to the WC and their CMDR. This is so they know that you participated in a simple little ship board function. I will be taking nominations until Friday, then I'll post the winners fo the Awards on saturday. But remember, the COM's escort and WC's own are only selected by myself and Drake so no recommendations for these awards are necessary.
The Colossus Competition Compendium:

Well as you know ECR is over, yes? As I hope you would know by now. So what does this mean. Well it means that now we prepare ourselves for the onslaught of our retunr fight to gain the control of the BGCOM and Flagship title of the battlegroups. So to start this off, I am arranging several comps for us. But don't worry they won't interfere with our holidays or your school exams I hope. the first of these comps isn't to start until the 2nd of January. This is to give all of us a chance to relax over the holidays and lick our wounds from the ECR comp.

Once January hits be prepared to fight and fly your butts off. Because ECR will be back again and hopefully earlier this time so we can show the fleet just how much fight we have left in us. I can't let you know about the comps yet as the details of them hasn't been completely worked out. But I can say and you might wanna sit down for this. One of the comps is a 2 part comp. The first part involves flying a battle, the second part involves writing a fiction about that battle you flew. What this you ask? Well lemme explain, first you fly the battle then based on that battle you must write a short fiction describing the actions of the battle. You know as if you were actually there fighting in it. Hmm..sounds tricky doesn't it. Well it might seem alittle tuff at first but for those of you experienced in writing may want to help you ship mates out. There will be atleast 2 judges for the fiction and neither of them will be located on the Colossus. Thats it for now more details about this comp and others as soon as I know of them.
. The Colossus War Room:

This is something I haven't had the time to update but rest asured that we are at a win ration of 4 wins to 1 loss. The only ship thus far we've lost to, is the same ship we lost our beloved BGCOM to, The ISD Immortal. But never fear, I'm already arranging to set up another comp with them at a later time, so we can show them our anger upon their lost souls.
The Big Deal:

Last but noit least. Well as most of you know, one of the most largest comps is now over and a winner was decided. Yes ECR is over and the ISD Immortal is the carrier of the BGCOM for now. It saddens my heart to see this fate, having poured my (what seems my life essence) into this comp like many others. I mean when I know I did it and many others tried so ever hard and competed in all four phases just to see it all lost by one stickin point. There are some black hearts out there right now, as mine is one of them. But we can't let this bring us down. We must take this in and use it as a training tool for the next time. I'm not gonne bust any heads, although I'd really like to. But rather congradulate those who did try and give us their all for this comp.

I know we'll do better next time if not take the bloddy thing 100% allthe way. You ask me if I'm pissed, I'll tell ya yes I am. If you ask others they'll tell you the same. To go all this way and lose by one point is rather devastating. But its okay, we learned alot for next time. We know now that we need to better ourselves as one of the best fighting teasm in the battlegroups. But to do this we need to work together. Fly when you have to fly, write when you have to write, and draw or create a GFX when you have to. Don't just sit back and complain about it like I saw so many others do this past time around. All that ended up doing was wasting alot of time you could have spent doing the very thing you were complaining about.

All it takes is alittle bit of effort, whether your good at it or not. You can complain about it after you've done it, but not before. Cuz I really do not want to see anyone complain about us losing ECR if they didn't do all phases of the comp. Cuz if you started and didn't finish then your priveledge to complain has been revoked. Only those who actually did all 4 phases of ECR can make sound complaints of those who didn't. There was a restrcition of Colossus Pilots not go to the Immortals chat room, cuz I didn't want the hate and dicontent to get you in trouble by saying things which would have sent you to the HCI. That restriction has now been lifted and you may proceed as normal.
In Closing:

I just want you to know that I'm proud to be your COM, and hope that in the future our team efforts come to make us one of the most unique fighting teams there is in the fleet. Now this report is really not at all what I wanted to do but its a start. Cuz I know the format sucks and I'm still at a loss of words to say. But gimme a chance to get it organized, cuz remember it took me alittle time to get it together as your WC, and now I basically have to start allover again as the COM :P So bear with me over the next week or so while we get it together. Thats it for now.

In the Service of the Empire,

COM-TCT-TCS/RA Absolut Vodka/ISD Colossus
A-Wing: Absolut Carnage

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