ISDII Colossus Report # 2 (2001-12-23)

This report was submitted by RA Absolut Vodka

ISD Colossus Ship Report

ISD Colossus Ship Report #2 (23 DEC 01)

From the desk of the Commodore:

Greetings all. As you know this has been a trying week for all, and some even made several complaints about the comps scheduled for this past week. But hey, it looks as though we had quite a turn out. Aside from the fact that many went on X-Mas vacation, there wal still an abundance of activity flourishing about the ship. I saw lots of activity, lots of e-mail chatting and overall the ship was just bustling with the spirits of the crew.
The Website:

As per last report only one big thing has happened this time around. That was the addition of the Colossus Merit Point System. This system has been placed on-line for all to see, and for a guide for the CMDR's to track activity. So take a look, this will help some of you maybe by getting alittle more motivated with squadron and or ship wide activities. The CMDR's are well versed in the points system, so if you have any questions or concerns please bring it to their attention and they will pass it along to me. If its a valid complaint, then I'll address it and correct it if necessary

I'm still looking for someone to be our Cantina Bartender and rec lounge organizer. Hmm...whats this? Well its like this, you see we have a recreational lounge, but it has no link. Why? Well it seems our last bartender got all shot up on a mission, and we never had taken the opportunity to look for his replacement. Think you can handle dishing out humor? Or the creation of a few good drinks for our hardend fighter pilots? If so then you might be what we're looking for. One thing to keep in mind is that you'll need to be effective at FTP usage. Cuz part of your job will be to maintian the rec lounge and Bar by creating a webpage for it. Why? Well how else are we to lure our pilots in for a drink if its not gonna be fun? If this sounds good to you and you think you can handle this job, then send your apps to me and Drake, with a subject header of your email: Cantina Administrator App.

The Colossus Awards:

Well considering that I only had a few recommendations for the awards for the ship. I'll basically go with those, as well as my inputs for the awards. So for the month of November the Colossus Awards go to the following crew members:
  1. COM's Escort: CM Wap Eal
  2. WC's Own: Eta Squadron
  3. Services to Literature: LCM Alain Dindareanu
  4. Services to Art: CM Wysseri Arestar
  5. Tactical Mind Award: LC Drake
  6. Web Masters Award: CM Aidan Pryde
Some of these awrds may seem alittle odd but atleast one of them was due to the ECR submissions. Anyhow, congratz to all. The website will be updated shortly after the report is sent out.
The Colossus Competition Compendium:

Today rounds off the last day of rthe MASS CONFLAG comp. You know the one where all pilots fly any free mission, albeit, XWA, XvT, TIE free missions, as it doesn't matter which ones you fly they all count. Only no battles will be counted for this round, sorry. HGK round #3 is drawing to a close today as well, I need one more tfr and then I'll be posting the result later on. Then we'll move onto the last round to see who will be the Colossus Grand Knight.

Lastly, ISDCA #3 is almost finished. So if you haven't flown TIE-TC Battle #151 - Rebel Prototypes yet then you'd better get busy. I'm trying to close out all comps before the holidays so we can have a beautiful stand down. So go get flying. From the time this report is sent, you'll have approximately 11 hours to fly by CST time. CMDR's make you reports to me as soon as your squads finish.
. The Colossus War Room:

Not much here. We haven't had a recent Wing vs Wing comp yet. This won't be happening until after Jan 1, 2002. So until then just be ready ti rumble.
The Big Deal:
One thing I need to mention here is that it would appear were doing something right. Because we have recently had several members to either request to come to the Colossus, or we've had new CT's come aboard as SL's graduating from the academy. This is a great thing. Not only that, we are seeing an abundance of people flock to the Colossus, picking up our numbers for the ship bringing it to a total of 41 with me of course :) All I can say here is keep up the good work, cuz we need more pilots to make us a bigger and better fighting team.

Now for the Colossus Authorized leave dates from the COM. Starting today the 23rd of DEC and running until the 26th is the X-Mas stand down, and from the 31st Dec to Jan 1, 2002 is the New Years stand down for the lot of you. So basically CMDR's don't expect alot of activity from your crews. Now if they by chance do some work best give them extra credit for it.
In Closing:

Personally, I don't know of another COM who is more proud of their ship as I am. You guys/gals are wonderful. As it really shows, especially from the amount of promotions that have recently been awarded. So congratz to MAJ Daniel Stephens, CM Wysseri Arestar, and LCM Samuel Shadd III. If I missed you I'm sorry. I'm hoping several more will be done soon, so stand by.

Finally, the COM and his family send their best wishes to the crew of the Colossus. May your holidays and New Years be filled with lots of joy, presents and happiness. And for god's sake don't get in trouble by getting to drunk (if your of age). Even if you don't celebrate those days, we send our best anyway :)

In the Service of the Empire,

COM-TCT-TCS/RA Absolut Vodka/ISD Colossus
A-Wing: Absolut Carnage

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