ISDII Colossus Report # 3 (2002-02-16)

This report was submitted by RA Absolut Vodka

ISD Colossus Ship Report

ISD Colossus Ship Report #3 (16 JAN 02)

From the desk of the Commodore:

Greetings all. Well as you may or may not have known I had come face to face with small bit of reality that everyone who owns a computer faces at one time or another. Several weeks ago I had a major HDD crashed, following a replacement HDD, my CPU burnt out. Well this left me stranded so to speak, with the only means of communication by e-mail. At the time it didn't seem like any real problem, until I started re-installing everything. My HDD of course is a dinosaur, about 2 years old, and the new MB and CPU wouldn't read it :(.

So left this left me blind again. So I had to install a new HDD, thus losing every piece of work I did over the last year. Cuz stupid me for got to back it up like I thought I had done. Oh well we learn from our mistakes I suppose. I must apologize for my inactivity, due to this reason. But I have responded to the emails which were sent to me. My lack of being on IRC has also been a alittle bug I'm working out, it seems that on several occasions my computer doesn't like to connect via IRC and tells me I've done something illegal :P and shuts down.

So needless to say I'm still troubleshooting my blasted comp. But I will be around from time to time on IRC unless this comp freaks on me and shuts it down. But lets not forget that I do have an email Address where you can contact me at anytime. In case you have forgotten its, ( I haven't much to say in this report since most if not all my recent info was lost to my HDD failure. But its getting back on track, so the reports will get better. Regards.
The Website:

Not much this time, as I've lost all my data, so I'll have to download everything from the heeart of the Colossus Domain and start over..

The Colossus Awards:

We let is be said again, I lost all my info so I can't remember who was gonna be chosen for the last two months :( if anyone remembers who they selected as nominations for the below categories then by all means please resubmit them to me show as the month they were rec'd for. (eg. December, January):
  1. December
    1. COM's Escort: TBA
    2. WC's Own: TBA
    3. Services to Literature: TBA
    4. Services to Art: TBA
    5. Tactical Mind Award: TBA
    6. Web Masters Award: TBA
  2. January
    1. COM's Escort: TBA
    2. WC's Own: TBA
    3. Services to Literature: TBA
    4. Services to Art: TBA
    5. Tactical Mind Award: TBA
    6. Web Masters Award: TBA
Again sorry for the dealy but as soon as I get enough responses for nominees for each month I will be posting them for all and seeing if we can get the awards sent out.
The Colossus Competition Compendium:

Okay here we go. This I'm not sure what the squadrons have going these days, but I can tell you that the ISDCA #4 is right around the corner so go get your fighters ready for action. Details as shown below. The fight for the Colossus Ace is on! Download the mission and go fly for your right to be the ISDCA Champ!

Next is the Colossus Elite 12 competion. Do you think you have what it takes be be superior? Do you think your flying skills will aid or help a squadron to defeat the best pilots from other wings? If you can say yes to these questions, then the Colossus Elite 12 is for you. Trials will start in the next day or so as soon as I put together the details.
  1. Competition: ISDCA #4
    1. Start/End Date: From 2/18/2002 until 2/25/2002 Midnight CST
    2. Mission to Fly: TIE-FREE Battle #187 - Great Ewok Hunt
    3. Who's flying?: All Colossus Pilots
    4. Comp Details: ISD Colossus Ace Comp #4. All pilots are slotted to fly including the COM. The Top Gun will receive the IS-SW and the second place pilot will receive the IS-BW.
    5. Extra Info: This is as it was submitted today to the TO's Office for approval
The Colossus War Room:

TBA I have to re-start talks with a couple of COM's and see if we can pick a fight :)
The Big Deal:
Nothing at this time, cuz from what I've seen we blew it due to the lack of particiaption in the BGCOM comp. Maybe next time we'll get better results.
In Closing:

Overall I have to say that I'm finally getting re-organized. Collecting my thoughts and gathering information to get stuff back in order. I hope to see more people participating in comps that are set out for us to do. Remember, we are watching, even though we may not be around as much as you like us be we see. I will try and make myself more available on IRC, but I don't make any promises, cuz I'm still working the kinks out of this knew computer.

But I will be flying the ISDCA comp and putting together the Colossus Elite team, so my activity will most certainly pick up. Lets just see if the rest of you match it. Why do I say? Cuz all I see in reports from CMDR's is that they are asking you to do atleast one mission or battle a week. To be honest thats not really hard to do at all, unless of course you've done them all, which I highly doubt anyone on the Colossus has done. Regards.

In the Service of the Empire,

COM-TCC:TIE/RA Absolut Vodka/ISD Colossus
A-Wing: Absolut Carnage

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