SSD Avenger Report # 5 (2003-07-27)

This report was submitted by RA Davi Anthol

SSD Avenger; Commodore Report #5


Operation Falcon Claw was drawing to an end, the current standing are below in the report. Next week the Avenger will go back to Aurora in EH Terrortories for a repair, relax and recouperation dock. To keep the pilots in shape though, the Commodore has something planned.

Aurora Standard Time; 14:07
Imperial Standard Time; 18:07
Current Co-ordinated; 12,78,02 - Location Fondor
Avenger Address System Activated....Transmitting



-=Avenger News=-

  • Myself, LC Zack and MAJ Jaron Kai did well to represent the ATF Flags in our trouncing of the Rat Pack, give a pat on the back to all the ATF Flags, i think we need a catchy name...damn Sovreign and there catchy names....
  • As stated earlier OP:FC is drawing to an end, i hope to keep you all in as much suspense as possible about the scores ;).
  • My new comp will start as soon as OP:FC has finished, a little less complex but enjoyable.
  • Phase Two of Operation Falcon Claw will start in September, it will be much cooler and more well organised this time though :D
  • ATF Meetings may soon become a reality, we await VA Khaen's descision, when they do start i want to see lots of Avenger presence.
  • Spectre Commander will soon be up for apps, check them out when we send them.
  • I've e-mailed the Commanders about MSE's, lets hope by the end of July all have been duly awarded.
  • In a special bulliten, your Commodore has flown both Single Player and Multiplayer...1000 extra nurse bots have been ordered to cope with the influx of fainting pilots ;)
  • I'm throwing around the idea of having an Avenger newspaper anyone interested in being a "journalist" can e-mail me, it will be silly stories mainly (like above) but will include things like competition standings and general Avenger Wide News :)

-=OP:FC Standings=-

Flayer Squadron - 90 points
Hunter Squadron - 80 points
Trapper Squadron - 40 points
Rage Squadron - 40 points
Storm Squadron - 35 points
Wraith Squadron - 15 point
Fury Squadron - 10 points

-=Avenger Competitions=-

Operation Falcon Claw (competition ID #682) - need the original e-mail? need the Word document? need help? mail me

Start Date (mm/dd/yy) - 7/1/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) - 7/31/2003
Parties Involved - Wing XIX and Wing XVIII
Missions/Battles Used - Any in the TC Battle Center
Medals to be Awarded - IS SW - 1st Place, completion of the most flying related missions. IS BW - 2nd Place, completion of the second most Flying Related Missions. IS SR - 1st Place, completion of the most writing/fiction/graphics related missions. IS BR - 1st Place, completion of the most writing/fiction/graphics related missions.

-=Wing Competitions=-

  • Wing XVIII

Failure to Impress (competition ID #744) - Being one of the only females in her Wing, and a Flag Officer to boot, Jaron Kai is subject to many attempts to catch her fancy for various reasons, most times in the hope of promotions or shiny decorations for the uniform. It is widely known that TIE pilots are usually not the most cultured of people, and all of these attempts have failed horribly, many in highly amusing ways. Write a story about the time that you tried to impress the Wing Commander for that promo, or upgrade to your quarters or whatever, and it went wrong. (Ladies, you may try to impress our male Commodore, RA Davi Anthol, or the guys can go at him too I suppose =P) Keep everything G-rated here, and note that Jaron's last two boyfriends (far in the past though they may be) met horrible fates, not that those fates have ever been tied to Jaron, but don't take any chances!

Start Date (mm/dd/yy) - 7/25/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) - 8/8/2003
Parties Involved - Members of Wing XVIII
Missions/Battles Used - N/A
Medals to be Awarded - IS-SR, IS-BR

Tribbles Tribbles Everywhere! (competition ID #657) - The highly eccentric new Wing XVIII Commander has declared that all members of her wing must now carry a lucky tribble with them everywhere. This poses a slight problem for the pilots, especially since the squirmy little things want nothing more than to escape. Any pilot caught without a tribble is subject to be beaten and assigned a particularly nasty Toothy Tribble. Create a story about a time your tribble got away, and a graphic showing the "tribble-holder" or other hands free method you choose to keep that moving cotton ball on your person at all times. The best fiction and graphic will earn an IS-SR, second place will earn IS-BRs. The fiction and graphic are submitted seperately, so the winning entries do not have to come from the same pilot.

Start Date (mm/dd/yy) - 6/23/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) - 8/7/2003
Parties Involved - Members of Wing XVIII, excluding the Wing Commander
Missions/Battles Used - N/A
Medals to be Awarded - 2 x IS-SR 2 x IS-BR

  • Wing XIX

XIX Flying Race III (competition ID #690) - The top two flyers of the month, first prize being awarded the IS-SW, and second place winning an IS-BR

Start Date (mm/dd/yy) - 7/1/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) - 7/31/2003
Parties Involved - all of Wing XIX
Missions/Battles Used - none specific
Medals to be Awarded - Iron Star-Silver Wings, Iron Star-Bronze Wings

Wing XIX Recruitment Competition (competition ID #689) - The top two recruiters of the month win.

Start Date (mm/dd/yy) - 7/1/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) - 7/31/2003
Parties Involved - All of Wing XIX
Missions/Battles Used - n/a
Medals to be Awarded - Iron Star - Silver Ribbon (1st place) Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (2nd place)

Note, Squadron Level comps should be posted in the respective Wing Report.


51 BSF's


2 LoC's


  • Promotions


  • Medals

The Palpatine Crescent has been awarded to:
CMDR/CPT Flelm/Wraith/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger

The Medal of Instruction has been awarded to:
WC/LC Thom Zack/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

The Iron Star - Gold Ribbon has been awarded to:
CMDR/CPT Colhar Jeth Sudar/Storm/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

  • Position Promotions
  • Joins

Flight Member, Sub-Lieutenant Joshua of Fury Squadron

Flight Member, Sub-Lieutenant Zack of Fury Squadron

Flight Member, Sub-Lieutenant Jus Zack of Trapper Squadron

Flight Member, Sub-Lieutenant Kel Setnya of Storm Squadron

-=Report Tracking=-

XIX Report - Recieved

XVIII Report - Recieved

-=Ending Comments=-

Well i can only but praise you all for your hard work and determination, one of my major goals is to see the Avenger "take on the fleet" so to speak, ergo i am currently promoting any Squad vs Squad or Wing vs Wing competition to see an Avenger squad beat another squad will prove to anyone who has there doubts about our incredible ship! I have mailed CMDR's about this and i hope you all look forward to my next comp :D

Thus Ends the Transmission

-=COM/RA Davi Anthol/SSD Avenger/Avenger Task Force=-



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