SSD Avenger Report # 0 (2002-12-23)

This report was submitted by VA ShadowHawk

Greetings, Avengers!
I am quite pleased with our progress! My goal was 102 by 2/10, and we are well on our way! We were at 77, now 85! Excellent progress, let's keep it up!
I'm also quite impressed by the number of comps that have crossed my desk this week!
Fury's "Design a Patch"
TK- 2107's comp for Chaos Pilots
Storm squadron
Flayer squadron
Hunter squadron

I'm intending to run the comp that Siterath and TK were discussing, the Chaos/Fury match. Details will be announced to the squadrons.
I like to see this kind of activity on the ship!

I'm not on leave, exactly, this week but won't be available the 24-26, though I'll check email on the 26th. I've always said RL comes first, that the EH should not interfere with anybody's job, school, or family life, and I am living that out this week.
Joyous Christmas to all of you, and safe travel if you do.

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