Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Commander Halcyon (#2119)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Battle Reviews: 7
Reviewed: 2003-03-11
Reviewed: 2003-03-11
No bugs, but just a run-of-the-mill mission. Nothing special to it. Very simple as well.
Reviewed: 2002-01-27
Reviewed: 2002-01-27
I had flown this mission before, and it was hilarious!! A great/original plotline with no bugs that I could find. Great mission!!
Reviewed: 2001-09-08
I have to say that this is one, if not THE best battle I've flown. Great storyline. I like it when everything doesn't go your way :) Also, flying all of the differnt craft is a great change of pace. Oh, and in mission #6, inspect the TUG! :P Can't wait for the next part of it (but why would anyone want to save the TAC? :P).
Reviewed: 2001-06-06
Reviewed: 2001-06-06
I give this is a 5 for two reasons. The first reason is the difficulty in actually destroying all the TUGS..and a T/A in a Tie Fighter. The second reason is the originality of this mission. Each difficulty level offers different misssion assignments, and I think for the first time ever, the higher scores are not found on hard difficulty, but instead on the lower levels. First time I've seen that. Great job!
Reviewed: 2001-03-22
Before someone went in and "fixed" this battle, it was a very simple battle and hence, easy FCHG points. Now, it is the spawn of satan :P This battle is HARD (at least on Hard). And yes, a battle should be hard on that difficulty, but when you spending hours upon hours just to complete and mission, never mind getting a high score, that's just too much for me. There nothing even original about this battle, so having to spend countless hours playing it is just useless. At least some battles that are nearly impossible, are at least interesting. Basically, steer clear if you could
Reviewed: 2000-08-07
This is a very well-made battle with a thought out plotline. I enjoyed playing it and it seems pretty realistic. Only complaint is a little easy. I'd give it a 4.5 if I could.
Reviewed: 2000-07-03
Reviewed: 2000-07-03
Great battle! I enjoyed it. Excellent briefings, what you would expect a flight officer to say in the EH. I loved having allof Praetorian out and battling alonside all of them. You don't see that often, a full squadron to support you. I had fun and anything with the Tie Praetor is good in my book. Great job Starn.

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