Reviewer Rating Profile

General Earnim Branet (#11276)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.3
Number of Battle Reviews: 4
Reviewed: 2019-07-31
Reviewed: 2019-07-31
A fun mission of recognition, identification and destruction. We must identify capital ships and transport that will not make our work easy for us, but that will challenge our ability as pilots, since the idea is to identify all the enemy ships to finally destroy them (preventing them from destroying us, of course). Recommended to have a challenging good time. Of course, we can raise or lower the level of difficulty according to our own taste.
Reviewed: 2019-07-30
Reviewed: 2019-07-30
Interesting battle. It is a confrontation between imperial and rebel ships where you have to destroy a capital ship and its defenders, which have names of the Star Trek series, The New Generation. But only the names. In general it is an easy, fast and simple battle, but pleasant for those who only like that, a good and simple battle against rebels without major complications or far-fetched goals. Recommended to have a good time, and then go to see our favorite Star Trek series.
Reviewed: 2019-07-28
Reviewed: 2019-07-28
It is an easy mission, but also challenging because you have to fight and at the same time meet secondary objectives to get the maximum score. You have to get away quickly from the factory and go immediately to inspect the objectives of the mission. Primary objectives can be completed quickly without fighting. In the secondary we must use our pilot skills to prevent them from destroying us while we finish the inspections. An easy and quick entertaining mission, but to which we can also increase the difficulty if we wish.
Reviewed: 2019-07-23
Reviewed: 2019-07-23
Good battle, with many waves of enemies and different types of enemy ships to face. The level of difficulty can be varied and thus have the possibility of increasing our final score. The focus is on eliminating as many enemy ships with the option of destroying the capital ships at the end, if we want to, but the waves of enemies will continue for the enjoyment of those who want to simply destroy the enemy. A simple story and some basic objectives, with guaranteed entertainment for those who just want a good battle to measure our pilot skills.

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