Join the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps

Thanks for your interest in joining the TIE Corps of the Emperor's Hammer, an online Star Wars gaming community founded in 1995. In order to join the Emperor's Hammer, the recruitment office needs to gather some information about you. Please fill out the following form in full. You will receive an automated email immediately after a successful submission.

After submitting your recruitment application, we encourage you to join the Emperor's Hammer Discord if you have not already done so.

Note: Returning former members should not submit a new membership request. Instead, please contact us on the Emperor's Hammer Discord for assistance in recovering your existing profile.

Please be original. Popular Star Wars character names are not accepted (names like Darth Vader, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Thrawn, Stele, etc). Titles, ranks, or honorifics like "Dark Lord", "Jedi Master", "Commander", etc. are also not acceptable. This is the name that will appear on your site profile and also be used for your Discord nickname. Please do not submit your real/legal name. Once your account is created, you will also have the opportunity to set a nickname.

Optional - This must be your Discord Username and will be added to your member profile so that we are able to contact you, not your Display name.

Optional - Has someone recruited you to the Emperor's Hammer? If so, please select their name here.

Optional - Unit refers to the active unit you wish to be assigned to after completing your training; you can check all available units on the rosters page. The selected unit must not already be full.

Optional - How did you find us?

Optional - Briefly describe Star Wars games you play and play styles. This information will help provide your first unit's commander some information about your interests. For example: Multiplayer PvP, Multiplayer PvE, competitive, tournaments, single player, custom missions, Star Wars: Squadrons, X-wing Alliance, etc...

Prospective members under the age of thirteen must receive parental constent to join the Emperor's Hammer. For more information, please review our privacy policy.

We'd just like to verify that you're a person. Please provide the answer as a number.