Firebird Report # 3 (2023-02-25)

This report was submitted by CMDR-TOA/COL Triji Boliv/Firebird/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III

Big Firebird Patch


Date: 25 February 2023
From: COL Triji Boliv To: AD Stryker
CC: TIE Corps



Captain Jaxx Nassin has agreed to fill in as our Squadron Executive Officer, and I am pleased to have him assisting me in this capactiy. Congratulations and thank you, Jaxx!

Not going to lie, yesterday was a great day to be the Commander of Firebird. Yesterday saw the return of Captain Travis "TI-40026" Cook, former leader of Flight 3, who has returned as a Flight Member in his beloved Brahmas. Welcome home, Travis!

Secondly, we welcomed Colonel Locke Setzer to Firebird as a Flight Member! Locke is a long time veteran of the Challenge having served aboard the ship in a number of roles over the years, including being her Commodore on at least one occasion! Very excited to have you back with us, Locke!

And that was just yesterday! Earlier this month, General Master, former Tactical Officer and another Challenge veteran returned from the Reserves and joined us as a Flight Member. Welcome back, Master!

SL Ort'u and LT Grei Mantil both transfered to the reserves abord the M/FRG Phoenix. Hopefully we will see them back in active duty soon!

Congratulations to Captain Jaxx Nassin and Liutenant Commander Badkid312 for both earning an Imperial Security Medal for their activity in January! Captain Cade "Taurus" Tezo earned an Imperial Secruity Medal as well for efforts in assisting TIE Corps pilots who were getting started in Elite Dangerous and expanding the reach and influence of the Emperor's Hammer. Great work all, keep it up!

There are a plethora of competitions running at the moment, some of which i'll highlight later. Until then, and for more information, make sure you check out the Competition Center for what's going on. There are lots of opportunities to appease me with activity that don't require a huge time commitment, as I know we're all busy!

Fleet News

Imperial Storm V kicks off on 1 March and is going to operate a little differently than in years passed. This year, the Battlegroups will be coordinating to fight against the Ishtari rather than battling each other, though combat will be resolved similarly to last year. So knock the dust off your flight sticks and lets get ready to represent Wing X and the Challenge proudly!

Sepctre Squadron has been activated with the intent of giving a home to pilots who don't want to go to the Reserves, but aren't able to commit to the activity requirements of a normal line squadron.

More big news out of the Training Office, a new Markdown Course! Markdown is a languged used for formatting apparently, and one I need to learn as it's used heavily here in the TIE Corps. Go take the course and keep RA Hogan busy grading them!

Emperor's Hammer and TIE Corps awards have received updated renders! Awesome work, spearheaded by RA Robert Hogan and MAJ Kalve Ryder can be appreciated by visiting the Medal Board page.

Two of our squadron commanders here aboard the Challenge were recently promoted! Congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel LegionX of Thunder and Captain Colo Delste of Tempest!

A number of squadron command changes since the last report. Epsilon is now being lead by Commander Nova Discordia, Rho by Captain Alexandre Morgan, Eagle by Colonel Miles Prower, and Lambda by Major Solohan50. Congratulations on your new responsibilities!


As mentioned, there are a ton of competiitons running at the moment, but here I'll highlight a few relelvant to us in Battlegroup III specifically:

  • Trivia for The Challenged - 2023 Season 1 is an ongoing trivia competion hosted by the BGCOM, AD Stryker, where 4 questions are asked weekly. Lately it's been about craft from the Star Wars universe, but who knows what will be asked next!

  • Stryker's Simulator Shenanigans is a weekly Battlegroup get together that will run for the full year. Currently they are scheduled for Sundays at 3pm EST, but check Discord as the time may change as we try to find the sweet spot where the greatest number of pilots can participate.


This is just a few of the ongoing competitions, see the TIE Corps Competition Center for a complete list!


Last month was pretty good with activity. This month is looking pretty good as well! Excited to see what we can do in IS5!



I want to apologize now for all the reminiscing going on in Firebird chat. But some of us have some catching up to do!

COL Triji Boliv signing off....

Always remember:

Honor the Past, but look to the future!

COL Triji Boliv

CMDR-TOA/COL Triji Boliv/Firebird/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
Sx3/BSx8/PCx10/ISMx14/IAR/MoT-gh-bh/MoI/MoS/MUA/IS-GW-7SW-5BW-2GR-SR-3BR-3CR/ORA/LoC-IS/LoS-1PS/DFC/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-22E [Centurion] [Marksman 3rd] [Campaigner 2nd] {TCCORE-MCBS-MP/2-SM/2/3/5-TM/1-XAM}


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