TIE Corps Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2

Competition ID #: 3487
Status: Finished
Submitted by: LC Vapen Van’an
Competition dates: 2022-12-01 - 2023-03-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

For 4 months, each month a new puzzle will be announced and pilots will compete for the best time with medals up for grabs for the top four fastest pilots as well as points accrued. At the end of each season, the top five pilots with the most points accrued will earn medals based on performance. In the event of a tie, the tie breaker will go to the pilot with the most 1st place wins.

Rules: Screenshots need to show the number of pieces from the bottom-left corner of the screen, the time shown in the middle, and the completed puzzle. Working through the puzzle multiple times and using all the options available in the app are allowed, except one: Don't change the number of pieces from 80. Pilots are encouraged to create a profile on https//www.jigsawplanet.com/ for extra fun and competition.

When you're satisfied with your time, take a screenshot and send it to vapinvanman@gmail.com. One entry per pilot, multiple submissions will not be accepted and only the first submission will be counted.

Have fun pilots!

Competition awards:

Each month:
1st = 5 points and awarded the IS-GR
2nd = 4 points and awarded the IS-SR
3rd = 3 points and awarded the IS-BR
4th = 2 points and awarded the IS-CR
Everyone else = 1 point

Season: (most points and if tied on points decided by most monthly wins):
1st = IS-PR
2nd = IS-GR
3rd = IS-SR
4th = IS-BR
5th = IS-CR

Pilots will earn an ORA for completing every puzzle in the season.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GR COL TheBlackxRanger For getting second place in the season for Part 2 of the Jigsaw Puzzle 2023-04-03
IS-GR CM Lenan-she Chaabar For first place in the March jigsaw puzzle 2023-04-03
IS-GR CM Lenan-she Chaabar For the fastest puzzle solve time in the third month of TIE Corps Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2 2023-03-03
IS-GR CM Lenan-she Chaabar For earning first place in the January Jigsaw Puzzle, I award the IS-GR. 2023-02-05
IS-GR CM Lenan-she Chaabar For earning First Place in the TIE Corps Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2. 2023-01-02
IS-SR VA Robert Hogan For getting third place in the season for Part 2 of the Jigsaw Puzzle 2023-04-03
IS-SR VA Robert Hogan For second place in the March jigsaw puzzle 2023-04-03
IS-SR COL TheBlackxRanger For earning second place in the January Jigsaw Puzzle, I award the IS-SR. 2023-02-05
IS-SR COL TheBlackxRanger For earning Second Place in the TIE Corps Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2. 2023-01-02
IS-BR COL Aardvark For getting fourth place in the season for Part 2 of the Jigsaw Puzzle 2023-04-03
IS-BR COL Aardvark For third place in the March jigsaw puzzle 2023-04-03
IS-BR CPT Ryuzokin For the third fastest puzzle solve time in the third month of TIE Corps Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2 2023-03-03
IS-BR COL Aardvark For earning third place in the January Jigsaw Puzzle, I award the IS-BR. 2023-02-05
IS-BR COL Aardvark For earning Third Place in the TIE Corps Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2. 2023-01-02
IS-CR CPT Ryuzokin For getting fifth place in the season for Part 2 of the Jigsaw Puzzle 2023-04-03
IS-CR CPT Ryuzokin For fourth place in the March jigsaw puzzle 2023-04-03
IS-CR VA Robert Hogan For the fourth fastest puzzle solve time in the third month of TIE Corps Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2 2023-03-03
IS-CR VA Robert Hogan For earning fourth place in the January Jigsaw Puzzle, I award the IS-CR. 2023-02-05
IS-CR VA Robert Hogan For earning Fourth Place in the TIE Corps Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2. 2023-01-02
ORA LC andr3 For completing all 4 puzzles in the season for Jigsaw Pt 2 2023-04-04
ORA GN Coranel Both For completing all 4 puzzles in the season for Jigsaw Pt 2 2023-04-03
ORA COL Farrin Xies For completing all 4 puzzles in the season for Jigsaw Pt 2 2023-04-03
ORA LC Legion Ordo For completing all 4 puzzles in the season for Jigsaw Pt 2 2023-04-03
ORA CM Lenan-she Chaabar For completing all 4 puzzles in the season for Jigsaw Pt 2 2023-04-03
ORA VA Robert Hogan For completing all 4 puzzles in the season for Jigsaw Pt 2 2023-04-03
ORA CPT Ryuzokin For completing all 4 puzzles in the season for Jigsaw Pt 2 2023-04-03