Firebird Report # 1 (2022-12-28)

This report was submitted by CMDR-TOA/COL Triji Boliv/Firebird/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III

Big Firebird Patch


Date: 28 December 2022
From: COL Triji Boliv To: AD Stryker
CC: TIE Corps



Welcome to my first report as Firebird's Commander. It's been an interesting first month! Due to the holidays, its been rather quiet for the most part, and I hope everyone has been enjoying time with family and friends! I am looking forward to next month where things around here should start picking up again, and a new shipwide competition will be starting!

First and foremost, let's all welcome Grei Mantil to Flight 3! Grei came in hot and completed their INPR right out of the gate and quickly earned a promotion to Lieutenant! Congratulations!

This month did see the transfer of LT Saeko Shan and SL Amilneni to the reserves abord the M/FRG Phoenix. We look forward to their return to active duty when their schedules allow!

Captain Tezo decided (literally) last minute to stay with us here in Firebird rather than transfer to the reserves. I know that I personally am very pleased with this decision as he is a valuable asset to any squadron. He has agreed to fill the role of Flight 3 Leader and continue serving the squadron in a leadership capacity. On behalf of the whole squdaron, danke schön Taurus!

Colonel Niksa Vel was awarded his Order of the Vanguard-25th Echelon for two and a half decades of service to the Emperor's Hammer! Congratulations seems like an understatement!

Lieutenant Commander Badkid312 earned a new PvP Combat Rating of Marksman 3rd!

Fleet News

Congratulatons to TheBlackxRanger who was promoted to the position of Reconnaissance Officer yesterday!

SW The Old Republic has been added as a primary game for the EH TIE Corps! This means you can play PvP and PvE matches in this game for activity and awards!

As of 1 January, Captain KEBLAOMEGA will be stepping down as Commander of Beta Squadron. Commander neurotictim will be setpping up to take the lead of that squadron, so make sure to congratulate them if you see them!

The Challenge's very own Major LegionX has produced a new Imperial University course on the History of the Mandalores. I haven't taken it yet, but I strongly encourage you all to take it or any IU course. They're great and I'm not at all saying that because I'm a TOA. Trust me(TM)!

For those who aren't aware, our BGCOM, Admiral Silwar Naiilo, was promoted to the position of Combat Operations Officer, Admiral Stryker was promoted to fill his role as Battlegroup III Commander, and Commander Atashi Rain to fill the vacancy as Raven Commander. Congratulations to all of them on their new positions!


Nothing at the moment due to the holidays, but stand by for information coming soon about a new ship-wide competition!

I would like to run some squadron competitions as well, so please drop me a line on discord or by email and let me know what kind of things you'd like to do with the squadron?


Ongoing Competitions Competitions Ending Soon! This is just a few of the ongoing competitions, see the TIE Corps Competition Center for a complete list!


As I mentioned in the notice on Discord, my only expectations are for all of us to have fun and participate. That is after all, why we're here. If you're not feeling it, or real life is doing what it does, just let me know so we can talk about it.

I'm around pretty regularly on Discord, and always by email if you prefer. Any quesions, comments, concerns, or feedback are appreciated. My job is to help you guys enjoy your time in the TC.



I know it's been a pretty quiet month for most of us, but I am looking forward to what Firebird has to offer in the coming months. I have a few ideas for competitions for the squadron, but they are mostly the things that I like doing, so please give me some ideas on what you all would like to do as well.

I am currently looking for a Squadron Executive Officer, and am opening position fleet wide. So if anyone is interested, or knows of someone I should be speaking to who's looking for an opportunity to take a leadership step, please let me know!

Last but not least, my thanks to Captain Cade Tezo for allowing me to steal utilize his report template, because I am crap at creative things, and Commander Atashi Rain for helping me with adjusting the code of the template to my infantile HTML abilities!

COL Triji Boliv signing off....

Always remember:

Honor the Past, but look to the future!

COL Triji Boliv

CMDR-TOA/COL Triji Boliv/Firebird/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
SSx3/BSx6/PCx10/ISMx14/IAR/MoT-gh-bh/MoI/MUA/IS-7SW-5BW-SR-3BR-CR/ORA/LoC-IS/LoS-1PS/DFC/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-22E [Centurion] [Marksman 3rd] [Campaigner 2nd] {TCCORE-MCBS-MP/2-SM/2/3/5-TM/1-XAM}


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