Tempest Report # 26 (2021-01-22)

This report was submitted by CMDR-COOA-IOA/COL Silwar Naiilo/Tempest/Wing X/ISDII Challenge

ISD-II Challenge

Tempest Squadron

Blown with the Wind #26

Tempest Banner

From: COL Silwar Naiilo
To: LC Denys Elara
CC: HA Anahorn Dempsey
Submitted: 2021-01-22
For Dates: 2021-01-03 - 2021-01-21

From the Desk of Silwar Naiilo
The uniform of Silwar Naiilo, #12630

This begins the first week of the Chalquilla Cup, a fleet-wide competition pitting squadrons against each other in 3v3 teams. This round, we're facing another Wing X squadron team, Eagle Squadron led by Graf D'Jinn. It looks like our match is planned for this Friday evening, 1700 PST.

In personal news, I've had a minor incident and have been in the medbay for a few days. LC Phalk Sturm has smoothly taken the helm as acting XO. If anyone is interested in the position of XO, contact me; it does not require being a Flight Leader, but rather is a sort of second-in-command in case I'm not reachable for a given time. For you overachievers, you can find out more in the SM/5 Squadron Management course.

The ISDII Challenge confronts an MC-75

'The ISDII Challenge confronts an MC-75', art by LCM Neko. Don't forget to take part in the coloring competition, 'Stay In the Lines'!

Flight [object Object] ship

Flight 1: Storm Knights

With this lance I judge, for he that dies pays all debts

Badge icon for ColonelCOL Silwar Naiilo
Email, Discord
Flight Activity:
Star Wars Squadrons PvP, XvT PvP
Submitted Approved Competitions:
Submitted competition approved : ID# 3242
Launched 3v3 Squadrons League
On medical leave the last week.
Medals Awarded: 42x LoC; 1x SS; 1x IS-GW; 1x IS-SW
Icon for locIcon for ssIcon for is-gwIcon for is-sw
Badge icon for Lieutenant CommanderLCM Marek Ny`Irfa
On leave.
Medals Awarded: 1x IS-GW; 2x IS-BW; 1x IS-SW
Icon for is-gwIcon for is-bwIcon for is-sw
Badge icon for Lieutenant CommanderLCM Neko
Personal check-ins
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP
Plenty of activity leading to a PC, and a well-deserved IS-GW for participating in TCiB!
Medals Awarded: 1x PC; 1x IS-GW; 3x LoC
Icon for pcIcon for is-gwIcon for loc
Badge icon for Lieutenant CommanderLCM Iam Thinking
Personal check-ins
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP
Several more Squadrons wins led to an ISM, and an IS-GW for participating in TCiB.
Medals Awarded: 1x ISM; 1x IS-GW
Icon for ismIcon for is-gw
Badge icon for Lieutenant CommanderLCM Richlet
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP
New Combat Rating:
Marksman 3rd
Thorough flight reports, plenty of Squadrons, and upgraded hardware to go with his new FL position.
Medals Awarded: 26x LoC; 1x PC; 1x IS-GW
Icon for locIcon for pcIcon for is-gw
Badge icon for LieutenantLT EchoVII
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PVP
New Combat Rating:
Marksman 2nd
Lots of Squadrons, a BFM course, and a Bronze Star to boot. Looking forward to the Chalquilla Cup!
Medals Awarded: 21x LoC; 1x BS; 1x IS-GW; 1x IS-SR
Icon for locIcon for bsIcon for is-gwIcon for is-sr
Badge icon for Sub-LieutenantSL CzR
Email, Discord
Updated INPR
Welcome to the finest squadron in the fleet, SL CzR! You'll make LT in no time.
Badge icon for CaptainCPT Kalve Ryder
Significant work on designing and leading the discussion for the new TIE Corps logo.
Badge icon for Lieutenant ColonelLC Phalk Sturm
Email, Discord
Flight Activity:
TIE missions, XWA missions, XWA PvP, Squadrons PvP
Submitted Reviews:
XWA-TC 68, TIE-TC 67, TIE-free 92, XWA-free 75
New Combat Rating:
Completed Battles:
TIE-free 92, XWA-free 75
The report is running out of room for all of your medals. The Ewoks ae working overtime in the iron mines. Looking forward to many more PvP encounters!
Medals Awarded: 1x BS; 1x IS-GW; 4x LoC; 3x IS-SW; 3x IS-BW; 1x IS-BR; 1x IS-GR
Icon for bsIcon for is-gwIcon for locIcon for is-swIcon for is-bwIcon for is-brIcon for is-gr
Badge icon for LieutenantLT Morgoth
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP
New Combat Rating:
Marksman 2nd, Marksman 3rd, Marksman 4th, Certified
Possibly the most LoCs I've ever seen in a report. Tremendous work, LT, and a well-earned Commendation of Bravery.
Medals Awarded: 76x LoC; 1x CoB
Icon for locIcon for cob
Badge icon for Sub-LieutenantSL Jax
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP
Has some LoCs in the queue - let's try to get some flights in together sometime!
The Chalquilla Cup I until 20201-04-01 for the Entire TC.

3-person teams with up to 3 subs will sign up by January 14 and take part in 3v3 battles in Star Wars Squadrons.

Stay In the Lines until 2021-12-31 for the Entire TC.

Choose any of the art in Tempests' WSRs, color it, and email it to Silwar. Awards monthly.

January COO Objective Scramble: Squadrons Dogfight until 2021-01-31 for the Entire TC.

Submit your highest kill game in Dogfight mode.

COO's Star Wars Challenge Episode VII - 2021 until 2021-12-31 for the Entire TC.

Accumulate the most missions in a Star Wars branded approved multiplayer platform. You may submit PvP battles (Legion of Combat) or PvE battles (Legion of Skirmish).

Pimp my TIE until 2021-01-31 for the entire TC.

Create a graphic externall and internally of any TIE fighter

Warrior Banner until 2021-01-31 for the Entire TC.

Design a new banner for the Warrior.

Trivia for the Challenged until 2021-12-31 for the ISD-II Challenge.

Star Wars trivia, run by COL Stryker.

Galactic Linguist until 2021-11-31 for the Entire TC.

Decrypt messages in languages from across the Galaxy.

The TIE Pilot Podcast until 2021-12-31 for the Entire TC.
In Closing
This January saw a tremendous number of engagements flown, with LT EchovII, LT Morgoth, LCM Richlet, LC Phalk Sturm, and SL Jax proving that we have a formidable squadron. We have another fleet-wide competion coming in the coming months to prepare for, but in the meantime, we have assembled a fine team for the Chalquilla Cup. I've got a couple days left in the medbay, but we're in the capable hands of LC Phalk in the meantime. A CMDR couldn't ask for a better group of pilots.

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