TCCOM Report # 1 (2009-01-24)

This report was submitted by TCCOM/FA Jarek La'an/SSSD Sovereign

TC Commander Report #1
14th November 2008


Whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger im told, although how a week of illness and misery can do so is still a mystery to me! Regardless of the fairly miserable RL week ive had I am very happy at this point in terms of the TIE Corps amd our current state and functionality. The last week has seen a number of very significant changes with regards to our SG and the wider EH, as well as a number of major roster changes, all of which I will of course detail in the rest of this report.

First off, theobservant amongst you will have noted that this report is TCCOM #1 and also copied to the TC Commander MB. This is a result of the CS restructure that has been in the planning stages for several months and has finally been implemented. The full details are explained in the XOs report so i won't add to confusion by adding my own explanation. Suffice to say each subgroup commander of the EH - DIR, DB, Fringe, TC and HF - now occupies a position of CS status, not Imperial Advisor as before. In the old system the position of FO was also TCCOM, a CS and an IA position doing the same job. To remove the TC emphasis on every command office and to bring the TC in line with every other subgroup, the title of TCCOM has now been officially promoted and the title of Flight Officer consigned to history. This will no doubt take some getting used to but it is little more than a change of name, Im still performing the same duties and still hold the same responsibilities within the TC.

Another important factor in the CS restructure has been the resultant move to grant the TC a more independent group of senior officers to handle solely TC medals and comps etc, in the stead of the EH-wide OPS or TO. To this end the TC will be gaining a triumvirate of senior officers above the COM level, at this point in the planning this will include the TCCOM, a SOO and a DEAN. SOO is a title crafted by myself, standing for Strategic Operations Officer, to all intents and purposes this position will be the TC XO. DEAN is a position formerly integral to the TC and responsible for TC IWATS courses, this position will thus be responsible for the IWATS and all training activities in the TC. I already have officers in mind for both positions but we are still in the planning stage so any further progress will be reported as and when it happens.

On a slightly more negative note I was unfortunately forced to take action with regards to Elite squadrons, removing both incumbent commanders from their posts. Whilst both have served admirably in the past, recent problems and my need for elite squadrons to act as paradigms of activity and lead by example have seen a divergence in needs. To this end both were thanked for their service and reassigned as FMs in their squadrons. I have already welcomed HA Frodo March into the position of Prae CMDR, and thank him for the sacrifice of his HA rank to take on the job as COL Frodo March. I have had no luck, however, in finding an Omega CMDR to date. The position is a critical one and the longer the squad is without a CMDR the mroe untenable the squad will become. I ask only for the basic elite requirements (+400 FCHG and min rank of CM) and an officer with drive and direction to take on this challenge, especially at so critical a time for the TC as a whole.

Unfortunately this is not the only change in CMDR status over the last few days, CPT Crsepe of Thunder was relieved of duty and LC Quincy Nelson chose to retire from his long tenure as Fury CMDR. VA Gunman also retired from his position as Commodore of the MC80B Redemption. All officers have my thanks for their service and my hope that they will continue to contribute in other ways available to them. With the IW standing at only two squadrons I am content for now to leave COL Yoda as sole flag, the appointment of a COM at this stage would likely yield little return for significant loss from any one of our squadrons. Thunder and Fury CMDR apps must of course go to the requisite flags. SHould any email info be needed I can of course be reached at .

With regards to last month's AWOL check I am happy to see no further AWOLs in the period since, although activity is still markedly quiet on many fronts. The Raise the Flag competition will be kicking off in 10 days time, starting on the 24th and running for 14 days. The scoring guidelines will be released in a mini report in a few days time so that everyone can start figuring out tactics and strategies. I am hopeful that this will allow all of us to show the rest of the EH that the TC is still the dominant force in the subgroups, technological terror or no.

Database eta has been cut to the next few weeks after significant progress by the IO, AD Stryfe. Full details can be found in the FCs latest report and we can all be optimistic that massively increased functionality will have a knock on effect with regards to activity, recruitment, and long term planning. I am certainly pleased to see evidence of advancement and I look forward to the next few steps.

For the sake of my sanity I will again repeat all previous info regarding BSFs and Bylaws. All pilot files should be passed to a CMDR/WC as procedure demands, these will then be sent on to the TAC at The absence of a database is no doubt a blow to us but should by no means affect the day to day activities of squadrons.

Once again i would like to draw attention to recent EH admin changes, the EH Bylaws have been updated to reflect changes in the legal standing of the EH that in effect guarantee a defined stance in the case of any future problems. I would recommend that all officers familiarise themselves with the full and updated regulations at

MWEs are due and I am well aware that Flags are pressing CMDRs for their files. I would remind all involved that these are a very basic component of a CMDRs duties and i would expect a prompt response and no excuses - theyre not a surprise and theyre incredibly easy to compile!

TC Roster Changes

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman -> Praetorian 3-2
HA Frodo March -> COL Frodo March -> Praetorian 1-1
GN Abel Malik -> Praetorian 3-1
MAJ Mark Schueler -> Omega 3-2
CPT Azurin Luna -> Pending Reassignment
CPT Crsepe -> Thunder 2-1
CM Talon Jade -> Blue 3-2
VA Gunman -> COL Gunman -> Blue 2-4
LC Quincy Nelson -> Fury 2-1
COL Zosite -> Cyclone 1-1
LCM Vitaru -> Cyclone 2-1

FO Competitions

RtF in 10 days (24/11/08)

Important Links

TIE Corps Roster -
EH News Page -
EH Message Boards -
TC SP Kill Board -
EH Bylaws -
TC Mission Compendium -
TTT2 Uniform Creator -

In Closing

A largely positive week that will be buoyed by RtF details in the coming days. Weve had more major changes but I believe that theyre all in the best interest of the TC as a whole so i have zero qualms about making them. Cosmetic changes have also occurred but look to something a lot more substantial in comng weeks as the TC command group is finalised and implemented.

Until next week, in service,

TCCOM/FA Jarek La'an

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