Epsilon Report # 2 (2023-04-16)

This report was submitted by CMDR/CM Nova Discordia/Epsilon/Wing I/ISDII Hammer/Battlegroup I

Epsilon Squadron Report

Epsilon PatchEPSILON SQUADRON REPORT #2Epsilon Patch

TO: Rear Admiral Genie
REPORTING PERIOD: 01/03/23-16/04/23

Epsilon PatchFROM THE HANGAREpsilon Patch

LCM Nova Discordia saluted Rear Admiral Genie as he arrived in the Epsilon squadron mess. A number of pilots were enjoying the various diversions they had managed to smuggle on-board or stash somewhere on the ISD Hammer. Nova herself looked somewhat crumbled after a busy night, which had left her feeling like a Bantha had sat on her head. The last thing she needed was a surprise visit from the top brass.

Casting an experienced eye around the room, and missing nothing, RA Genie said “I see the rumours are true, Commander. Epsilon really is the squadron for troublemakers, roustabouts, flyboys and the lost and the damned.”

Trying to stand to attention, Nova resisted the urge to say what she wanted to say, and simply said “No Sir. We just fight and play hard, Sir.”

“I’ve also heard that too Commander.” RA Genie grinned. “Carry on, pilot.”

“Yes Sir!” replied Nova, grinning back.

Epsilon PatchSQUADRON NEWSEpsilon Patch

Welcome pilots and I hope this finds you all well. Its been a busy few weeks here at Epsilon Squadron, and I am pleased to say that Epsilon contributed well to STORM V. Special thanks go to CM Isagar Sho’oter and LCM Lenan-she Chaabar for the huge efforts they made in flying PvP and PvE missions during the month of March.

Our squadron competition ‘Ancient Latin to the Rescue’ was well received, and thank you to all who sent suggestions in for our new motto’s and nicknames – special thanks here go to MAJ Witcher, for a great selection of new nicknames and motto’s, which you can see on our Squadron listing now.

GN Coranel Both and LCM Lenan-she Chaabar have been ably representing us all with submissions for the Crossword and Puzzle competitions, so thank you both!

Most recently, I am pleased to announce that Flight Leader Isagar Sho’oter has been promoted to full Commander – a very well deserved promotion. We also have a new squadron fiction competition, which starts on the 20th April, 2023 (see below) which I hope you will all consider having a go at.

Myself and LCM Lenan-she Chaabar have been enjoying playing with other TC pilots, SWTOR, which is free to play – so why not join us? The last few weeks have not been without some ‘interesting’ times however and we had to say farewell to CM Constellation Hoshiteru as our SQXO and as a member of the TC, but we continue to be the great community that we are.

Looking forward to May, I am currently recruiting for a new SQXO to support Epsilon if any of you are interested in applying, plus I am planning some new competitions for us, so lots to look forward to! In closing, after such a busy March, I hope you are all enjoying a more relaxed few weeks – keep an eye out for competitions where you can, and if possible, fly some missions! If you need any help with anything, you know where I am – Fly Safe, Nova.

Epsilon PatchSTANDING ORDERSEpsilon Patch

I am requesting that you reach out to either myself or your FL at least once a week either through email, through Discord DMs or via the squadron Discord channel.

As a minimum participation I would like t o see at least ONE PvP/PVE/SP mission flown and/or a competition/club activity listed EVERY Month. Failure to participate, even a little will highly limit your ability to enjoy the experience of the TC, or indeed follow what is actually happening - equally you run the risk of being transferred to the RSVs as inactive unless you tell us otherwise. Also, please DO tell me if you are participating in ways which might not show up on your records, so I can ensure you receive proper credit for your hard work!

The people you need to reach out to at least once per week are as follows:

Flight 1 – CMDR Nova Discordia (CMDR)
Flight 2 – TBC (FL/SQXO)
Flight 3 - LCM Isagar Sho'oter(FL)

Epsilon PatchROSTEREpsilon Patch
Epsilon Squadron stands at 9 pilots strong, which is one down from our last report sadly -I hope to see Epsilon's number remain high, but where required by the review process be advised that I won't shy away from making clear recommendations on transfers, although this will ALWAYS only follow on from direct contact with pilots who are at risk of transfer to the reserves. Likewise, if anyone wishes to depart the squadron please let me know and we can take the required admin action, rather than drifting out of touch over a period of months.

I would ask that all of you look at recruiting, as we have two empty pilot seats, I like to see filled as soon as possible.

Links to current large-scale competitions are below, follow them for full details!

Battlegroup I Competitions: None Currently
Squadron Competitions: The Epsilon Chronicles – Assurian Halo Campaign (from 20th April)
TIE Corps Competitions: Be sure to check out all the running competitions. As Epsilon you are eligible to compete as follows: under "Units Involved" it must be listed as "Entire TC", "Battlegroup I", "Wing I" or "Epsilon Squadron".

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