Zeta Report # 1 (2001-06-14)

This report was submitted by CM Jene Starwind


Good Afternoon Zeta,
I have only received two checks: from Lt. Autoris Maximus and Lt. Zbyl. If the rest of the Squadron Doesn't respond soon, I might have to start doing AWOL checks(Don't make me do that!!)

I have a few annoucements for you. I would like to congratulate Lt. Andre Parafonte for doing so many battles in a week.

I would also want to congratulate Lt. Autoris Maximus for being such a model pilot.He has done so much for the Squadron, it's too bad he is already a FL.

Speaking of FL's.....Yes, I have to choose the next FL. Whoever shows they can do it, will get that position. It's mostly between LCM Chief, LT Andre Parafonte, and Lt Coopfreak. Lets do some free missions and show me!! How about....FREE-XWA 26: Lost in Space. A new mission, but said to be a lot of fun. Whoever Gets the highest score, gets FL.

COMP. UPDATES: LT Zbyl and LT Autoris Maximus have turned in TC-XWA 1 for the Comp. I want one from everyone!! Hurry UP! GET IT DONE SOON!!!

AWOL notes: I need to hear from CM Death Angel, LCM Chief, and LT Dandesh Fendar. If I dont hear from any of you in a week, I might have to demote or even "CUT THE FAT"!! >:-(

Anyone that feels there not going to be on the computer at lest once a week, should e-mail and tell me so.


CM Jene Starwind, The perfect pilot. Always right and Always there to help. He's a Smart and hansome man, age 17, Leo........He's DA MAN!!!

CM Death Angel, I want you to do some TC-XWA, or FREE-XWA missions or we will never get any more Citations! You only have TIE missionsa done. Thjats good, But we are a XWA squadron. Any problem, email me.

LT Zbyl, you are one of one of the two to send me a TC-XWA 1 yet. Come on people get that done!!!!!

LCM Chief, Why haven't you turned anything in recently? Talk to Me!!

LT Andre Parafonte, good work! I would like to see a lot of what you're from the other pilots!

LT Autoris Maximus, Thanks for responding. I already emailed you back. Good Work also. Also, thank you for turning in TC-XWA 1. you're the model pilot.

LT CoopFreak, I would like to see a lot of TC-XWA out of you.remember, you're a FL-elect. Contact me soon!!

LT Dandesh Fendar, you're never on and never turn in any missions or battles. If I have no response from you, you are out of here!!!


Watch out for Koph! In there last report, Firebird said that were next so watch your backs!! So....While Koph and Shin are having a Comp., Get Ready!! Got It? Good. I would still like to see that TC-XWA 1 from all of you execpt LT Zbyl and LT Autoris Maximus who already handed that in.

COMMANDER: CM Jene Starwind (Jenestarwind0@yahoo.com)
NICKNAME: The Silent Killers
BANNER: zeta.jpg
MOTTO: Stealth... our tool. Silence... our mode. Destruction... what we leave behind.
HOMEPAGE: http://www.geocities.com/zetatc2000/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=52&v=1&s=0

Nickname: The Shadow of the Reaper
Motto: Swift, Silent, Cunning...
1) CM Jene Starwind (Jenestarwind0@yahoo.com)
2) CM Death Angel (Nykyos@yahoo.com)
3) TBA
4) LT Zbyl (zbyl@box43.pl)

Nickname: The Fires of the Apocalypse
Motto: With Death As Our Ally!
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) LCM Chief (akcrox@swbell.net)
4) LT Andre Parafonte (DayDrew@aol.com)

Nickname: The Strength of the Annhilation
Motto: May The Strongest Prevail!
1) LT Autoris Maximus (snpr285@aol.com)
2) LT CoopFreak (JCFreak345@aol.com)
3) TBA
4) LT Dandash Fendar (matt4tigers@aol.com)

Total: 8
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (14)

Squadron Citations (7):
TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
TC-XWA Battle 4 - Privateer
TC-XWA Battle 5 - Show of Force
TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
TC-XWA Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
TC-XWA Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
TC-XWA Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal

I want to clean up the roster. email me with your requests for squadron assignments.

If anything here is wrong, please email me. I still need a check from everyone but Zbyl and Maximus.

Thank you, and I hope my first report here is satisfactory.

Your excelent CMDR,
CM Jene Starwind
CMDR/CM Jene Starwind/Zeta/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign

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