Samekh Report # 28 (2001-06-10)

This report was submitted by MAJ Wil_Striker

SAMEKH Squadron Report #28

CMDR/MAJ Wil_Striker Reporting on 6-10-01 for Samekh Squadron in Wing V

Welcome our newest addition
LCM Owen Wolfstar, a former Wing V member that transferred to Falcon Squadron for what he was led to believe was a better opportunity, has returned to Wing V, and asked to be a part of Samekh! LCM Wolfstar is an extremely active pilot, and has promised to keep my inbox full of pilot files from now on. He holds a reputation for submitting a total of 88 missions in one week! Anyone care to try and knock him off of that pedestal? ;)

Pilot of the Week
Starting this week I will be selecting a pilot from the squadron that has distinguished him, or her, self in some way from the rest of the squadron. This week’s pilot of the week happens to be our newest pilot: LT Sancho! Well done LT! His dedication to show his activity and be a part of the squadron from the day he first joined the EH, and then carry it over into his new home here in Samekh has been an inspiration. Once again, well done LT! 

Samekh has demonstrated a great deal of activity this week, lots of pilot files for submission (120 total missions submitted!), medals awarded, promotions, and a new pilot as well. Things are really starting to turn around in terms of activity, morale, and in strength as well as we are now up to 9 pilots! Thanks to all this activity this week, we now have a Battle Citation! Drinks are on me this week!

We are still in need of new pilots gentlemen. LCM Soontir Fel is working with a couple of CT’s right now to help get them through training, so we need more like this from the rest of the squadron. Let’s go get those new recruits pilots! ;) We only need three more pilots and we’ll be a full squadron again!

Wil_Striker`s Wise Word`s of The Week..... "Just when things look bad, someone always comes along to pick you back up! :P"

Wing V vs. Wing VI Comp Results
Since Wing VI failed to submit any results for our comp against them, Wing V is declared the winner. Well done Wing V, even though we would have beaten even if they had submitted results. :P

Wing V vs. Wing I Comp
June 1st - June 30th , Wing V vs. Wing I:

-- Fly TC-TIE Battle #163.
-- Laserless scoring.
-- Average laserless score of each wing's top 12 scoring pilots will determine the wing
-- Top scorer in each wing will receive IS-SW; runnerup in each wing, IS-BW.
-- Pilot files due by June 30th at the latest.

Good luck to all pilots!


SovMan Competition
What's that? Up in the sky? Faster than a speeding T/B!
Stronger than the odor of Crusher the Hutt! Able to leap tall Jawas in a single bound!
It's a mynock! It's a Star Destroyer!'s SOVMAN!!!!

To protect his secret identity, SovMan lives as a mild-mannered TIE pilot. But when danger or
disrespect threaten the SSSD Sovereign or the EH, he rushes to a convenient docking bay and

Gentlemen, I would like to invite you to take part in a competition to design a costume for SovMan, the Sov's local superhero! Note that this is NOT a graphics comp: the prettiest picture might win, but a scanned-in crayon scribbling might win, too. What we are looking for is the coolest superhero costume you can develop for SovMan! Costume should look good in color or B&W.

All officers serving on the SSSD Sovereign are invited to submit their designs in any form they
prefer. Make an original graphic! Build a clay model and sent the photo! Edit the attached
preliminary sketch! Sew a costume, dress up as SovMan, and send us the picture! Paint a RPG
miniature! If you have no scanner, let me know and I'll send you a mailing address for art or photos (but you'll have to mail it early to make the deadline!).

Flag officers, please pass this on to your units. Entries should me e-mailed to me, COL Inkwolf at . Judging will be carried out by COM/FA Kramer, myself, and LT Ryan Tribal of Hey Squadron, originator of the SovMan concept. Medals have been preapproved by the TO, but given the reaction of the Ops office to some comps, no definite promises will be made ahead of time. :)

SovMan can't fight our enemies in the nude (well he could but it'd be against some regulation I'm
sure) so please get those uniform designs in by June 15th!

EH Bylaw updated
20:07 - SA Kawolski [ ]
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the recently added EH Bylaw to broaden the scope to which it applies (including to Subgroups for SGCOMs to use at their discretion):
Leadership positions within the Emperor's Hammer and its Subgroups are integral to the on-line experience of all members and the voluntary application and assumption of such duties is welcomed, encouraged, and appreciated. However, because of the importance of continuity in leadership in maintaining the organization, if a Member accepts such a position, receives a related Rank promotion and then resigns within an inappropriately short time (e.g. less than 6 months for Command Staff positions), the Member may be demoted to the Rank they were before application for the command position.
In particular, the Command Staff Positions require the utmost dedication and serious commitment. These volunteer officers, through their hard work and organization, hold the Emperor's Hammer together. Members frivolously applying for and then resigning from these Positions (i.e. to get a quick jump in Rank) may be subject to inquiry by the High Court of the Inquisitors for violation of the various rules and regulations of this club. This policy shall be effective for all appointments after July 1, 2001.
The time limit for those Command Staff members, Advisors, Subgroup Commanders, and Command Attaches receiving rank jumps will remain at a six month minimum and will be added to the Training Manual soon.
New EH Bylaw
22:27 - GA Ronin [ ]
With the recent spate of folks, with the best of intentions, applying for and being appointed as Command Staff, then resigning within a short time (<6 months), a NEW Bylaws revision is posted and incorporated herein:
Open Command Staff Positions are typically posted on the Emperor's Hammer Domain Index. All active Members of the club with no violations registered with the High Court of the Inquisitors are free to apply for open these Positions. However, If a Member accepts such a position, receives a related Rank promotion and then resigns in less than 6 months, the Member will be demoted to the Rank they were before application for the command position.
The Command Staff Positions require the utmost dedication and serious commitment. These volunteer officers, through their hard work and organization, hold the Emperor's Hammer together. Members frivolously applying for and then resigning from these Positions (i.e. to get a quick jump in Rank) may be subjected to further inquiry by the High Court of the Inquisitors.
This policy shall apply to all Command Staff Positions and Command Attaché Positions effective July 1, 2001.
EH Domain updated
22:25 - SA Kawolski [ ]
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the EH Imperial News Center with news on the latest command changes and other Star Wars info.
Battle Medals and Ribbons
20:02 - AD StarLion [ ]
From the Tactical Office:

A call to all Battle Designers and Creators!
If you have a battle in the Mission Compendium, with a medal listed either as Nothing, or TBA, please submit medal names ASAP! Please keep in mind that your medal name must be unique.

Also, anyone willing to design Battle ribbons and Medals, please contact Fleet Admiral StarLion and Fleet Admiral Howlader . shutting down
23:17 - FA Absolutek [ ]
Please see the announcement on if you have a website or email account on the server. slow downs
09:33 - SA Kawolski [ ]
It's been a busy week for me IRL that I haven't been able to do much EH related except keep an IRC window in the background while I work. Many have noticed that has been running much slower than usual. I've tracked down this problem to two choke points: message boards and large personnel profiles. I'll be recoding those sections of to fix the slow-downs because they're affecting everything else on this site.
Also, the profile mergers WILL happen today. I apologize for the unusally large delay


LT Derf was awarded the Medal of Instruction
SL Sancho was promoted to Lieutenant
MAJ Wil Striker was awarded the Palpatine Crescent
LT Derf was promoted to Lieutenant Commander
LT Sancho was awarded the Commendation of Bravery





We had a grand total of 2 pilots submit pilot files for this past weeks competition.

The winners of this weeks comp’s are: MAJ Wil Striker for TIE #21, and LCM Soontir Fel for XvT #1 and XWA #12! Great job pilots!

TIE: Free Mission #24; XVT: Free Mission #3; XWA: Free Mission #10. Missions are attached to this report. All pilot files to me by next Saturday! Good Luck pilots!


CMDR/MAJ Wil_Striker (me):- Recruiting and keeping in communication with the squadron.

Updated Samekh Squadron site
Performed FMC VCHF duties
Sent out more invitations to Cadets on M/PLT Daedaleus
Flew Free-XvT #1 for weekly squadron comp (No FCHG Credit)
Flew Free-XWA #12 for weekly squadron comp (No FCHG Credit)
Awarded the Palpatine Crescent
TC-TIE #31 - Hidden Agenda (Sov Top Gun Comp)
Free-TIE #21 - Pappy #6 (Weekly Squadron Comp)

FM/LCM Owen Wolfstar:- New pilot, Very High Activity.

Joined Samekh from Falcon Squadron
TC-TIE #74 - Protect the Inquisitor
TC-TIE #75 - Stop the Mon Mothma
TC-TIE #163 - Project: Athena (Wing V Comp)
TC-TIE #76 - Mirror Universe
Free-XvT #1 - Assault on Ravent (Weekly Squadron Comp)
TC-TIE #77 - Verpine Encounter, Part One
TC-TIE #78 - Verpine Encounter, Part Two
TC-TIE #79 - Drop the Hammer
TC-TIE #80 - Reassignment
TC-TIE #81 - A New Enemy
TC-TIE #82 - Shadow’s Revenge
TC-TIE #83 - Battle For Truth and Honor
TC-TIE #84 - Capture of Rebel Technology
TC-TIE #85 - Forces of History
TC-TIE #86 - The Sheerot Rebellion

FM/LT Tark Tanar:- On leave.


FL/LCM Soontir Fel:- High activity, keeps in contact.

Active on email
Recruiting and assisting CT’s on M/PLT Daedaleus
Free-XvT #1 - Assault on Ravent
Free-XWA #12 - ESC Plunderer
CD-Rom went out, will be unable to fly until a replacement is located.

FM/LCM Carl Starr:- Low Activity, keeps in contact.

Active on email and AIM.

FM/LCM Derf: - On leave until 6/23/01

Active on email
Active on AIM
Awarded the MoI
Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
On leave for the next two weeks

FL/LCM Justin:- Low activity, keeps in contact.

Active on email
Active on AIM

FM/LT Zach: - Low activity, keeps in contact.

Active on email and AIM.

FM/LT Sancho: - Very High activity, keeps in contact.

TC-XvT #1 - The Verpine Encounter
Promoted to Lieutenant
TC-XvT #2 - Capture of a Murderer
TC-XvT #3 - Preparing for Battle
TC-BoP #1 - Double Cross at Coronada
TC-BoP #3 - Smuggling at Vector 29
TC-BoP #2 - Behind Enemy Lines
Completed IWATS HTML 2 Course
Free-XvT #1 - Assault on Ravent (Weekly Squadron Comp)
TC-XvT #4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
TC-XvT #7 - The Resuppy
TC-XvT #8 - The Loshen Resistance
Awarded the Commendation of Bravery






COMMANDER: CPT Wil_Striker ( - #4370
NICKNAME: The Black Widows
MOTTO: Faithful and Brave, Even After Death

Nickname: The Shadow Hunters
Motto: Out of the Darkness We Strike!
1) MAJ Wil_Striker ( - #4370
2) LCM Owen Wolfstar ( ) - #6200
3) LT Tark Tanar ( ) - #6658
4) TBA

Nickname: The Cthulhu Mythos
Motto: From the unknown wastelands, we come…
1) LCM Soontir Fel ( - #6080
2) LCM Carl Starr ( - #5625
3) LCM Derf ( ) - #6261
4) TBA

Nickname: The Aftershock of Death
Motto: Living the Emperor’s Dream
1) LCM Justin ( - #5853
2) LT Zach ( - #5762
3) LT Sancho ( ) - #6998
4) TBA

Total: 9



TC-XvT Battle #2 (Capture of a Murderer)

We need more citations! All pilots fly whatever battles you can!


Executor [EXCR] (750 points)
[872] MAJ Wil_Striker +6

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)
[575] LCM Owen Wolfstar +70

Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)
[98] LCM Soontir Fel +2
[83] LCM Justin =

Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)
[65] LCM Carl Starr =

Lancer [LANC] (25 points)
[42] LT Sancho +42
[26] LCM Derf =

No FCHG Rank
[9] LT Zach =
[4] LT Tark Tanar =


For the EMPIRE and WING V!!!!!!

CMDR/MAJ Wil_Striker/Samekh/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
VCHF/CPT Wil Striker/SpecOps/ M-TFC Unity [DOC-SMS]
SL/SPL Wil Striker/Alpha-Vendetta-1/Carrida II =SS=
JH Wil_Striker (Sith)/House Galthain of Satal Keto {SA:CORE}
“Death is only the beginning!”

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