Flayer Report # 3 (2001-03-21)

This report was submitted by CM Predator

“Brightsaber he is on your tail!” screamed Lt. Braxus, Lt Shade pulled a loop de loop and blasted the X-wing off Brightsaber’s Missile boat.
“Ok Squadron form up” CM Pred called over the comm. “Brightsaber target that Corvette group Shade you cover him. Me and Braxus will hit the Mon Cal’s engines to stop them leaving the rest of the fleet should be here soon!”
As Flayer squadron flew into action the rebels re-grouped sending X and A wings to clear the hyperspace path for the Cruisers.
As Pred and Braxus tore towards the huge Mon Cal a flight of A-wings broke off and targeted them. Using the force Pred sent a message to the young Lieutenant and as one they kicked in the air brakes and the rebel fighters flew past them and went BOOM! When the dumb fired warheads hit them and the A-wings flew into each other as they tried to avoid them.
Elsewhere in the battle, Shade and BrightSaber shot towards the corvettes at speed.
“ Imperial pilots surrender your fighters and disarm you weapons and you can leave unharm…” the rebel pilot was cut short by the warning alarm in his fighter; he rolled to avoid Shades missiles and got hit by the laser of Brightsaber.
“Brightsaber hit your SLAMS and target the corvettes and I will stop the fighters” called out Shade.
As the string of heavy rockets hit the Corvettes and the streams of light filled space the huge shadow of the SSD Avenger created a massive blot of darkness like a huge black lightsaber. “Good work Flayer squadron will handle it from here” commanded COMM Firefox. “You heard the man lets head home Flayer’s”

Flayer Report #3

Not a bad week but then again not a good one either. Firstly Ninj has left to help CM Demos in Rage squadron so we are now down to four pilots, this is a problem as it means until we get up to 6 pilots again I cannot award any more medals for comps so we need a real drive to get some new blood in the squadron.
Secondly as we now have nicknames, mottos, banner and a message board we now need a website do any of you have any HMTL skills or friends who do? I will do the website if I have to but my HMTL skills are very poor.
Thirdly, I want all information on all clones in any sub-groups!
Fourthly, My E-mail has changed this is due to problems with Fsmail although I will try to check it, it is not always easy so please send everything to Gold@glendon.freeserve.co.uk and if I have not responded to anything it may have been lost so re-send it to the new address.
And lastly I want to say a big well done to LT. Brightsaber who has been doing great work all week and for this has earned a load of medals.

Ok the results of last week’s comps are:

The new nicknames are

Main squadron: The Darkness Bringers
Flight one: The Dark Watch
Flight two: Death's Crusaders
Flight three: Death's Nightmare

LT. Brightsaber submitted all of these so he is here by awarded the IS-BR

And Brightsaber also got the top score in the flying comp as well so he also gets an IS-BW.

The Flight leader comp is still on running but you can see who is being active below.

NEW Comps

I want everyone to fly TC-XWA 1 (although there is no medal the winner will be mentioned in the report and he will get bragging rights.
Also as you can so the fiction at the top of the page is still not much good so please send me some to put there!!!

Standing orders

I am still giving an ISM for every pilot who joins us!
Post on the squadron message board
Send me some ideas for the squadron at Gold@glendon.freeserve.co.uk
If you are any good at HMTL contact me about the website or just some ideas would be helpful.
LT. Braxus is now the squadron tailor so if you want a uniform ask him (Braxus let me know when you do one so I can note it on your record)
If you can attend go to Avenger Training Night (#Avenger on Mirc) and defend the honor of the squadron

Activity Records

CM Predator
Flew more battles
Kept in contact with cadets
Marked comps

LT Braxus
Promoted to Grenadier in the FCHG
(By the way how is your cadet)

LT Brightsaber
Promoted to Grenadier in the FCHG
Flew TC-XWA 10 and 8 and 11 and 5
Flew TC-TIE 3 and 14 and 24 and BHG 1
Promoted to Lancer in the FCHG! (great work) and then to Hussar (GREATER WORK)
Due to all this great work he has been awarded an ISM for passing 50 FCHG mark and the Commendation of Bravery for doing 30 missions
And the irons stars as well

LT Shade
Flew TC-TIE 146, 68

Lets make next week the best yet!!
And stay SHARP!

CMDR/CM Predator/Flayer/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger

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