Psi Report # 0 (2001-06-09)

This report was submitted by LC Ford Prefect

Well he's a chick magnet if you know what I mean, the way the girlies just go to him, well you should have seen. The guy, yeah, he's got style and it's plain to see. Smooth shoes and kool tatoos, hair pomped as tight as can be...he ain't got no girlfriend, no one to sing this song to...he's going to settle down, yeah, if he meets that special girl soon...
He knows just what to do when it comes to the girls, he writes them poetry and he brings them flowers. He knows just what to say when it comes to the ladies, knows how to make a girl smile, how to drive a girl crazy. He ain't got a girlfriend, no one to sing this song to. He's gonna settle down, if he meets that special girl soon...chick magnet, chick magnet, chick magnet, yeah...

-Squadron News-

- Ford's Tip o' the Week: Chicks dig it when you let them braid your hair. :-P
Maybe not a 10 on the Manliness scale, but if you can get them into dreds, you're set, yo :P

- All right, kiddies. Based on the response this news got last week, Ford felt it appropriate to announce it again.

Kaph vs. Psi:

The scores:

Kaph Squadron

LC Reaper - 155,379
LT Josi - 138,131
LT Gold Finger - 118,299
LCM Akhil Thantos - 72,183

Kaph average: 120,998

Kaph Squadron Total 483,992

Psi Squadron

LC Ford Prefect - 152,320
LCM Sidian - 156,984
CM Jon Doyle - 150,310
LCM Nurel Turr: - 82,844

Psi average: 135,614.5

Psi Squadron Total 542,458

Repeat: We won! Woohoo! Ford's most disappointed that he saw no inebriated and unconscious bodies within four hours of this announcement. We need to step up the celebrating level, folks. C'mon, you guys can do much better >:P

- Ford may be going on a pair of brief Shore Leaves, most likely to Houston from Sunday until Wednesday, and then gone Saturday and Sunday for a soccer tournament in Missouri, but a Psi Briefing will go out on Monday, and no A-CMDR will be necessary. Considering the flooding in Houston, too, that may nix the former plans. Anyway.

- Speaking of A-CMDRs, Ford would like to ocne again congratulate LCM Nurel Turr on a job excellently done as A-CMDR while Ford was gone for two weeks. Way to go, Turr!

- Congratulations to LCM Sidian, who received an Iron Star - Bronze Wings for shooting the top score in the Psi - Kaph comp!

- Link o' the Week: Great indie webzine, with some great album reviews and brilliant columns, most notably Sarah Jones' week-long diary of life as a telephone whore (telemarketing for AT&T long-distance, that is).

- Ford's compiled a two-year history of Psi Squadron since it's re-opening...if any of you happen to be interested, check out the attachment.

- No word from SL Vokarsen for several weeks, and CM Zekk and LT Stalker have both been out of contact for as long as Ford's been back from shore leave. Get talking, guys!

- Due to shutting down, the Psi website is also gone. Ford may be transplanting it to his Tripod host if absolutely necessary, but, hopefully, he'll be able to find web service with some EH-related group. More news on that later..

- The Psi Squadron Invitational Tournament? Fleet-wide competition hosted by Psi Squadron, where a TIE squadron from each wing is invited to compete in a three-round elimination tournament? Details as the situation develops!

- CM Jon Doyle is on Shore Leave until the 27th, and LCM Nurel Turr has been on pseudo-leave for the past week, though he's certainly been active. Also, it appears as if Turr has been celebrating a birthday, so a happy Day of Spawn to him!

-Wing and Ship News-

- Sov Top Gun's second round ended this week. CM Jon Doyle, Psi's high scorer from the first round, was unfortunately unable to participate due to his leave.

- Mission 5 of Inkwolf's Raid has been released. This mission stars Sin Squadron, and is due to LC Stele Pellaeon ( by the 17th.

- Inky's got a moped! ph33r!

- WC/GN Alec Ricardo of Wing IV has retired after roughly two years of service as Wing Commander to the Sov, and LC Joe of Wing VI has also resigned. Both will be missed.

-Squadron Activity-

CMDR/LC Ford Prefect:

6.3.01 - Returns from Shore Leave
6.4.01 - Compiles Psi Squadron history
6.9.01 - Completes F-TIE 155
6.9.01 - Completes F-TIE 78

FM/SL Vokarsen:

No Activity - Bad Vokey!

FM/CM Zekk Terrik:

No Activity


FL/LCM Sidian:

6.4.01 - Completes F-TIE 72
6.4.01 - Completes F-TIE 73
6.4.01 - Completes F-TIE 75
6.6.01 - Awarded Iron Star - Bronze Wings

FM/LCM Nurel Turr:

6.4.01 - Completes F-TIE 152
6.4.01 - Completes F-XWA 25
6.4.01 - Completes F-XWA 23
6.4.01 - Completes F-XWA 4
6.4.01 - Completes TC-XWA 10
6.8.01 - Completes TC-18
6.9.01 - Completes TC-25


FL/CM Jon Doyle:

6.2.01 - Goes on shore leave

FM/LT Stalker:

No Activity - Bad Stalky!

-Misc. / Fleet News-

New legalism from high up:

Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the recently added EH Bylaw to broaden the scope to which it applies (including to Subgroups for
SGCOMs to use at their discretion):

Leadership positions within the Emperor's Hammer and its Subgroups are integral to the on-line experience of all
members and the voluntary application and assumption of such duties is welcomed, encouraged, and appreciated.
However, because of the importance of continuity in leadership in maintaining the organization, if a Member accepts
such a position, receives a related Rank promotion and then resigns within an inappropriately short time (e.g. less than
6 months for Command Staff positions), the Member may be demoted to the Rank they were before application for the
command position.

In particular, the Command Staff Positions require the utmost dedication and serious commitment. These volunteer
officers, through their hard work and organization, hold the Emperor's Hammer together. Members frivolously applying
for and then resigning from these Positions (i.e. to get a quick jump in Rank) may be subject to inquiry by the High
Court of the Inquisitors for violation of the various rules and regulations of this club. This policy shall be effective for all
appointments after July 1, 2001.

The time limit for those Command Staff members, Advisors, Subgroup Commanders, and Command Attaches receiving rank jumps will
remain at a six month minimum and will be added to the Training Manual soon.

- is updated. Egads!

- has shut down. Noooooo!

I'd have hoped that I'd never have to write this email. At least, not this soon. I must
shut down the hosting service due to lack of money. Even
my account at will have to be downsized to help me save some cash.
Please note that IO run websites such as:

The Internet Office
EH Webring
EH Images Archive
EH Greeting Card Centre
EH Message Board System

All of which are hosted on, will continue to be run, and supported by my efforts.

As a result of my hosting service on being discontinued, all websites, email
accounts, and databases will be gone within the next couple of days. I do have backups of the
content as of this morning, but i do urge anybody with an account to download their own stuff ASAP
for backup purposes.

Anybody wishing to use the following domains may submit a request to me via email:

I will be glad to point them to any UNIX based hosting services you may acquire.
( is the place I currently use for, they offer excellent

I would like to request that any flag officers (COM's, WC's, or SGCOM's) please forward this email
to their respective membership, or at the least, post it on your respective news sites.

Thank-you for your time, and I'm very sorry to those affected by this.

- Lord Ambassador Dan Malaktos has resigned, new LA is being sought.

- CA:XO Quake has been fired / resigned. Something like that :P

All for this week. Chorn!

CMDR-PROF/LC Ford Prefect/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx19][PCx3][BS][SS][GS][OV][MOC - SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][CoLx2][GALL][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2-mIRC 1/2-CBX-VBS-ICQ-RT]
Professor of TIE Tactics (

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