Psi Report # 0 (2001-04-17)

This report was submitted by LC Ford Prefect

Tony used to work on the docks...the union's been on strike, he's down on his luck, it's tough...Gina works at a diner all day, she works for a man, she brings home her pay for love...for love...she says we gotta hold on to what we've got, it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not...we've got each other, and that's a lot for love, for lo-o-o-o-o-o-ove....Whoa, we're halfway there, whoa-a-a-a-a, livin' on a prayer, take my hand, we'll make it I swear, whoa-a-a-a-a, livin' on a pra-a-a-a-a-ayer...

-Squadron News-

- In case any of you care, it took Ford five tries to get that 'N' in 'Squadron News' capitalized. Kriffing shift key.

- Pending Flight Office approval, big congratulations go out to LCM Sidian, who has been appointed the Two Flight FL! Also considered for the spot was the ever-active LCM Nurel Turr, who, along with Sidian, blasted Ford with quite a .tfr bombardment this week! Well-done to both of you, and again, congrats to Sid on being back in charge in Two Flight!

- Happy new SL dance! w00t! Everyone, please welcome Psi's newest member (who joined as this briefing was being written...), Jedak Khar! Khar joins those crazy kids in Three Flight, under the leadership of CM Jon Khar's already been welcomed by almost all the members of Psi, so Ford believes that all that remains to be done is briefly nip over to the medlab for the mandatory Wing II entrance procedure, then onto the Cantina for drinks on the new guy!

- Prepare to ph33r, Outer Rim foes! LCM Turr has announced his intention to represent Psi in XWA multiplayer in the Outer Rim War! Good luck to him as he learns the ropes and kicks some Rebel posterior! (of course, there are other clubs flying in OR, but we only care about beating the RS... :-P)

- A belated happy Easter to you all!

- Tip of the Week: Before engaging in an hour-and-a-half long game of pick-up soccer, in which you will run like a crazed dervish, remember to stretch before-hand, less you poor muscles be in severe pain. Ford, of course, forgot to do this. :-P
::: rubs sore muscles :::

- The Psi Squadron webpage has taken a major step towards being updated - Ford actually found all the HTML files on his hard drive! Woohoo! There are reports that Ford actually looked at said HTML files, and began considering appropriate updates, though these rumors are unfounded and have not been confirmed. More on this potential activity-producing situation as it develops...

- Ford joined the BHG this week. Whee.

- Vote Psi for Mr. / Ms. EH! Ford has been nominated for Mr. EH, and LT Sunny for Ms. EH! w00t! COL Inkwolf and COL Gallows were also nominated for Ms. and Mr. EH, respectively. Vote, chillens, vote! Also, let it be known here and now that Ford will personally put to death anyone who makes any form of joke about recounts, chads or butterfly ballots during the process of selecting Mr. and Ms. EH >:P

- It was just galactic lag after all! The AWOLed LCM Canen Otter has contacted Ford, saying that he has been unfortunately busy with examinations and hopes that he hadn't been AWOLed. He expressed his hope of being active again, to which Ford replied that he had been AWOLed, but that he was welcome back if he planned on being actively involved with the reply yet, but hopefully, we'll have another re-joining member! Obviously, LCM Otter will not be returning as Two Flight FL if he does come back, but he'll certainly be welcome in the squadron.

- Has anyone else noticed how similar Mountain Dew and 7-Up 12 oz. cans are?

-Wing News-

- LCM Jan Wemmel and CM Carl Lost return succesful from JediCon in Germany! They've put in a good showing for Wing II and the EH in general, with quite a few potential Cadets being bombarded with EH propaganda through their efforts. For a detailed account of their experience, check out the latest Wing II report.

- The Wing II Pilot League's seventh week has ended...although updated tables are yet to be released due to some pilots' late entries, it doesn't look like the overall standings are changing much, with Ford still slowly attempting to crawl out of Division 1's last relegation spot, and Jon steadily moving up towards one of Division 3's three promotion spots. Assignment for Week 8 is F-TIE 105, descriptively entitled 'Blowing Crap Up'. .tfrs, as always, are due 12 pm EST on Sunday.

- Two weeks left in Wing II's competition with Wing V! Battles to fly are TC-64 and TC-65, the first and second parts of The Pruscian Betrayal! LCM Sidian has already completed TC-64 and is working on 65, while Ford, Turr and Jon are all working on 64. No word yet on Sunny's progress, and hopefully SL Jed will be able to get on those ASAP! Good luck to all of you guys! .tfrs for the battles are due April 30th, to Ford and COL Inkwolf.

- *Still* no word yet on the results of Wing II's FCHG competition with Wing VI, though early reports have Wing II winning the comp. Hopefully, official results will be coming soon, as Wing VI's WC/LC Joe has escaped from his kidnapping by rabid Ewoks, and should be back in action later this week. Similarly, no news on the results of Sov IWATS Madness...bah :P

- The Chocolate Gungan Hunt has ended! The TIE Mission Design / Fiction comp concluded over Easter, Ford believes. Though no results have come out yet, one Psi member participated, with LCM Nurel Turr submitting an excellent story of Psi's search to replace Inky's chocolate gungan! The tale is attached to the briefing.

-Squadron Orders-

- Fly TC-64 and TC-65! All pilots who fail to fly said battles so will be forced to watch a marathon of all Keanu Reeves movies before the Matrix! ::: evil cackling :::

- Recruit! Psi's at six pilots, potentially seven, which is a definite improvement from the low we were briefly at, but let's try and get the squad back to full strength!

-Squadron Activity-

CMDR/LC Ford Prefect:

Completes TC-64's first mission...that's feat enough :-P Almost finished with the battle itself as well.

FM/LT Solaris Macharius:

No Activity


FM/LCM Nurel Turr:

4.10.01 - Returns from leave
4.10.01 - Revises and re-submits Gungan Hunt tale
4.11.01 - Completes F-XWA 24
4.11.01 - Completes TC-XWA 11
Also completed a pair of IW-TIE battles, though some e-mail corruption has clouded their identity...

FM/LCM Sidian: (!!!)

4.12.01 - Completes F-TIE 120
4.12.01 - Completes F-TIE 121
4.12.01 - Completes F-TIE 122
4.12.01 - Completes F-TIE 123
4.12.01 - Completes F-TIE 124
4.12.01 - Completes F-TIE 125
4.12.01 - Completes TC-TIE 64
4.13.01 - Completes F-TIE 126
4.13.01 - Completes F-TIE 127
4.13.01 - Completes F-TIE 128
4.13.01 - Completes F-TIE129
4.13.01 - Completes F-TIE 131
4.13.01 - Completes F-TIE 132
4.13.01 - Completes F-TIE 136
4.13.01 - Completes F-TIE 137
4.13.01 - Completes F-TIE 141
4.14.01 - Creates TIE still


FL/CM Jon Doyle:

4.11.01 - Goes on Shore Leave
4.16.01 - Completes F-TIE 106
4.16.01 - Returns from leave

FM/SL Jedak Khar:

4.17.01 - Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant, joins Psi Squadron

-Misc. / Fleet News-

Corrected battles! Woo! New battles! Yay!

New stuff:

DB-TIE #14 "Defend the Darkness"
IW-XWA #17 "Rion's Shadow: Tactical Withdrawl"
TC-TIE #169 "Project Omega"
TC-TIE #169 "The Rooster Trap"
TC-TIE #170 "Barn Yard Beatings"

Updated stuff:

IW 10
IW 25
TC-TIE 107
TC-TIE 128
TC-TIE 129
TC-TIE 161


- COM/VA Andronicus and COM/VA Corran Force, of the ISDs Relentless and Challenge have resigned. Both Commodore spots are open, though the applications for the Relentless job aren't being accepted at the moment.

- VA Draye C. Maaric has been appointed the new Special Operations Director.

- hasn't been updated this week, woohoo :-P

Hmm...thus ends a relatively short Psi Briefing...have a froody week, and try not to eat yourself sick with Easter candy :-P

*** Signoff LCM_Sidian (If Ford was your CMDR, you'd drink like us too!)


CMDR-CMAG-PROF/LC Ford Prefect/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx19][PCx3][BS][SS][OV][MOC - SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][CoLx2][GALL][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2-mIRC 1/2-CBX-VBS-ICQ-RT]
Professor of TIE Tactics (

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