Psi Report # 0 (2001-03-26)

This report was submitted by LC Ford Prefect

Have you blamed a hippy today?

-Squadron News-

- Good news! We have, potentially, another squadron to engage in competition with. Ford's in the working stages of lining up a squadron vs. squadron competition with Koph of Wing VI. We are of both similar numbers (they may have the edge, actually, when the comp goes down). Hopefully, we'll get this thing going in mid or early April. If any of you have potential conflicts with this date, please let Ford know; 100% participation is expected!

- LT Avatar, LT Solaris Macharius, LCM Canen F. Otter and MAJ Sanj have all failed to respond to last week's AWOL check. As penance, they must find some lyrics from a Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera song of their choice and submit them to Ford. An additional e-mail saying they're alive would be nice, too :-P

- Viva Las Vegas! Elvis is the man.

- LCM Nurel Turr is, unfortunately, temporarily out of commission; he may be forced to move to the Reserves. His OS appears to be having some issues, and he's trying to get it fixed so he doesn't have to waste cash getting a replacement. More news on his situation as it comes.

- Turr has also submitted an interesting-looking piece of fiction for the Chocolate Gungan Hunt! Ford has been unable to read it, as he lost his Mac version of Word in his HD crash, but it looks cool :-P If someone could convert it to txt and send it to Ford, that'd be nice too.

- CM Jon Doyle has passed TIE Tactics, yay for him.

- Very little feedback was received last week concerning the colors of the new Psi MB...if you guys wouldn't mind letting Ford know your preference, you won't have to live with a Ford-designed MB and a newly-changed squadron nickname of 'Papa Smurf and the Utopian Cream Puffs'. mmm...cream puffs.

- Po Bronson is cool. Read stuff by him.

- Like last week, not much news squadron-wise...surprising for spring break.

-Wing News-

- Fourth week of Wing II Pilot League has updated tables, but Psi only had one submission; Ford, bringing up the rear of Division 1 after being forced to fly the mission on Medium..bah :P You'd think sometime during the week he'd have remembered to fly that bloody thing. :-P CM Jon, LCM Turr and LCM Otter, all in Division 3, did not participate this week. F-TIE 91, 'Mugaari Cargo Operation', has been assigned as the mission to fly for Week 5.

- The Chocolate Gungan Hunt continues on, until April 15th, you can submit to Inkwolf (with Ford CCed), a piece of fiction or free-mission or battle design detailing Wing II's search for Inky's chocolate gungan! Best submission gets an Iron Star- Silver Ribbon, Ford believes.

- Roasty's just a hippy for the women. :-P

- FCHG competition with Wing VI and Sov-wide IWATS madness stagger toward the finish lines! Approximately 5 days left in each, so fly as much as you can and take as many IWATS courses as you can! For the latter, Ford would specially suggest TIE Tactics... :-P

-Squadron Orders-

- Buy Ford the inventory.

- Fly as much as possible!

- Fly F-TIE 91 in specific :-P

- Take IWATS courses!

- Join the 'Get Ford a Gold Star Campaign'! Take TIE Tactics! ( Only 31 more grads to go! :-P

- Respond to something trivial with violence.

-Squadron Activity-

CMDR/LC Ford Prefect (changed me name back :-P)

3.20.01 - Completes TC-118
3.21.01 - Completes TC-72
3.23.01 - 'Completes' TC-113
3.26.01 - Completes F-TIE 83

FM/LT Solaris Macharius:

No Activity - Bad Sunny!


FL/LCM Canen F. Otter:

No Activity for the second week - *bad* Otter!

FM/LCM Nurel Turr:

3.20.01 - Completes F-TIE 87
3.22.01 - Submits Gungan Search story

FM/MAJ Sanj:

No Activity for several weeks - awaiting e-mail concerning future...Sanj?


FL/CM Jon Doyle:

3.23.01 - Passes IWATS TIE Tactics

FM/LT Avatar:

No Activity for the second week - *bad* Av!

-Misc. / Fleet News-

- not updated. :-P

- IWATS passes 7,000 graduates! Yay! Cake and ice cream all around!

- EH Historical Society, from the LO types:

Today the Logistics Office would like to publicly announce the official opening of the Imperial Historical Society, the IHS. The
Imperial Historical Society is in charge of the compilation, analysing and contemplation of moments within the Emperor's Hammer
history. These activities would be conducted in order to compile a thorough, and well discussed view of the Emperor's Hammer
history without bias and to provide a source of valuable information to members of the Emperor's Hammer. The Imperial Historical
Society is divided into two main divisions. The first has three sub units, each with four members, these are called Committees. Each
Committee is appointed a task, each of which last around four weeks. The purpose of such tasks is as stated above. The second
division consists of historians, which are situated in various places around the Emperor's Hammer tasked with collecting information
for their area. We hope that the Imperial Historical Society will bring new light into the history of the Emperor's Hammer, and teach
people about what happened before them.

Thus this brings us onto the fact of that the Imperial Historical Society is currently recruiting. We are looking for members to fill the
three committees and appoint historians for ships and subgroups, there are no set requirements however we are looking for quite
experienced members who have a thorough knowledge of the Emperor's Hammer. The longer your history and the more you know
about the past of the Emperor's Hammer is of course a tremendous bonus. If you are interested please contact Vice Admiral
Ramos Kanzco and Vice Admiral Xanos Goatham Zorrixor, thank you.

...whatever... :P

- Surprisingly, that's pretty much all from around the fleet...not much going on lately.


CMDR-AMB-PROF/LC Lord Twinkalicious/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx19][PCx3][BS][SS][OV][MOC - SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][CoLx2][CAVL][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2-mIRC 1/2-CBX-VBS]
Professor of TIE Tactics (

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