Phoenix Report # 2 (2001-05-18)

This report was submitted by CM Wes Janson


Yes gentlemen, it's that time again! Phoenix Squadron WSR #2! Yay. Here we go again.

The lone TIE Interceptor slowly crawled into the landing bay, drifting only on repulsorlifts. The landing gear crawled down, and locked into place. The black clad pilot slowly brought the TIE/I down and set it on the deck. The top hatch hissed open and he hauled himself out, sliding down the ladder.
Hearing a loud growl, he looked over where he thought it was coming from, and saw... The Typodemon! hE RAn fore hs lfie, adn treid to gte awy. To laet, teh thign haD HIm. It wAs al oVer. But then, out oF nowere, CAMe Khadgar wiht hsi Glod Sfata fo Domo! (Gold Staff Of Doom). Vancquishing the evil Typodemon, they proceeded back to the hangar bay, and Janson's office.
"Now Wes, where's that paperwork I asked for earlier??" Khadgar demanded. Janson took one look at his helmet, one look at Khadgar, one look at the Hangar, and took off running for his T/I.
(Yeah, it's short. Conversly, I have baseball soon, and I'm tired :P )

- ISD Subjugator Opened! This is the DB's second ship, and as such needs a COM/WC/CMDR's. Check out the News Page for info,
-Vogue Issue #1 Released. Big deal :) j/k, check it out
-New COM of the Immortal selected, that being RA Dras Hempor. Oh god no... :P Congrats!
-AbK has a ShoutCast server up and running, Radio. He needs DJ's, so send him an e-mail if you're interested!
-NL 74 released, get it at (N.America) (N.America)
-TCCOM Award For April goes to Wing II, under COL Inkwolf. Congrats!
-TIE Corps BG BGCOM selected! That being VA Adrenaline. Congrats!
-The new Wing XV WC is MAJ Zippy Hawk. Congrats!
-The SSD Avenger Wing's were renamed. Anyone else think this was a stupid move?
-GW COM on leave. Yes, RA Khadgar is on leave, should be returning this week.
-Congrats to VA Cyric, who had a bouncing baby boy this week! Congrats!
-Finally, WC of Former Avenger Wing I, LC ShadowHawk, was promoted to full Colonel. Congrats!

Nothing much here this week, aside from regards of Operation: Supremacy. Which apparently fell through due to lack of partcipation. Well guys, we tried to get matches.

Squadron News/Activity:
Let's see here.
CM Wes Janson: Flew many MP matches, won about 5 LoC's. Working on some TC-TIEs.
LCM Mad Max: Nothing this week. Come on, send me an e-mail, fly a battle!
COL Donitz: Again, nothing. Do something!
CPT Con Selar: Wow! Received a BS for JediCon! Congrats!
MAJ Seggybop: Nothing this week, send me an e-mail, fly a battle! Anything!
CM Cmr Brown: Told me he was going to fly some TC-TIE's. Good.
CM Andrew: Nothing. Do something!
LT Kommandor: Nothing at all. Do something!

MP Comps:
[XWA] EuroComp 5/19 (10:00 - 11:30 EST)
[XvT] EuroComp 5/19 (10:00 - 11:30 EST)
[XWA] Kampfergemetzel 5/19 (13:00 - 15:00 EST)
[JK] Outer Rim War 5/19 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XvT] Outer Rim War 5/19 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XWA] Outer Rim War 5/19 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[CS] Outer Rim War 5/19 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XWA] Zone Sunday 5/20 (13:00 - 14:30 EST)
[XWA] Greenwich Wolf Comp 5/23 (15:30 - 17:30 EST)
[XvT] Greenwich Wolf Comp 5/23 (15:30 - 17:30 EST)
[XvT] ASF Competition 5/23 (19:00 - 22:30 EST)
[XWA] ASF Competition 5/23 (19:00 - 22:30 EST)
[XWA] Thursday Night Training 5/24 (20:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XvT] Thursday Night Training 5/24 (20:00 - 23:00 EST)
Ideally, I would like to see you guys at at least one of these. Win a LoC, fly a battle! Something guys, come on!

Unfortunatly, there is NO KHADGAR QUOTE OF THE WEEK! this week. I am officially out of Khadgar quotes. Khad, we will have to remedy this soon! :P

Finally, again, the GW needs a Flight Nurse. If interested, go to the FMC website and sign up. As for Pheonix Squadron Comps, I am arranging some, so stay tuned!

Respectfully Submitted,
CMDR/CM Wes Janson/Phoenix/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
ACO Hawk Falcone (Sith)/Archanis Of Taldryan {SA:CORE}
DOC/LT Wes Janson/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf (FMC)

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