Demon Report # 19 (2001-04-01)

This report was submitted by CM Roth Jalis

CMDR Roth Jalis reporting in for Demon Squadron on 04/01/01

Squadron News

a.. We have another pilot who has seen the light :) and has joined Demon squadron. If you haven't done so yet, say welcome to former CMDR of Falcon, MAJ SANJ. Welcome to Demon Suadron Sanj, make yourself at home (but don't touch my bottle of Chaquila :P). Sanj has been assigned to spot 3-4. Only two more to go! yeehaa

b.. While the other flightgroups are filling up, mine is depleting :(. But the reason makes me happy though :). Transferred from spot 1-3, COL BLADE has taken over the sceptre .. uh, control of flight 3. Congrats Flight Leader.

c.. This is what Adren said - I took this from the monthly COM report, which you all ofcourse already read ;P I quote "What a power crew Demon has now.. look out, here comes trouble >:P" I'd say our Commodore is absolutely right! :) Demons Forever!!

d.. Sharpen the blades, power up your cannons and get ready for WAR!! - The Immortal has been in Auroran space far too long now, it's time for some killing. How confenient some rebs think the same way:) Details are to be announced yet but prepare yourself for some serious clashing with a Rebel Squadron wing, the Chiin'Tal, in a few weeks. >=)

e.. ECR Phase III concluded - Who will have the honor of being the new Battlegroup Flagship? I say Immortal again, but unfortunatelly that's not up to me :P Scores are being reviewed at this very moment and result are not far behind. I think there's only one question left, will it be the Immortal or the Relentless?

f.. Xwa league III CR6 concluded - Ranger Squadron had a firm lead after the first 5 rounds but did they manage to keep it that way? We have fought with a pasion to close the gap so I believe the future is smiling towards us :P.

g.. INPR revision - I have attached the revised INPR. A few questions have been added to get more information about your history in the EH. Just take a few minutes to fill it in and send it to For more information visit this page>

h.. Immortal Honor Guard - Dras, Lito and myself hold the Golden batallion ( FYI - to get on the Honor List you must have flown all XWA battles free missions , and to get the Golden Batallion you must have at least 5 High Scores as well )

i.. IAPL - Roth still champion, No new challenges have yet been received. hmmm:P I start believing I have to pick an opponent myself. >=)

Squadron Status

a.. Demon Patch - LT kadath has created a great new Demon Patch as well as the arm patch. The Demon patch has been attached to this report.

b.. Uniforms - LT Kadath has offered to create uniforms, so in a short time we all should have brand new uniforms :)

c.. New E-group - I've created a new Demon e-group. All Demon members and Adren and Badlands have been added to the group. Messages can be posted on:

d.. Old E-group - For those of you who are still on the old group and wish to remove themselves, simple send a mail to>

e.. New Nickname and Motto - As everyone knows flighgroup 3 is in desperate need of a new Nickname and Motto. Ideas should be send to me before April 15th. So you still have time to come up with something good :)

f.. IRC presence - Not yet but almost though. I've submitted my request for cable connection and should have it shortly now I hope. Will I finally be able to bother you all without sending tons of mail >=)

g.. All reports on-line - No excuses like "I didn't know, I didn't receive the report." won't work any longer >:P Check this site for all reports>

h.. Demon webpage - COL Marc is still working on the new page and needs submissions from all of us. Things like technical data on the Te/1 , cool banners , etc. Mail your stuff to Marc ( and cc me (

Squadron Orders

a.. Citations - We have gained ourself some new citation this week, let's get even more! Check our homepage for battles we need to fly to get us some more:)

b.. Create new nickname and motto for FLightgroup 3, due April 15th. Be creative :P

c.. As coppied from the homepage :P We need some information on the TIE/E1 so that we can learn more about the fighter which we fly. Someone need to research the material and send it to COL Marc so that he can post it on the web site.

d.. Keep your activity high, I want mail mail mail. :) If you have anything, ideas, remarks, whatever let me know. My door is always open.

Activity Reports ( merits ) *=HS

Although most unlikely :) it might be possible I missed something, sue me! :P and I'll add it to next weeks :)

1/1 CM Roth Jalis - 125 + 17 = 132
03/31/01 - submitted XvT-7 (+5)
03/31/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR ECR PHASE III (+7)
03/31/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR XWA LEAGUE CR6 (+5)

1/2 LCM Crsepe - 14 + 13 = 27
on leave
04/01/01 - submitted FREE XWA 23 (+1)
04/01/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR ECR PHASE III (+7)
04/01/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR XWA LEAGUE CR6 (+5)

1/3 TBA

1/4 TBA

2/1 COL Marc - 90 + 21 + 10 = 121
03/28/01 - submitted FREE XWA 23 (+1)
03/28/01 - submitted IW XWA 25 (+5)
03/28/01 - submitted FREE XWA 20/21/22 (+3)
03/27/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR ECR PHASE III (+7)
03/27/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR XWA LEAGUE CR6 (+5)

2/2 LT Kadath L'Hoon - 15 + 18 = 33
04/01/01 - submitted Demon arm patch
03/30/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR ECR PHASE III (+7)
03/30/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR XWA LEAGUE CR6 (+5)
03/26/01 - awarded PC
03/25/01 - submitted 2D Demon patch
03/25/01 - awarded 3 loc's (+6)

2/3 CPT Lito Rendal - 160 + 12 = 172
03/31/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR ECR PHASE III (+7)
03/31/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR XWA LEAGUE CR6 (+5)

2/4 COL Dras Hempor - 367 + 12 = 379
03/31/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR ECR PHASE III (+7)
03/31/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR XWA LEAGUE CR6 (+5)

3/1 COL Blade - 7 + 12 = 19
03/31/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR ECR PHASE III (+7)
03/31/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR XWA LEAGUE CR6 (+5)
03/29/01 - appointed new FL3

3/2 LT Raistlin Majere - 120 + 12 = 132
04/01/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR ECR PHASE III (+7)
04/01/01 - submitted FREE XWA 5 FOR XWA LEAGUE CR6 (+5)

3/3 CM Michael Ferin - 7 + 0 = 7

3/4 MAJ Sanj - 0
04/01/01 - reported computer problems
03/28/01 - transferred into squadron


A lot of useful stuff on our very own Demon Site -

Every day the latest news on the TieCorps news page -

Adrenaline's excellent Immortal site -

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CM Roth Jalis (
NICKNAME: Protectors of the Immortal
BANNER: demon.jpg
MOTTO: We offer a savage and painful death

Nickname: The Iron Wall
Motto: None may get through to harm our charges...
1) CM Roth Jalis ( [4834]
2) LCM Crsepe ( [5359]
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Senseless Destruction
Motto: With Hell in our eyes and Death in our veins...
1) COL Marc ( [187]
2) LT Kadath L'Hoon ( [6048]
3) CPT Lito Rendal ( [3567]
4) COL Dras Hempor ( [1846]

Nickname: TBA
Motto: TBA
1) COL Blade ( [573]
2) LT Raistlin Majere ( [5911]
3) CM Michael Ferin ( [2678]
4) MAJ Sanj ( [482]


Squadron Citations (20):
TC-TIE Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TC-TIE Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TC-TIE Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TC-TIE Battle 6 - Destruction
TC-TIE Battle 7 - Betrayal
TC-TIE Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TC-TIE Battle 108 - Unexplored Territory
TC-TIE Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
TC-XWA Battle 2 - First Contact
TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
TC-XWA Battle 4 - Privateer
TC-XWA Battle 5 - Show of Force
TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
TC-XWA Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
TC-XWA Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
TC-XWA Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
TC-XWA Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
IW-XWA Battle 22 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell

FCHG Listings

Archon [ARCN] (1500 points)
a.. [1909] COL Dras Hempor

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)
a.. [580] MAJ Sanj

Centurion [CNTR] (400 points)
a.. [460] CPT Lito Rendal

Gallant [GALL] (200 points)
a.. [243] COL Marc (+8)

Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)
a.. [159] CM Roth Jalis

Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
a.. [121] LT Kadath L'Hoon

Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)
a.. [88] LCM Crsepe (+1)

Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)
a.. [58] COL Blade (+1)
b.. [57] LT Raistlin Majere

Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)
a.. [24] CM Michael Ferin

FCHG gain master was Marc , he gets 10 bonus merits :)

Note: It has become tradition that whomever gets a promotion has to pay for the drinks in the cantina. This week we saw one promotion :) COL Blade, do what is expected from you ... pay our drinks!! Party time!! :)

Personal note: While we have the largest Squadron on the Immortal we also have solid participation and highly motivated pilots. Everyone who speaks about Demons, does it with respect and fear in their voices >=) Go Demons!!

CM Roth Jalis

CMDR/CM Roth Jalis/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BS/PCx2/ISMx6/Mol/CoB [CALV] {IWATS-SM/2} Golden Batalion
{PIN #4834}
JH Roth Jalis (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
{PIN #2737}

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