Phantom Report # 0 (2001-05-19)

This report was submitted by CM Spearhawk


The lone casket lay in the middle of the hangar, it was draped in a blue cloth to which had been affixed a black and with emblem, the Phantom squadron crest. Directly infront of the casket Phantom squadrons fighters stood in V formation with their pilot at the sticks. In a half circle behind the fighters and the casket stood the rest of the pilots and flag officers on the Immortal.
"We have gathered here today to take a last farewell of a brave pilot and friend," the battle group commander, Vice Admiral Adrenaline had flown over from the Relentless to perform this ceremony. "When Lieutenant joined us he was already far gone in his illness but he would not give up, he would not just sit down and wait to die. Instead he chose to spend the time he had with trying to make a difference, helping to restore order to the galaxy." Adrenaline's voice was shaky, pilots died all the time but never had she seen a pilot so determined to help and it was sad to see such a great man gone. "Kapp didn't believe in violence to solve problems but he recognized the threat the rebels are to the general order in the galaxy.
When Lieutenant Kapp Dendo died in his bed at four hundred hours last Thursday the Emperor's Hammer lost one of its greatest and most dedicated pilots." Adrenaline snapped into attention and saluted and the Immortals followed her. That signalled the fighters to launch and a few seconds later the engine built into the casket light up and followed the fighters out of the hangar.
The fighters formed up on the casket, escorting Kapp on his last journey towards the systems sun.
When they reached the one million kilometres from the sun limit Commander Spearhawk tapped the com button once signalling the others to launch a pair of proton torpedoes then punched the trigger.
Twenty two special modified proton torpedoes streaked out from the fighters just as the casket carrying Lieutenant Kapp Dendo to his last resting place accelerated so that the torpedoes continued to escort him where his comrades could not follow.
Spearhawk once again pushed the com button and spoke into the microphone in his helmet.

"May the force be with you Kapp"

CM Spearhawk
CMDR/CM Spearhawk/Phantom/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BSx4/PCx3/ISMx19/MoT-rh-gh-2bh/IS-SR/LoC-CSx5/CoL/CoB/OV [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-SM/2-TT-GFX}
JH Spearhawk (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto
"Courage isn't not to be afraid, courage is to be deadly frightened of something but still do it"

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