Koph Report # 32 (2001-04-11)

This report was submitted by LC Firebird

Pilots of Koph Squadron and distinguished guests:

First off, LC Joe's computer has become deceased, and until he returns
I am the Acting Wing Commander. Bwahaha >:P

Now for the important news :)

AWOL pilots! Augh! LT Place and LT Sunrider, please send an email,
ICQ, or find me on IRC in the next week so I don't have to declare you
AWOL! Good pilots are hard to come by, and both of you have been
active in the past... show me some sign of life, please!

In related news, Koph is holding steady at 7 Squadron Citations! Way
to go! Fly some TC-TIEs, people, let's see that number go up! :)

I got Wing II's scores back from COL Inkwolf, and it looks like they
did a pretty good job. If five of Wing VI's squadrons had done as well
as we did, there's a good chance we might have won. However, I asked
VI's CMDRs for the other squadrons' scores yesterday, and have yet to
hear back from any of them. There's also the small problem that we
could only have had four squadrons participate... so it's an almost
sure thing that we lost. However, we did beat Psi Squadron by over 50
points, which is all that matters to me. Again, good job to those who

LCM Sandor Clegane is working on a new Flight 3 web page. Stay tuned
for details!

I believe there is another competition coming up with another Sov wing
in May. Details are sketchy, so we won't know until Joe gets back. In
any case, keep those TIEs in good shape and get ready to do some

"I have a plan so cunning, you could stick a tail on it and call it a

That's right, folks! A plan! I am working on a new, ongoing
inter-squadron competition. I can't give any real details yet, except
that it's going to be pretty darn cool. Trust me, you'll love it!

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for. Did LC Iceman snatch
back the Koph Ace of the Week that LCM Clegane has held for the last 5
weeks straight? Did one of the previously inactive members of Koph
return to claim it? Am I going to be predictable and give it to LCM
Clegane for a 6th week in a row? Well...

This week, the Koph Ace of the Week goes to Colonel Kerridwen Jorddyn
from the Intelligence Division! Sandor Clegane did submit another 11
FREE-TIEs, but COL Jorddyn is the one that LC Joe called when his
computer died. She emailed me to tell me I was A:WC, and therefore
saved the Wing from certain doom, death and destruction.
Congratulations, Colonel, and thanks again ;)

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