Flayer Report # 5 (2001-04-04)

This report was submitted by CM Predator

As GN Tiger walked into COMM FireFox’s office he was worried FireFox had sounded far to pleased with himself when he contacted him and that usually meant trouble.
The door opened before him and FireFox was staring out the view port of the SSD Avenger. As befitting the Sith High warrior he knew that Tiger was there before Tiger did, “Have a seat General” with a small movement of his hand and a touch of the force a chair moved across the room, “General have you ever heard of the Imperial Vanguard?”
“The Vanguard? The last I heard was they were a small band of Imperials about five ships one VSD” replied Tiger.
“Very good my friend that was true about five months ago then they started to grow and now they have 20 ships and over a
1000 personal, this cause of this growth is pure and simple luck many of the smaller imperial groups have been attacked and the remained have joined up with the Vanguard” VA FireFox moved to his TAC table and pushed a button, a map of know space came up “ this general is what we know of the galaxy this.” he said pressing another button “Is the current layout of all the major factions, as you can see the Vanguard now have a large section near are own although they are smaller then us they do protect are flank from the New Republic. To this end GA Ronin has decided that we will offer them an alliance” Firefox went over to his view screen and pressed another button, a large ISD appeared on the screen, “do you know what ship this is?” asked Firefox “of course sir that is the Tragor one of the ISD’s assigned to are taskforce” said Tiger a bit to quickly
“Very good Wing Commander or should I say Commodore for the duration of this mission you will command the ship and you may take three squadrons of your choice from the Avenger as well” said Firefox smugly
“Mission sir?” remarked Tiger, “Oh did I forget you will be taking the Tragor to meet with the Top Gun, the best ship in the Vanguard fleet for pilot testing with them,” Said Firefox
“ Sir I am no diplomat wouldn’t.” Firefox cut Tiger short “You are the perfect man for the job the Top Gun is a training academy for there best pilots to even get a job on it you have to be the best of the best and none of them are diplomats either so we are sending you,” “Oh and General theses pilots are the best and there are not used to being treated as men to there fleet they are all gods and heroes they may not mind they manners so you must mind yours. Carry on General”

An hour later in Tiger’s office Kale, Khean and Predator were all standing in front of the Wing commander being briefed on the mission, “so gentlemen we have to go out and beat some pilots and remember they may be how can I saw this … annoying so try not to kill any of them we want them as allies dismissed!”

(if you want to hear the rest you will have to fly my battle when it comes out)

Flayer Report #5
Good that woke you all up now on to the report.
This week I started a new plan to improve the squadron and you lot this was the monthly pilot review and so far I have had two back which is not bad but then again it is not great either but the results have been good and this weeks non-flying comp is based on the two I got back.
Other things that were brought up were multi-player flying and to be fair this is my fault, as I have not been pushing it as well as I might. The main multi player night for us is Avenger Thursday night training, which is held at - 8:00:00 PM EST on Thursday
However on an idea from LT. Brightsaber I want to set up a Zone night in which we will play against each other and other clubs hopefully we might even get a few new pilots provisional this will be held on the Zone (MSN Zone if you have not heard of it) in the XWA skirmishing room at - 7:00:00 PM EST on Thursday which is an hour before the Avenger comp if this is a problem and anyone cannot make it tell me and we can get a better night or time. (Note if you have not used the zone before use EH_you name e.g. EH_Pred)
In other squadron related news CPT Kale of Stalker squadron runs a monthly quiz based on Star wars this comes out weekly and medals are awarded to the monthly winner and also we get squadron of the month points for it as well (20 per person)
Oh and are beloved Wing Commander got promoted to General which means we have to show him some respect now.


This week’s comp once again has medals attached! (Waits for the cheers to stop) (Still waiting)

Flying Comp – We are the flagship of the Dark Brotherhood and to celebrate the returning of the DB we will flying the DB battles for a while (i.e. until I get sick of them)
· This weeks mission is TC-DB 2 get all pilot files in to me by next Wednesday! Highest score wins and gets a IS-BW

· Non-Flying Comp – I would like to thank both Brightsaber and Sharp for suggesting a fiction comp so that is what we are going to do the topic has to be Avenger related preferably Flayer squadron based. The medal (IS-BR) will go to the best not the longest so writing a page of pure class fiction is better then 10 pages of rubbish!
As well as the medal the winner will get their fiction on next weeks report

Wing Comps

If you read the wing message board (and you should) you may have noticed that one of my ideas got accepted (Pred continues after Flayer recover from the shock) now to be fair Tiger is right I was hoping for an easy medal. The comp is to design and make a free mission on any platform and send it to him. I would love for both first and second medals go to Flayer again so if you need any help all you have to do is ask! (Have a go you never know you may turn into the greatest mission maker ever)

The new wing battles for April are: -

TC-XvT 8

Send them to Tiger and me

Standing orders

Inform me of all clones (Including DB)
Inform me of all medals and promotions within the DB
Do at least one thing per week – if any pilot fails to do this and does not contact me with a reason they will be classed as AWOL if you are AWOL twice in a month you leave and are put in the reserves
Every month I will contact each of you either via e-mail or live on-line to discuss your progress (Medals, promotions ideas etc.) Failure to respond will result in a pilot being classed as AWOL.
If you do anything which I am not sent an automatic e-mail then write to me yourself! (I can reward if I do not know what you are doing)
If you note that a BSF has not been done with in 36 hours something is wrong! Mail me with the file again as it may have been lost.
If you feel that you deserve a medal or promotion TELL ME! I will never say no what I might say is “ you need to do this… ”
Sending me ideas is considered activity all of them are noted and the really good ones earn rewards you may not feel your idea is much good however I may think it is great SEND THEM TO ME.
And finally and most importantly being Cruel to my goldfish is a court-martial offence and I will have you shot!

Activity Reports

CM Predator – Trying to finish and de-bug my TIE 4 mission battle (this takes ages but is fun when it works)
Kept you lot in line

LT Braxus - Have not heard from you one more week and you go AWOL drop me a line

LT. Brightsaber – TOOK MY COURSE!!!!!!!!!! (What a guy! If I could I would make you an AD.)
Lets face it after taking my course nothing else matters although he did do other stuff
Great work Brightsaber!

LT. Drosha Krablaad - TC-TIE 68, TC-XvT 7, TC-XWA 5, TC-BOP 2, TC-XWA 8 and TC-XWA 10
And he also got promoted to LT.
Great work!

LT. Shade - Flew TC-TIE 165

LT Sharp - sent me a number of battles and also got awarded the Commendation of Bravery

Final Rant

Not bad not bad we are back to being active and making me work.
Now I am going to be nasty TAKE MY COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or I will hurt you! (Not that the Gold Star I get for 50 grads have anything to do with it I just want to help improve you lot)
We still need more pilots but the squadron is taking form and we are getting better.

Ok from now on until I get sick of it will be Pred’s thought for the week

“ If you break your leg don’t come running to me!”
Parents still say this to kids I have heard them

Respectfully submitted (for once)

CM/CMDR Predator/Flayer/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger

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