Tornado Report # 0 (1999-01-20)

This report was submitted by LC Hicks

Tornado Squadron Briefing
January 20th,1999


Another week full of events, not only in the Fleet or aboard the Challenge, but also in Tornado. As you know, there are two "new" Tornado members, Colonel Kessler and Colonel NiksaVel, and I've just read on the Battlegroup Message Board that ret. BG Steele and Rea may come back in active duty...;)...I can't tell you how much happy I am to see Tornado becomes day after day one of the best squadron of the Fleet; I don't think of average scores on whether this or that competition, it is "Elite" squadrons' job; I think of the sense of membership of a group, the esprit de corps. We never could have reached this without the work of everyone, from the newest members whose work has allowed Tornado to reach its high level of activity, to senior members who give to Tornado his background and who have made its former and present glory. The "DeathWind" will blow for ever on Rebel scums....

--- FLEET NEWS ---

FA Dev former OPS Officer, is now TAC Officer ! He still rules the FCHG, and VA Thedek moves from CA:OPS to CA:TAC.
OPS Officer Position is TBA.
"New" TC Rank Insignia, they have just been shifted because of the new HA Rank.
AD Blackhawk is the new ExO of the Corporate Division.
New Recon Office at
Tornado Squadron Homepage EH Site of the Week ! (for those who were not at the EH IRC Meeting)


LC Maverick resigned from his position of Typhoon CMDR...we lose a great CMDR. LCM Callista from Typhoon is promoted to Commander of Typhoon..I'm sure you will do a goob job there :)...if you need any advice...


With the number of members increasing, I decided to create two squadron positions;
The first one: "Squadron Tactical Officer". He will be responsible for anything related to TIE Fighter, XvT Missions (except Tfr Files which still are to send to me). Basically the job will be to choose the battles/missions for Tornado Comp, find good and pleasant battles to play. Also, he will coordinate any mission or battle creation, providing help to anyone who need it about custom mission creation (TIE and XvT). And perhaps organizing XvT on-line comps.
The second one will be something like "Creation" Officer..(I didn't find a cool name...if you have any idea). Whereas the S.T.O. coordinates custom missions creation, this Officer coordinates art work creation, story writing...and organizes Story/Art work Comp or Run-on stories....or SWCCG Card creation like CM Thrax proposed some weeks ago.
The duties proposed are just a first draft, any comments or suggestions are welcome. If you are interested in these positions, email me.

--- COMPS ---

-Wing Comp: The Deadline is today. If you have not already send me your tfr file (CM Thrax, LT Jofus) send it ASAP to LC Tad and me. You might have one more day to finish it if you promise to fly it :p
-Tornado TIE Comp: EH Battle 105 to fly for February 1st; an ISM to win !...5/8 have submitted (plus CM Wet Willy who sent it before being promoted to CMDR)
-BG Comp it should be EH Battle 107 but I had some problems to run the last mission; I will give details a soon as I get them...
-Wing X vs Wing I Comp: probably in the next days/weeks
-First FCHG Comp: probably delayed to next week

-- WAR ROOM ---


The first members of the new system are listed on tHE FCHG Site at:

NiksaVel ( - Gallant
81 Points
¤ Battle Points - 49
¤ Battle Creation Points - 8
¤ Old High Score Points - 24
Striker ( - Cavalier
45 Points
¤ Battle Points - 23
¤ Free Mission Points - 3
¤ Old High Score Points - 19
Kessler ( - Lancer
8 Points
¤ Battle Points - 6
¤ Free Mission Points - 2
Veers ( - Lancer
5 Points
¤ Battle Points - 5

I should get 78 more points with 26 High-scores which were thankfully not recorded yet ;)


Updated two days ago, from the Challenge:

5/ ret. CMDR/LC Maverick/Typhoon 1-1/ISD Chal-43 high scores
9/ WC/LC Tad/Wing X/ISD Chal-19 high scores
10/ CMDR/CPT Striker/Tornado 1-1/ISD Chal-17 high scores
12/ FM/COL NiksaVel/Tornado 1-3/ISD Chal-14 high scores
19/ FM/LT Vexan/Typhoon 2-2/ISD Chal-9 high scores
22/ COM/RA Torres/ISD Chal-8 high scores
33/ CMDR/CM Callista/Typhoon 1-1/ISD Chal-4 high scores
37/ FM/CM Death/Thunder/ISD Chal-3 high scores
45/ CMDR/CM Wet Willy/Cyclone 1-1/ISD Chal-1 high score
45/ FM/CM Death/Thunder/ISD Chal-1 high score
45/ FL/LT Maniac/Cyclone 2-1/ISD Chal-1 high score
45/ FL/LT Nightwolf/Inferno 3-1/ISD Chal-1 high score
45/ FL/CPT Vader/Typhoon 3-1/ISD Chal-1 high score


Tornado Squadron has been eligible for its second Squadron Citation in a row ! more than 50% of the squadron has flown EH Battle 105....
Also, Flight I has been eligible for a Flight Citation for EH Battle 29 (just before COL NiksaVel's transfer)
Tornado Squadron Citations: EH Battle 63,105
Flight Citations: Flight I (EH Battle 29) Flight II (EH Battle 14, 63 and 105) Flight III (Battle 63)

The ISD Challenge is near from earning a ship citation for EH Battle 1, so if you did not fly it yet, that would be great for the Challenge...the battle is far from being exciting, but fly it...complete the primary goals and that's it.
Tornado could earn his third citation for EH Battle 29,75 or 46, as the battles has been played by three members. Just think about it..;)

Concerning the Medal Board, I will update every entry of the squad as soon as a new OPS Officer will be chosen and when the Medal Board Site will be more reliable (it has erased entries >:p)



Still need some graphics to illustrate the several sections....briefing room, lounge...etc...
The History Section has been completed with Squad Awards, and some stuff about the first of the Challenge and of Tornado.
LT Corran Horn has created a Flight II Page, which can be accessed by the roster page, or directly at:


As usual, the famous Activity Report of the Week :)...and its "suggestions"
When you have a lot of stuff in Real Life, please tell me, in order to me not to think you are a lazy AWOL boy...;)

CPT Striker
Awarded one MoC-BoC...
Played EH Battle 107 and corrected some problems
Updated my Custom Battle/Mission Creations in order to submit them to the TAC Office
HTML work as usual
-> Be thinking of my SWCCG Card, should play EH Battle 46.....

CM Thrax
Nothing (?)
Reply ASAP
-> Please reply ASAP, Fly Delta1 Mission before tomorrow, play EH Battle 105 for the comp

COL NiksaVel
Transfered from Nun Squadron
Played EH Battle 105 and Free Mission Delta1
Submitted his ship's name
-> Welcome aboard !

COL Kessler
Back from the Reserve Corps
Played EH Battle 105 and Free Mission Delta1
-> Welcome aboard ! Please submit your ship's name

LT Corran Horn
Submitted pieces of art work for the site
Created Flight II Webpage
Awarded an ISM
Working on creating a XvT Battle
-> Good work

LT Veers
Changed his email address to
Played Battles 22 and 105
Now has ICQ: 27978501
-> Good work, please get IWATS Certification if possible

LCM Dave
On leave for one more week...he will be surprised when he will be back !
-> Have nice holidays !

LT Jofus
Got IWATS Certification
Has got some problems in downloading the battle/mission comp files.....
Contact me directly for anything as LCM Dave is on leave
-> Please fly Delta1 Mission if you have time,get ICQ , submit your ship's name

ICQ can be downloaded at
EH Battle 105
Delta1 Mission

IIC Course or "How to learn HTML" ...very useful
ICQ is a damned good program which allows you to know when somebody is online too and to chat with somebody...and it's FREE !!
COL NiksaVel 5356804
CPT Striker 16738520
CM Thrax 9033486
LCM Dave 27190369
LT Corran Horn 27694337
LT Veers 27978501
Due to Firewall restrictions, I'm not contactable on ICQ during the week...I replied all authorization requests I me if there's still a problem.

Quite long today....I will finish with LT Corran Horn's submission....below :)


I thought about it last week and LT Corran Horn's Email about a Flight II Motto just reminds me of it; "Elite" squadrons are using such nicknames, there's no reason for any squad not to create their own flight nicknames too. So you are free to send me your proposals for the three flights of the squadron; I will take into account propositions from within each flight first, but you can propose a nickname for an other flight than yours.
A remember, we are a Strike Squadron. MIS for Flight I, T/D for Flight II and III; within the squadron, the missions of each flights are:
Flight I - Command and Assault Flight; leads the strike mission and destroy the main capital ships with their deadly MIS, which are nevertheless vulnerable.
Flight II - "Space Superiority" Flight; destroy starfighters and little capital ships; ahead of Flight I
Flight III - Escort Flight; make sure the MIS are safe from Rebel starfighters; close dogfight, along with Flight I

May the Darkness defend you,
CMDR/CPT Striker/Tornado 1-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge (Cav),
GRD (Sith)/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae, Nightshade Squadron
CMDR/BG Striker/Shadow 1-1/Wing I/MC-90 Bismarck/IW/EH, VC

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