Tornado Report # 0 (1999-01-13)

This report was submitted by LC Hicks

Tornado Squadron Briefing
January 13th,1999



Front and center,
LT Corran Horn, I hereby promote you to Flight II Leader. I expect you to contact and provide whatever assistance FM/LT Veers requires, and to maintain consistent contact with me and your flight. Congratulations ! Beers are on you !

FM/LT Corran Horn/Tornado 1-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge
Promoted to
FL/LT Corran Horn/Tornado 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge

--- FLEET NEWS ---

SA Compton former TAC Officer, has been appointed as Executive Officer of the Emperor's Hammer ! Details on the EH Domain.
GA Ronin introduced a new Admiral Rank between Fleet Admiral and Sector Admiral: High Admiral. There will be only 3 HA at the same time. FA Khyron, Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood, and FA Paladin, High Inquisitor, have been promoted to High Admirals !
Fourth anniversary of the Emperor's Hammer !
NL 48 has been released to the Fleet by SA Compton at
Tactical Officer and and Executive Officer of the Corporate Division Positions are opened.
New FCHG System !!! Go to for the latest news..some details below.


CM Wet Willy posted the new Cyclone Webpage at:

--- COMPS ---

-Wing Comp: Delta1 to fly before January 20th; 4 submissions on 6.....the last two ones, send my your tfr file or tell me your computer is broken !! :p EVERY score is needed for Tornado overall performance...don't let Typhoon be "Commander's Own" one more time ;) (and you would have one more day on leave...)
-Tornado TIE Comp: EH Battle 105 to fly for February 1st; an ISM to win !
-Squadron Logo: send me your's not a MOTTO...we've got one !....but some graphic insignia...take for example Teth's one in the Tornado lounge

-BG Comp in order to get some ship citations, EH Battle 107 will be flown...details soon but be ready to fly it once you finished the two above...

-- NEW F.C.H.G. SYSTEM ---

Pasted from FA Dev's Office

The Fleet Commander's Honor Guard is being revised to keep it current with the EH and to expand it to make it a much more active part. It uses a point system to determine promotions, with points being earned by flying missions, winning FCHG competitions, and other activities. Membership requires only acquiring enough points for the lowest rank. Entry and promotions are done by your CMDR or your superior officer contacting the OPS and his CA.

Below is the point system used for the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:
One point:
Complete an Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet battle
One current high score
Two Points:
Design a battle for the Emperor's Hammer
Complete a FCHG specific Emperor's Hammer battle
Three Points:
Submit a high score for a EH or FCHG battle [not retroactive]
Completing a FCHG Competition battle
Four Points:
Design an approved FCHG battle
Five Points:
Design an approved FCHG battle for the mission competition
Fifteen Points:
Get the highest score on the selected battle during a FCHG competition
Design the best battle during a FCHG competition

It should be noted that designed missions MUST meet quality standards, and if they do not they are not worth any points. Also, to qualify for FCHG points, people flying a mission or battle must get at least 40% of the current high score (if any).

CHG Competitions are run by the Operations Officer. How long they last and what battle they fly varies, but they consist of a set FCHG mission or battle to be flown and a mission design competition. You receive 3 points just for flying with a decent score in the FCHG Competition, and 5 points for submitting a mission, not to mention 15 if you win, so participate!

Rank Requirements
300 Points: Tyrant
150 Points: Paladin
100 Points: Knight
50 Points: Gallant
25 Points: Cavalier
10 Points: Dragoon
5 Points: Lancer

You may notice some ranks have disappeared...;(
The first FCHG Competition is under way....these competitions will give plenty of FCHG Points....;)


I need some graphics to illustrate the several sections....briefing room, lounge...etc...If you find some interestings, send them to me with the email of his maker if available. Or do them yourself, I shall reward you...;)....CM Thrax, could you send all Tornado-related files you have in your archives ?


CPT Striker
Updated his INPR (Tornado Lounge)
Awarded one MoC-SoC...thanks Tad ;)
HTML work on several pages
Updated Tornado History and Awards...almost complete
-> Be thinking of my SWCCG Card.....

CM Thrax
Not a word this week...
Are you ready to create a set of Tornado SWCCG Cards ?
-> Fly Delta1 Mission and EH Battle 105, try the new IWATS Courses

LT Corran Horn
Promoted to Lieutenant and Flight II Leader
Played EH Battle 105 and Free Mission Delta1
Submitted one piece of art work
Passed the IWATS SWRPG course and gained IWATS Certification
Got ICQ: UIN 27694337
-> Maybe a Flight Page ? Keep up the good work !

LT Veers
Haven't heard of you...working on the Tornado Comp ?
-> Fly EH Battle 105, get IWATS Certification, get ICQ

LCM Dave
Played Delta 1 Mission before going on leave
Has headed off to Coruscant for two weeks to spend time with the family, see the old sights, etc.
-> Have nice holidays !

LT Jofus
Still Nothing :(...reply this as an AWOL Check with your current situation...exams ??
Contact me directly for anything as LCM Dave is on leave
-> Fly Delta1 Mission and EH Battle 105, get IWATS Certification, get ICQ, submit your ship's name

ICQ can be downloaded at
EH Battle 105
Delta1 Mission

IIC Course or "How to learn HTML" ...very useful
ICQ is a damned good program which allows you to know when somebody is online too and to chat with should have a listing of all Tornado members...(now 4 on 6)..and it's FREE !!
Due to Firewall restrictions, I'm not contactable on ICQ during the week...I replied all authorization requests I me if there's still a problem.

Hope I forgot nothing
See you in the skies in five minutes....,)

May the Darkness defend you,
CMDR/CPT Striker/Tornado 1-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge (Cav),
GRD (Sith)/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae, Nightshade Squadron
CMDR/GN Striker/Shadow 1-1/Wing I/MC-90 Bismarck/IW/EH, VC

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