Tornado Report # 0 (1998-10-28)

This report was submitted by LC Hicks

Tornado Squadron Briefing
October, 28th 1998


Greetings....a new issue of the Tornado Briefing...
Please have a sit...


-The TIE Corps has now a homepage ! It is located at
-The Battle Board is up again ! Now it is managed by the TAC Office...
You can find it at:
-New IOA: CMDR/CM Wolfverine of the SSD Avenger!
-CA:COMM and COMMA positions still TBA
-Black Squadron Homepage is the EH Site of the Week ! It is my IW Squadron ;)


-Results of the 3rd round of the Challenge Cup...Typhoon is the only Challenge's squadron to go to the final round... a 3-squadron-championship : Mu, Sword and Typhoon...


I have news from almost everybody...still waiting an Email from SL Wet Willy... You may not have checked your Email account since you joined, please reply ASAP...CM Thrax, I saw your post on the Tornado Message Board, please reply this message by Email, so I can be sure it is the right Email address.


-The Tornado Banner Comp has entry ;( I took CM Thrax's Banner.
-TO Comp: still no news.
-New comp: Tornado November TIE Comp; you will have to fly EH Battle 63 (attached) for November, 28th. It is a five-mission-battle, all you have to do to install it is copy the 5 mission file into the mission directory and copy battle1.lfd to the resource directory of TIE. (Backup original files before !) And use a new pilot.


The Tornado website is at
It has been officially released, have a look there...and send me any creation of yours so I can post them.
New features: you can find there all briefings and FO Reports.


I begin to work at it, but I need the rosters from NLs 37 to 42, so if you have them...I post the ISD Challenge's rosters from the newsletters there, if you are interested:
Send me all you can have about Tornado History as well as ISD Challenge's one too...working on what happened in Tornado is nearly
working on happened aboard the Challenge too.


I would like everybody to pass at least the IWATS Core...It will be a necessary condition to be promoted in Tornado Squadron...the test is quite easy, it should take about 15 minutes to finish it...


Some of the EH Battles have been renovated by Project Reno, they have an install program. but you can encounter battles without one. How does it work ? In the ressource directory of TIE, there are files intitled battle1.lfd, battle2.lfd..etc These files contain the list of missions you have to fly in the battle. The mission files are in the Mission Directory. They are intitled b1m1???.tie b1m2????.tie etc...The missions files for battle 1 are b1m#??.tie, where # is the number of the mission. Backup them. Then, rename your EH custom missions so that the mission names match those of the Tie Battle One missions. Then copy the renamed files into the tiecd\missions directory and say yes to overwrite the existing files. If you have a battle1.lfd file, then copy it to the ressource directory...and just copy the new mission files into the mission directory. Once you have installed the new missions, all you
have to do is start TIE Fighter. Use a new pilot for each new battle ! The new missions should have been placed over the Battle 1. You are ready to fly...
If you have any problem, contact me.

Remember you can, and indeed are encouraged, to fly as many battles as you wish.You are not limited to competitions. It can allow you to be promoted ! There are currently well over 100 custom battles as well as many free missions .etc to be flown. They can be found at the Mission Compendium, there is a link in the EH Domain, and in the Tornado Site.


There is much more to the EH than simply Tie Corps. Each of you should navigate around the main site ( and find things of interest. As an example, you should check out all of the manuals. Visit the Archives. One wesome place to go is the office of the XO, there are links everywhere from in there.
A visit to the subgroups section ( or Tornado Site) will reveal a myriad of groups catering to every game platform and interest. The one common denominator is they are all Star Wars related. Feel free to
check them out. you will probably find something you like. Personally I am in the Dark Brotherhood and the Infiltrator Wing in addition to Tie Corps.
Also, when checking certain things out, a visit to the Command Staff page is usually a good place to start. Here you will find links to the Comm center, the Science Office, The Flight Office, Tactical Office and Operations Office... The addy: (or Tornado Site :))


Of course, I assume you know about the Message Boards. If not, there is a link off the main site. I encourage you all to visit and post. Another way of communicating with other members is through ICQ. If you haven't downloaded it yet, go to It is a free program and is fairly small so it won't take too much resources. My UIN is 16738520 if you already have it. Feel free to contact me, but I shall use it only the Week-End...My firewall is very restrictive...military ground :) You can also go through IRC. You can get a IRC Client at Then, go under Undernet at the channel ##Emperor's_Hammer. There are always people to chat with...and there are weekly EH Meeting the Saturday at noon, GMT-4. (Sydney time-15hours, France time-5hours)


Well, the Tornado Squadron Comp with its lonely ISM to win ( yes, I forgot to tell you about, but you may have seen it on the webpage...) has become a Wing Comp ! Still an award for the best scoring in the squadron, but also for the three best scores of the Wing ! The new deadline is for December, 1st, so send me the TFR files for november 30th...if you have any trouble with the battle, email the best you can, but don't be afraid to participate even if you are not a hot-shot pilot...I don't want you to be hot shot pilots ( it would be better tough..;)), but at least participating pilots ! Let's show everybody Tornado is alive !

Ok...that's all for today...
Remember, you have a battle to play...

May the darkness defend you,

CMDR/CM Striker/Tornado 1-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge (Drag),
GRD (Sith)/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae, Nightshade Squadron
FM/GN Striker/Black 1-3/Wing III/MC-80b Saratoga/IW/EH

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