Viper Report # 18 (2001-04-21)

This report was submitted by CPT Duncan Idaho

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Viper Report 21.04.2001

Fleet News:

-Operation Supremacy is on. We have to fly against the ASF Command Squadron. That means host matches agains the WC and Ship Commander of the ASF. This round is until April 30th. Contact the guys, fly them and WIN. Report all matches to Maj Death.

-Wing Commanders own for this month is Krayt Squadron.

-Maj Lusankya is stepping down as Copperhead CMDR, also Maj Astin transfered to the reserves. That means the CMDR positions of Copperhead and Asp are open. Send applications to me and Maj Brakka if you are interested.

-Pel and Brakka fly their pretty own comp. Check out the details at:

-AD Zsinj resigned as COO. New COO is VA WetWilly.

Squadron News:

-I´ve been promoted to CPT. Drinks are on me on IRC, channel #WingXIV. Meet me there.

-We have two new pilots. Welcome to SL Marcus and SL TK-6681.

-LT Paul is now Flight Leader of Flight III. He also made Fusilier on FCHG. Good job.

-I want every Flight Leader sending me Flight Reports every two weeks.

-I´m back from the Jedi Convention in Cologne. See my report at the end.

-Pel will award a PC to the pilot who gains the most LoC´s in a month.

-Brakka offers a PC to the CMDR and an ISM to every participating pilot, who´s Squdron first gains 30 citations.


-REPORT IN WEEKLY. I need to know that you guys are active. Remember: Four weeks not reporting in will automatically result in an AWOL status in the fifth week.

-Recruit new pilots. Possibilities for recruiting are recruiting message board, MSN gaming zone, real life friends, etc.. Every recruiting will be awarded a medal.

-Go to IRC chat on channel #WingXIV as often as you can and take part in our discussions. It´s important to talk together, so we can find out about problems, share information or else.

-Go on fighting in online engagements in the comps listed below.

-Register at battlestats. You can find the adress below.

-Go for the requirements Brakka and Pel set.

-Take part in Operation: Superiority!


CPT Duncan Idaho: Attended Jedi Con, promoted to Cpt, submitted BSF´s, flew in Euroloc, taking part in Operation Superiority.

LT Wes Janson: Not reported in.

LT Kalen Vec: Reported in, did again a good job as A-CMDR. Thank you Kalen.

LT Brentar Talon: Not reported in.

LT Paul: Flew XvT-missions 11-15, made Fusilier on FCHG, promoted to FL of Flight III, taking part in Operation Superiority. Good activity. Keep up!

SL Marcus: Reported in to his FL, please report in to me, too.

SL TK-668: Reported in.

Online engagements:

[XvT] EuroComp
4/21 (10:00 - 11:30)
[XWA] EuroComp
4/21 (10:00 - 11:30)
[XWA] Kampfergemetzel
4/21 (13:00 - 15:00)
[XWA] Outer Rim War
4/21 (14:00 - 23:00)
[JK] Outer Rim War
4/21 (14:00 - 23:00)
[XvT] Outer Rim War
4/21 (14:00 - 23:00)
[XWA] Zone Sunday
4/22 (13:00 - 14:30)

All times are EST (GMT - 5:00)


COMMANDER: CM Duncan Idaho (
NICKNAME: The Venom of the Emperor
MOTTO: The silent bite in the night

Nickname: Sting of Death
Motto: Your destiny is chosen when we arrive.
1) CM Duncan Idaho (
2) LT Wes Janson (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Poison Providers
Motto: Time to run rebel scum.
1) LT Kalen Vec (
2) LT Brentar Talon (
3) SL TK-6681 (
4) TBA

Nickname: Venom Flight
Motto: First to bite, last to die
1) LT Paul (
2) SL Marcus (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 7

Citations: 1

-TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle

Important links:

-Emperors Hammer main page:

-Wing XIV page:

-Imperial IRC chat:

-Personal profile administration page:

-Training manual:

-ASF message board:

-EH battle center:


-Science Office:

-ISD Intrepid contests:


-ASF Propagand Office:

-MSN Gaming Zone:


To be promoted from SL to LT:

1. Submit your Imperial Navy Pilot Record (INPR) to your Squadron Commander.
2. Participate in any official TIE Corps competition or contest.
3. Fly any official TIE Corps battle, with the exception of free missions, these are located at the TIE Corps Battle Center.
4. Submit EH/TC fiction or graphics.
5. Assist your Squadron Commander with the squadron's homepage or other activities.

Jedi Con Report:

Ok, here´s my report of the Jedi Con 2001 in Cologne/Germany. As you know several EH pilots attended this Con not only to have fun. We set up a stand with our computers and let the visitors play single missions and 1 vs. 1 melees. My computer and the one of the Fleet Medical Officer, AD Mike, where connected to play XWA melees.
We arrived at Thursday and after checking in at the Youth Hostel we went to the Sartory Halls, where the Con took place, and set up our equipment. After a long night at Pizza Hut and a Cocktail Bar we got up early on Friday to get our stand ready for take-off. The people where quite interested in our activities and I handed over 100 flyers from the EH and tried to recruit new pilots for Viper and Wing XIV. Hope it will work. You should have seen the disguises the people wore: A dozen Stormtroopers, Lord Vader, Boba Fett, X-Wing pilots, Leia in Boush outfit, Princess Amidala, etc.. A lot of Stars where there, too. Rick McCallum (Producer), Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), Warwick Davis (Wicket the Ewok), Steve Sansweet (Lucasfilm), Don Bies (ILM-guy), Jerome Blake (Rune Haako), Michael Sheard (AD Ozzel), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca). They had autograph sessions and we were able to talk a bit to those guys. Specially Michael Sheard talked a lot with us and joined the EH as honorary member.
Very good were the Opening ceremony. A computer animated movie switching to live action on stage. Also great was the concert of a symphony orchestra which played all the famous SW songs.
The sad thing was, that there was a little less activity. The things you read above, some panels of the stars and stands for merchandise. Also everything was damned expensive. One autograph between 10 and 20 Deutsch Mark.
Overall this was a great weekend. I have to get a better uniform next time. I will perhaps join the Dark Side Con in October in Münster/Germany. If you guys have time and money, come on over and join us. It´s great. If you want to know more details and pics, check the EH main page.

CPT Duncan Idaho

CMDR/CPT Duncan Idaho/Viper/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid

....End of transmission

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