Viper Report # 17 (2001-04-14)

This report was submitted by CPT Duncan Idaho

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Viper Report 04.14.2001

Fleet News:

-New IWATS-course "Rebellion Tactics" is online.

-New Recon Office is up. Have a look at

-Good flying will be awarded again very good:

*Each month, the pilot with the most new LoC´s earned, will be granted the title Intrepid´s Guard, and will receive a PC.

*Each month, the pilot who recruits the most new pilots to the wing, will receive a PC.

-Maj Brakka wants to complete everybody the following requirements:

Every pilot in the wing to complete TC-XvT 1-10
Every pilot to have a CoB (if you do above you will get one)
50% of the wing to fly a multiplayer match
All SLs to be promoted to LT
50% of the wing to be seen on IRC

Squadron News:

-Superandroid is awol now. I´ve never heard anything from him during the last weeks. Everybody else: Report in immediately. I want to know what is going on with you guys.

-I am acting CMDR until CM Idaho returnes.


-REPORT IN WEEKLY. I need to know that you guys are active. Remember: Four weeks not reporting in will automatically result in an AWOL status in the fifth week.

-Recruit new pilots We have still six open positions. Possibilities for recruiting are recruiting message board, MSN gaming zone, real life friends, etc.. Every recruiting will be awarded a medal.

-Go to IRC chat on channel #WingXIV as often as you can and take part in our discussions. It´s important to talk together, so we can find out about problems, share information or else.

-Go on fighting in online engagements in the comps listed below.

-Register at battlestats. You can find the adress below.

-Go for the requirements Maj Brakka set.

-Take part in Operation: Superiority! More infos to come after we have been challanged.

CM Duncan Idaho: off tromping about in Europe :-P

LT Wes Janson: Not reported in. Mail me short with your problems.

LT Kalen Vec: Reported in.A-CMDR for This week

LT Brentar Talon: On leave. Mail me short with your problems.

SL Superandroid: AWOL.

LT Paul:not reported in.

sorry for making this so late, my server has been down .

A-CMDR Kalen Vec
A-CMDR/Lt. Kalen Vec/viper 1-3/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid

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