Omicron Report # 0 (2001-04-23)

This report was submitted by CM Daniel Stephens

CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens reporting in for Omicron

Tie Corps News:
*Can be found at

Ship News:
Eta defeated Nu so congrats and maybe next time to
Our very own COM is in the Mr/Mrs EH Pagent, so vote
on him so he can win and we can pester him about it.
Well I think Darknyte has made a record he has made
CMDR of Nu...and in 2 months, now for those of you who
dont know, thats how long he has been in the EH/TC,
conratz Dn.
CPT Owen Nivarian has been appointed CMDR of Pi this
week also, congrats to him as well.

Squadron News:
Well try as we might we lost against Dagger
Squadron, though I am extreamly proud of you all, we
made 100% in the comp, cant give you anything now but
keep up the good work!!
I have a poll up on the omi yahoogroups page about
the Battle of the Week, go there and vote on it.
*We are in an intrasquad comp, it consists of making
each flight a homepage, there will be three winners
whose prizes are being able to make the homepages and
an IS-BR, if you have any questions about it feel free
to contact me.

Activity Reports:

CM Daniel Stephens:
Recruted a bit, and actually got a reply!!!!:)
LT Endymion:
Seen talking on the groups.
LT Maru Ki:
Took and made a 100% on ICQ IWATS exam.
LCM Jague Philu:
Came back from leave.
LT Vatsyayana:
Nothing to report.
Needs to contact me, in danger of being AWOLed.
LT Trideo Arkson:
Took Tie Tactics IWATS exam and made a 90% congrats.
CM Anthony Starr:
LCM Crevent Thrawn:
Talked to him thru MSN a little.
LCM Horn:
*Seen on AIM a little.

Final Thoughts: Well damn you have all suprised me,
you have jumped up on the activity scale, I am
extreamly proud of you, lets just make it even more

Respectfully Submitted:
CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens

"Remember the Titans"CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens/Omicron1-1/WingVIII/ISD
ColossusISMx2/MoI/CoB/LoA{LANC}{IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/2}[MIS Wing Zero]Master
Chief of Colossus RecrutingACO Ender(Oblesk)\House Dorimad Sol of Clan Scolae

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