Omicron Report # 0 (2001-04-23)

This report was submitted by CM Daniel Stephens

CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens reporting in for Omicron

Tie Corps News: Can be found at

Ship News: If you need a decent email account contact
AV for an email account.
We have hit 46 pilots, so that means that we are the
largest wing in the fleet, (i think).
Maj Rand has been declared AWOL, and CPT Owen Nivarien
gas been appointed CMDR of Pi squadron.

Squadron News:
I have contacted the new CMDR of Dagger Squadron and
asked if the comp between us and them could be
postponed and he gladly approved, so you have till
next Saturday to get your .tfr files to me, I have
recieved files from only the following people:
LT Endymion
CM Anthony Starr
So that means that 6 of you havent sent me yours yet,
getem in now!!!!!
We have 2 new pilots, SL Maru Ki, and SL Trideo
Arkson, welcome them to Omicron.

Activity Reports:

CM Daniel Stephens:
*Recruted a bit.
*Done normal CMDR duties.
LT Endymion:
*Compleated FTIE 1.
*Promoted to LT.
SL Maru Ki:
*Appointed to Omicron.
LCM Jague Philu:
* Went on leave.
LT Vatsyayana:
*nothing to report as of yet.
SL Trideo Arkson:
*assigned to Omicron Squadron.
CM Anthony Starr:
*compleated FTIE 1.
LCM Crevent Thrawn:
*no report.
LCM Horn:
*nothing to report.

Final Thoughts: Overall a better week than last, and
we got some fresh blood, so maybe that will envigorate
us more.

Respectfully Submitted:
CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens

"Remember the Titans"CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens/Omicron1-1/WingVIII/ISD
ColossusISMx2/MoI/CoB/LoA{LANC}{IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/2}[MIS Wing Zero]Master
Chief of Colossus RecrutingACO Ender(Oblesk)\House Dorimad Sol of Clan Scolae

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