Ghost Report # 14 (2000-11-28)

This report was submitted by MAJ Arso Slyth

MAJ Arso Slyth reporting in for the week of 11-28-2000

Squadron News

a. We were defeated by Demon Squadron. But! only by a very small margin. Congratulations goes out to CM RougeWing for having the highest score from our squad.

b. If you guys haven't noticed we don't have a webpage anymore. If anyone wants to volunteer to do this themselves and keep it updated I would love you forever, my web designing skills aren't very good. I have some graphics that people made if you guys want them. Maybe we could make this a group effort. I will have more details later.

c. I returned from leave over the weekend. My life has been very hectic lately, the flu, holidays, holiday shopping, schoolwork and managing a girlfriend. But I am still with you guys. And I hope we can continue to be as good as we always have been.

d. I encourage you all to participate in the WoW on the MSN gaming zone. We are trying to defeat that blasted Wing XIII. We can do it, I know we can!

e. Everyone replied to my AWOL check. I am pleased about that. Now lets recruit!

Activity Reports (these are all done from memory forgive me if they are wrong)

MAJ Arso Slyth [4]
recieved BS, ISM, returned from leave

LT Broak Vessery [50]
flew fxwa 24

CM RougeWing [31]
flew fxwa 24,22 and XWA 11*high score, recieved ISM, submitted fiction

LT Tolrek[6]
no activity, computer problems

LT Darkheart [33]
submitted fiction, got a voicmail from his CMDR

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