Vortex Report # 0 (2001-01-27)

This report was submitted by CM Mace

Vortex Squadron Report
CM Mace


Welcome Pilots to the Vortex Weekly Report.

LCM Mace sat in Vortex Barracks as he normally did on a Sunday just relaxing playing cards with the boys. "Hey Bruc, word on the grape vine is that the FO is paying us a visit today" said Achim as he arranged his cards in his hand. "Yeah his gonna announce the new BGCOM *looks at his watch* speaking of which we better get ready" said Bruc as he threw his cards on the table and headed for his quarters. Mace stayed in his chair while everyone was leaving the table "huh o where ya guys going o come I got a good hand, damn" as he shook his head and finally went and got dress.
Everyone was ready, in full dress uniform so they headed down to the flight deck to welcome the Flight Officer. Being first on the roster Vortex was first in the rigid formation, the FO’s shuttle landed and Admiral Theodore stepped out suddenly the whole crew snapped to attention. The FO walked up and meet with Vice Admiral Cyric and Admiral Priyum, some words where spoken before Cyric pointed to COL Chrusos Ichthys. They walked over to him they shook hands and Vit had a big smile on his face just then the whole crew knew their Wing Commander as the new leader of the ASF. After all the formal announcements AD Theodore and AD Priyum joined the whole crew of the Grey Wolf for a celebration in the GW cantina.

It was a great sight never before was the GW Cantina so full, the music played as everyone including the higher ups drank, sang and toasted to the new appointment. Mace sat drinking with his regular group of pilots, he watched across the room as officer after officer walked up to Vit congratulating him. He sat talking waiting for his chance to congratulate him, after getting up to get another round Mace notice Bruc was talking to Vit so he thought he’d go congratulate him with his CMDR.

"Heya Mace good to see your enjoying the Party" said Vit. Mace laughed then replied "Yeah but not as good as some" as the three turned around to watch LC Woobee standing on a table drink in hand, uniform half undone and bellowing his own made up version of the Stormtroopers come march in J . Three pilots turned back to each other laughing "Anyways Vit congrats on promo I’m sure you’ll make the ASF a better place" said Mace as the three charged their glasses. "Well it’s different job now but I still need good pilots" said Vit. "I don’t think you’ll have a problem with that on the Grey Wolf, Vit" said Bruc. "True True speaking of which I can’t think of better time than now to announce the new members of the Grey Wolf command staff" as Vit walked over to Woobee got up onto the table and after a long struggle finally got the microphone off him and pushed him off. "Gentleman may I have your attention *the whole cantina went silent* as you all know with me leaving the Wing XIII Commander spot will be open. So since we’re in the party mood I’d like to turn this into a triple celebration. First go crazy for you new WC he has been an outstanding pilot for GW for God knows how long I’m of course talking about the great, MAJ Brucmark. Come on up here Bruc" yelled Vit as the whole cantina erupted into cheering and clapping. The two slightly wobbly men finally balanced themselves on the table, Vit took the CMDR badge from Bruc’s uniform replacing it with a Wing Commander badge. Then quietly Vit said to Bruc "Well done mate I know you’ll do a great job". He put the microphone back to his mouth, now that leaves Vortex CMDR this pilot is Vortex’s little activemite his hotter than an ewok barbecue I’m talking about Mace" as again the crowd exploded into cheering and whistling. Mace jumped up onto the table as Vit removed the FL badge from mace’s chest and pined the CMDR badge on. The three slightly tipsy officers congratulated each other losing their balance on the table and falling to he ground laughing their heads off having a great old time. From that point on the Grey Wolf’s crew partied on till the early hours of the lunar morning. Not only proving that we love to fly and it shows that we also love to have a good time and it DEFINITELY shows J


New ASF BGCOM is VA Vitcarp, Congrats Vit!

New Wing Commander is MAJ Brucmark, well done mate :)

New Vortex Commander is CM Mace

New Phoenix Commander is CM Xura Verr, congrats to him.

Our Very own CM Achim Schwarick had been awarded an Commendation of Loyalty for his excellent service to Vortex and the ASF, great work mate you earned this! :)..it's not on your profile yet but I it's on tc.org news section I guess it's in the mail :)

New members onboard SL Dosk and CM Crazy R2, again welcome fellas

Maj ASTIN of Wing XIV has resigned as WC.

New TAC is AD StarLion his new TCC:TIE is CPT Mike of the Crusader, congrats :)
Activity Reports

1-1 CM Mace
- Moving into his new office :)
- Battle Submissions: TC-TIE Battle 55-57
- Multiplayer Events: WoW

1-2 SL Dosk
- Joined Vortex Squadron
- Reported in

1-3 CM Crazy R2
- Rejoined Vortex from the Reserves
- Seen on IRC

1-4 Daurathi Ghost
- Reported in

2-1 Achim Schwarick
- Reported in

2-3 Tyken Restar
- Report in

3-4 Alex Foley
- Reported in

Combat Ratings

1 point for every Legion of Combat earned
5 points for every Distinguished Flying Cross earned

Marksman 1st (25 points)

[26] LCM Mace
Marksman 3rd (15 points)

[15] CM CrazyR2
Trainee (1 point)

[4] LCM Alex Foley
[1] LT Tyken Restar
[1] CM Achim Schwarick
FCHG Rankings

FCHG Rankings are currently offline
Competitions and Tournaments

XWA Zone Sunday:
XWA event on Internet Gaming Zone
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.

NC vs TC:
XWA event on IRC channel: #Project_Faithful
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.

Greenwich Wolf Competition:
XVT and XWA event on IRC channel: #wingxiii
Time: 1:00 - 4:30 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win. PC for overall winner, ISM for second place.

Wednesday ASF Competition:
XWA and XVT event on IRC channel: #wingxiii
Time: 7:00 - 10:30 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win. 2xDFC for overall winners in both games.

Avenger Training:
XWA and XVT event on IRC channel #avenger
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win. 2xDFC for overall winners in both games.

EuroLoC aka Euro Competition:
XVT and XWA event on IRC channel #euroloc
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM EST
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.

XWA event on Internet Gaming Zone
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win.

XvT event of the Internet Gaming Zone
Time: Fri 19 -Fri 26
Awards: LoC for every win.



ISD Grey Wolf: http://www.emperorshammer.ca/isdgreywolf/
Aggressor Strike Force: http://www.redrival.com/demios/enter.html
TIE Corps: http://www.tiecorps.org
Emperor's Hammer: http://www.emperorshammer.org

EH Battle Centre: http://www.tiecorps.org/battles/
EH Mission Compendium: http://www.tiecorps.org/battles/battletypes.asp
EH Combat Centre: http://www.tiecorps.org/combat/

Internet Relay Chat

Wing XIII: #wingxiii
Aggressor Strike Force: #eh_asf
TIE Corps: #tiecorps
Emperor's Hammer: #emperor's_hammer


I'm currently going through everyones Combat Records making up a Citation Table for us. Till then the best thing you ALL can do for yourself and squadron citations is fly any XvT Battles located here and BoP Battles located here that you haven't already flown. Happy Flying :)

Commanders Thoughts

As we've had a change in Command I'd do at AWOL but we just had one and I know everyone is active so on to more fun things :) Here is a low-down on my hopes for Vortex kinda like a sort of standing orders if you will.

Reporting: I'd like you all to report into me and your FL once a week as usual even if you did nothing like you didn't get the chance to fly or go on irc. If your busy then mail me it's only takes 5 seconds and it looks a whole lot better than an inactive mark on the WSR so tell me so I can report for you :)

MB: Our Message board is up at http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=27 and has been quiet for awhile now. Lately I've been the only one posting on it..from now the MB will be use for announcements some important some not but it's in your best interest to check it. I'd like to everyone to check it and POST regularly, MB's can be fun let's make ours the most active in the TC!! :) Run-on coming soon among other things so Bookmark the MB learn to like it, chat to it, it is your friend :)

Citations: Currently we have only 9 which is fair but I know you guys are better than that so let's get the battles I set flown! so we can really shown the other squads we mean business! Citations will go like this first we will knock down all the TC-XvT/BoP Battles then we will move on the IW-XvT/BoP Battles then on to TC-TIE Battles #1-10 and so on. So once I finish the citation table I will set a battle so we can get off and running on our quest to get more citations :) Also if you have already flown the battle set you can just move on and fly another battle which will help us when we come to that battle. I don't expect you all to fly all the Battles over night, go at your own pace but your flying will be rewarded remember that :)

Website: I know Alex Foley is making a Site currently. Foley do you need any help? how's it going? also mail me with what you go so far, maybe we can spilt the workload between the squad using everyone's talents :)

MP: Mulitplayer is life blood of the ASF that's why the ASF was created :) A big Grey Wolf MP Competition will be coming out soon stay turned for that! Also I know it's hard with Time Zones and Internet connections but get to the MP comps on IRC and have a go :) Also I'll be mailing you all about WoW, how to sign up for battlestats etc.. WoW is the biggest online MP Comp most of the XvT community turns up so it is a great chance to get alot of the games and LoC's for that matter and play poeple in your own Time Zones :)

Well that's it I know it's alot to take in, but please don't feel overwhelmed by it all just get in amongst it and try your best I'll be happy with that :) Also one final thing my old FL spot is open I've got a few poeple in mind but if want the job please mail me if I get enough interest maybe I'll have an FCHG race for a week just to see who wants it more :)

Cheers Boys, have a good one!!

Squadron Roster

NICKNAME: The Winds of Destruction
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/vortex.jpg
MOTTO: "Silent.. leges inter arma"
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=27

Nickname: Devil's Flight
Motto: "As swift as the wind, silent as the forest, fierce as fire, immovable as a mountain."
1) LCM Mace (mace@isdchallenge.org) - #5079
2) SL Dosk (gorilla14@ozemail.com.au) - #6047
3) CM CrazyR2 (smelenchuk@home.com) - #1247
4) LT Daurathi Ghost (paladin78@aol.com) - #5657

Nickname: Lucifer's Hammer
Motto: "In Domine Imperium"
1) CM Achim Schwarick (Avaris@t-online.de) - #3810
2) TBA
3) LT Tyken Restar (icestriker@hotmail.com) - #5725
4) TBA

Nickname: The Silent Hunters
Motto: "Live with honour, kill by stealth"
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) LCM Alex Foley (alexfoley@emperorshammer.ca) - #4612

Total: 7
Squadron Citations (9):
TC-XvT Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
TC-XvT Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
TC-XvT Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
TC-XvT Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
TC-XvT Battle 7 - The Resupply
TC-XvT Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
TC-XvT Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
DB-XvT Battle 1 - Jedi Academy

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR-TCT/CM Mace/Vortex/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
BS/ISMx7/LoC-PSx26/CoB [LGNR] [Marksman 1st] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/2-TM}
WC OWN WINGXIII - November 2000
"Silent.. leges inter arma"

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