Koph Report # 21 (2001-01-25)

This report was submitted by LC Firebird

Pilots of Koph Squadron:

First off, sorry this is a week and a day late, but I needed the time
to get my things organized. I had let the ATRs slide way out of date
and needed to update the web site and went skiing.. erm.. well.
Anyway, on to the more important news items.

Not much news from last week. I huffed and puffed a bit about
competitions and such, and I still haven't got all that worked out. I
hope to be able to spend some time and get everything scheduled out by
tomorrow night, at which time I will send out mail to make sure you
all are more organized than I am.

I asked awhile back for everyone to fly FREE-TIE 96. Thanks to those
of you that did so. Both LC Iceman and LT Place managed to beat the
current EH high score, and therefore earn keys to my booze locker.

*presents a small, black electronic device to each pilot*

Promotions! Congratulations to Canta Jade and Sandor Clegane on both
achieving the rank of Lieutenant.

Retirement! I regret to inform you all that CPT Mauser has been forced
into an early retirement due to real life issues. He intends to return
as soon as he can. We'll miss you, Captain!

AWOL! SL AntiOtter has been declared AWOL and removed from the roster.
That means we no longer have any Sub-Loots at all. Way to go guys, now
go recruit some more ;)

The loss of AntiOtter means we only have 5 pilots and are no longer
eligible for squadron citations. First one to recruit a 6th pilot
doesn't get their TIE keyed :P

I am accepting submissions for the Wing VI Open: fly any number of
missions, the highest average laserless score wins.

We are challenging Cyclone Squadron to a rematch as soon as I get
myself organized. Stay tuned for details.

CM Bonzo has written his first Squadron Report for Tav Squadron.
Way to go ;)

Koph Squadron has experienced an influx of new people. I am happy to
see all the new faces, and welcome you all to the squadron as well as
the wing. Please know that while I expect nothing but loyalty and
participation from each of you, I am always here to help out if you
need it. The door to my office is always open. The door to my booze
locker is not, unless you have a key :)

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! The Koph Ace of the
week is LT Place this week, for making a pledge to fly and be more
active, and sticking to it. Good work, Lieutenant!

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