Viper Report # 8 (2001-02-03)

This report was submitted by CM Duncan Idaho

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Viper Report 03.02.01

Fleet News:

-We have a new WC. Please welcome Maj Brakka. Good luck.

Squadron News:

-We have a new member. Please welcome LT Brentar Talon of Flight III.

-SL Brentar Talon has been promoted to LT.

-LT Swifty Striker has been promoted to LCM for his great activity in December. Keep it up.
-There´s a new BSF system available for me, that means if you want me to submit your missions I only need your plt-file.

-With LT Brentar Talon joining the Squadron we reached a total of 6 pilots and regained our citation. Go and make them some more.


-REPORT IN WEEKLY! I need to know if you are all active. Best is if you
report in on Friday evening, so that I have your report on Saturday.

-Try to RECRUIT new pilots for Viper. We are definetely running low on
personnel. Take a look at platform Daedalus and have a special eye on
those cadets markt with an (P) or (I) flag. Do not recruit (W) flag
cadets. Or check the zone and also friends of you who are SW

-Participate in the Wing Comp of VA Pel. Round three is in progress. Enclose to this mail you will find a battle-zip. It´s an XvT battle created by Maj Prophet who won round one. Best would be if you fly the whole battle and submit it to me. But the only mission which will score points for the comp will be mission #3. There is no guarantee that you will receive BSF credit for it, because this battle is not yet TAC approved. Fly this mission and send it in until the 7th of February. Check the Intrepid contest page on the link section for more details.

-Participate in the second Wing comp. FCHG Race, each member of the squadron with the highest FCHG gain (including LoC points, but not including gains due to transfers in, only for new points earned during the time period), will get an IS-CR if they made at least one point. Highest overall improvement (individual) in the Wing will get an IS-BR The comp will start Feb 7, and end March 8. Check the Intrepid contest page on the link section for more details.

-Take part in online engagements. Events are listed below. Fly battles and mission or take IWATS courses. I mean everybody. The activity in January dropped nearly to zero. I want this change. This kind of activity is a disgrace for the whole Squadron.


-CM Duncan Idaho: Main computer working again. Flew T/F-battles 75 - 80, made Legionnaire in FCHG, learning to work with Frontpage to create a new Squadron homepage soon.

-LT Wes Janson: Not reported in. Wes, what´s up?

-LCM Swifty Striker: Not reported in, promoted to LCM. Do something.

-LT Kalen Vec: Not reported in. You are FL. I want to see more activity. No report for three weeks now.

-SL Scofield: Not reported in. Report in to me at once.

-LT Brentar Talon: Joined Viper, flew XvT-battle 8, completed IWATS mirC 1 + 2, Squadron Management 2, HTML 1, promoted to LT. Good activity. Keep up the good work.

Online engagements:

[XWA] EuroComp
2/3 (10:00 - 11:30 EST)
[XvT] EuroComp
2/3 (10:00 - 11:30 EST)
[XWA] Kampfergemetzel
2/3 (13:00 - 15:00 EST)
[JK] Outer Rim War
2/3 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XvT] Outer Rim War
2/3 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XWA] Outer Rim War
2/3 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XWA] Zone Sunday
2/4 (13:00 - 14:30 EST)


COMMANDER: CM Duncan Idaho (
NICKNAME: The Venom of the Emperor
MOTTO: The silent bite in the night

Nickname: Sting of Death
Motto: Your destiny is chosen when we arrive.
1) CM Duncan Idaho (
2) LT Wes Janson (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Poison Providers
Motto: Time to run rebel scum.
1) LT Kalen Vec (
2) LT Brentar Talon (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Venom Flight
Motto: First to bite, last to die
1) LT Swifty Striker (
2) SL Scofield (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 6

Citations: -TC-XvT Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
-TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
-TC-XvT Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
-TC-XvT Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression

Important links:

-Emperors Hammer main page:

-Wing XIV page:

-Imperial IRC chat:

-Personal profile administration page:

-Training manual:

-ASF message board:

-EH battle center:


-Science Office:

-ISD Intrepid contests:



To be promoted from SL to LT:

1. Submit your Imperial Navy Pilot Record (INPR) to your
Squadron Commander.
2. Participate in any official TIE Corps competition or contest.
3. Fly any official TIE Corps battle, with the exception of
free missions, these are located at the TIE Corps Battle
4. Submit EH/TC fiction or graphics.
5. Assist your Squadron Commander with the squadron's homepage or
other activities.

CM Duncan Idaho

CMDR/CM Duncan Idaho/ Viper/ Wing XIV/ ISD Intrepid


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