Vortex Report # 0 (2001-02-10)

This report was submitted by CM Mace Farrell

Vortex Squadron Report
CM Mace


Welcome Pilots to a special Valentines Day Vortex Weekly Report.


Fiction this week is by CM Azazel - I know it's not in the V-day theme but it's very good, too good to leave out ;)

Grey Wolf Honour : Part 1
On the bridge of the ISD Grey Wolf somewhere in the outerrim.......

Vice Admiral Cyric sat in his cammand chair on the bridge of the ISD Grey Wolf. Around him LT's and bridge staff scurried about tending to their duties, all the while VA Cyric twiddled his thumbs and watched his staff as a alpha wolf watches over his pack. " How long until we are in the Bespin system LT?? ", quized VA Cyric seeming very impatient, the nervouse LT looked up from the lower deck at the GW COM, " about 5 parsep's sir ". VA Cyric moved slightly in his chair, and turned his head to gaze to his right, MAJ Brucmack, the GW Wing Cammander had come onto the bridge, with him was CM Azazel & CM Khadger. " Ah MAJ Brucmack........i see you have brought CM Azazel & CM Khadger along with you.......good , you may leave us now ", VA Cyric watched MAJ Brucmack as he left the bridge and return to his office. VA Cyric turned to the two CM's, " right CM's, you'll probaly be ' why has he requested us two? ', well, it seem's that Intel have informed me of a plot to remove me from the Grey Wolf, and out of Imperial service altogether, Intel say that we are to meet a contact on the City in the clouds, the mining facility at Bespin, if you have lightsabre's feel free to bring them, otherwise pack blaster's and other concealed weapons.....cause you never know these day's !!" VA Cyric looked at both Khadger and Azazel to see if they were a touch nervouse, but no, not a single frown or panicked ' But ' face, all seemed well." I have a question sir ", said Khadger looking at Azazel then at Cyric, " Go on ", calmly replyed VA Cyric, " are we to go undercover as merchants? or in plain uniform? ", Cyric sat and thought for a moment, then answerd, " undercover would be best, the contact i know will be wearing a yellow sash around his right arm.....thats all i know at the moment ". Azazel looked at Cyric, "are we to imform the GA ? or any of the Brotherhood about our little trip? ", " No Azazel.....i've put us all on temperary leave, none will suspect a thing, do not worry, all will go well , trust me ". On that note Cyric dismissed them, Cyric turned his attention to the task at hand..........how to stop the GW, 2 light yrs short of Bespin ?

Time : 4 hours later. Place : ISD Grey Wolf, 2.8 LYRS from Bespin.

" COM Cyric , the hyperdrive has just gone down sir, we are stuck 2.8 light years from Bespin.....this is a Pirate secter sir, we're stranded !! ", Cyric turned to look into the face of his bridge staff, a thin smile appeared on his lip's. " Why do you all look so worried?? We've been in this situation hundreds of time's ! Remain at your stations, be vigilent, call the maintenance team out immediatly, you there! ", Cyric pointed to the GW communications officer, who looked up at him sheepishly, " yes Vice Admiral sir ? ", " Get Maj Bruckmack up here on the double !! ". Cyric turned to his chairs interface and hit the security override button, the transmisson would not be picked up anywhere onboard, the message was plain and simple, and was sent directly to CM Khadger's quater's and CM Azazel's.

*** ISD Grey Wolf internal message.......ref. Alpha 1........................... All is green, check equiptment and be ready to leave on my shuttle in 1 hour.....double check weapons......speak to nobody about our leave........

Sender : ISD Grey Wolf Commodore , Vice Admiral Cyric. ***

All was done according to plan, with the equiptment ready, Azazel and Khadger headed to the VA's shuttle waiting in the guest hanger. All would've been perfect if it were not for Maj Brakka , CM Mace and CM Verr. " CM Azazel......CM Khadger .....wait! ", they both spun round to see Brakka, Verr and Mace heading towards them from the flight office. " Where are you guy's off too dressed like that?? " CM Azazel was in his all black Dark Jedi out fit, concealed blaster, and lightsabre's at his belt, CM Khadger wore a more subtle out fit, one that would'nt be out of place in a Hutt's palace, a blaster rifle was slung over his shoulder, two blaster pistol's hung on his beltin their holster's, and other more sinister weapons from his BHG day's lay about his person...concealed. Azazel looked at Khadger for a secound....." we're going on leave for a few days thats all ", Azazel smiled just to hide the fact he was anctiouse about being stopped in his track's. " Really? where are you going CM Azazel?? ", asked CM Mace, not knowing his destination, " Oh we're going to Tantooine for a bit, watch the pod racing, visit the cantina, get a sun tan, you know, the usual ", Az and Khadger both beamed a big smile, " and bar brawling with Wookies to Az i don't doubt !", said Mace, chuckling slightly, " You could say that sir.......yes, you could say that ", ponderd Az . " Well ok then guy's we'll see you when you get back ", with that they all departed in their seperate way's, but Khadger glanced back to see CM Verr looking at them head off. ' Funny ', thought Khadger, ' why is he watching us board Cyric's shuttle ? ', Az just looked straight ahead, " that's what i thought Khadger.......why is he taking such keen interest in what we're doing ?", Khadger glanced at Azazel, " hey you.......stay out of my head !", as they walked up the ramp they both laughed out loud, Verr then turned and followed Mace and Brakka off the flight deck.

10 mins later......VA Cyric walks across the flight deck towards his shuttle....

Cyric was out of uniform and was carrying his private data pad with the coded transmisson from his contact on the Bespin mining fac, the flight attendants were all to busy to notice him silently pass by. Also the fact he was out of uniform helped him greatly. On reaching the shuttle ramp he looked up to see CM Azazel on the walkway, " ah Azazel, i see your all ready, where's Khadger?", Cyric wanted to use just names, and not ranks, saluting on this misson wa strictly forbbidon. Az stood arms folded, frown on his red horned face, yellow burning pure hatred, " he's in the pilot seat, the shuttle is prep'd and reay for launch Cyric.....d'you have all your gear ? ", Cyric smiled and noded to Az, they went inside, Az carried Cyric's bag for him and placed it in the rear compartment. Khadger sat at the controls of the shuttle, Az sat in the Co-pilot's seat, operating navi com, and the sensor array, Cyric sat in the Captain's chair just behind them. " Right all set gentleman?", chirped Cyric excited at the prospect of leaving the GW for a few day's, " aye Cyric " , said Khadger as he started up the shuttles engines. The hanger door's opened, and the shuttle fell into space, the wings folded outwards and Khadger gently eased the shuttle clear of the GW. " Right we are at a safe distance now, here Az, here's the hyperpoint details for you ", Cyric handed Az the data pad with all the info on it, Az quickly typed in the coordinates, " all set Khad, punch it !", " righty", khad pushed the hyper button, and the shuttle disappeard from the GW's veiw.

2 hrs later...........normal space, 25 km from Bespin mining station.

" Right you two, listen, we are to meet our contact tonight in the Cloud cantina, Az no fighting, Khad no trying to disintergrate anybody, got it? ", both Az and Khad looked at Cyric, " affirmative " they both said, " ok, good, first we have to check in , register the shuttle, then go to our quater's and unpack........oh and hey, this a neutral fac now, so all kinds of people are here...some possibly old enemies, some old freinds alike, so be careful, and hey, no talking about what and why we are really here, if anyone ask's just say you're refueling and resting, nothing more ok?", " affirmative", came the reply again. At that they all got their gear together and headed down the ramp, the facilities deck attendants were already in place to refuel , fix and clean the ship for departure, whenever that was to be, Cyric, Khad and Az just walked by....nobody spoke a word. Through the main door they took a left turn, and headed through the stations brightly lit white corridoor's, it was busy, many miner's and merchants walking about, smuggler's and hire pilot's were also present, but Az and Cyric felt other presnce's......not welcome one's. In Az's head he heard the voice of Cyric saying ' can you feel them Azazel? They're probing us all, looking for DarkBrotherhood member's...bury your true self deep down Az, hide yourself !! ' , the voice faded into pictured thoughts, Cyric looked round at Az and noded slowly, Az noded back in acknowledgment. Khad had also heard what Cyric had said, though not a Dark Jedi, he heard the voice of Cyric, besides, Khad had captured light jedi when he was a member of the BHG, he was well prepared. A right turn and they were at the main turbo lift, they enterd the lift and waited for the door's to close, " what level Cyric? " said Khad, " Level 6 khad, and hurry, we don't want some nosey gitin here with us ". Khad pressed the level 6 button, within 5 sec's they were at the quater's level. A young Twi'lek women sat behind the reception, Cyric approached and handed in his info, so did Khad, Az tried to , but found her oddly attractive, he once dated a Twi'lek girl who was living on his home world of Korriban, this girl looked kinda familier to him. " Do i know you sir ? ", said the Twi'lek, Az stopped staring and shut his mouth, " i doubt it.......but you are beautiful none the less....thankyou and good day ", Az smiled as he picked up his bag, the Twi'lek girl beamed back. Az turned and headed down the hall to his quater's, he wanted to take her with him, but his hormones would have to wait for a few day's, they were here on buisness not pleasure !!

ISD Grey Wolf.......real space time lapsed 3 hrs......

An hour after the shuttles departure, another one arrived with a fighter escort from the ISD Immortal. It was BGCOM VA Vitcarp. The shuttle landed on the GW flight deck, the ramp came down and VA Vitcarp strode accross his stompin ground, he stopped when he saw MAJ Brucmack, " ah , Major Bruckmack, where is VA Cyric? And why is he not here to greet me ?", Brucmack just shrugged his shoulder's, " Sir, he is on leave with CM'S Azazel & Khadger sir, they will be gone for a few day's.........we are awaiting repair's on our hyperdrive before heading Bespin again ", Bruc sensed this was a pre planned visit, but what was going on?? Vitcarp looked around, then stormed off the flight deck towards the bridge turbo lift. Bruc turned and looked at the stunned pilot's of WingXIII, " ok dismissed return to your duties ", Bruc rubbed his chin and frowned in deep thought , ' what the hell is going on round here ?? '. As the pilot's left, Bruc hurried after Vitcarp, he soon found him in Cyric's office, his fish like eye's scanning over various reports and other files. " VA Vitcarp, is there anything i can help you with? ", Bruc said, standing by the door, Vitcarp looked up at him, " where has he one Bruc i must know !! He's left his post, and he's in trouble.....BIG TROUBLE !!", Vit's fishlike face contorted, he looked like a derranged hungry shark in sight of his prey. " I'm sorry sir, all i know is that he is on leave....Tatooine i beleive is where they are heading ", Bruc quickly stepped out of the way as Vit rushed out the door , and headed straight to the flight deck, yelling for the deck officer. " DECK OFFICER !...........DECK OFFICER!", the deck officer spun round to see the calamari BGCOM standing in the middle of the flight deck looking rather impatient, " yes VA Vitcarp sir? ", " ah there you are, now listen, where is VA Cyrics shuttle schedueld to land? And at what space port?". The deck officer got out his data pad full of departure's and arrivals, also docking info, he proceeded from the top.......

Azazel's com buzz's an incoming message from Khadger....

" Azazel, i've just heard from CM Raxis, VA Vitcarp is on the Grey Wolf, he's going mad....he wants Cyric back there, he say's that Cyric is in big trouble, something to do with Intel and the Senate?!....know anything Az as you are a candidate of the Imperial Senate? ", Az frowned, " i've heard nothing.....and Cyric has done nothing wrong, there's a purpose for this visit, as there is a purpose for our being here, let's go and see Cyric, let's find out the truth about our misson !", " good idea Az, weapons??" , Khad asked, " sure, i got my lightsabre's and my blaster is still concealed, just bring your blaster pistols and your other weapons, the one's you can conceal ok?", " sure Az, i'll meet you outside Cyric's quater's in 1 min ". The comlink clicked off, Az put on his outer hooded robe and his black leather gauntlet's and headed out the door. He put his hood up and glanced up and down the corridoor, scanning for anything or anyone that looked out of place....there was nothing, all was quiet, too quiet he thought. Just up from his right he heard the sound of a door opening, Khadger stepped into the corridoor, the two looked at eachother and noded, then they headed to Cyric's door. " Wait Khad....i feel we are being observed ", Az said as he stopped dead in his track's only feet from Cyrics door, " huh? Are you sure Az? Where from? ", Khad looked a bit miffed as there was nobody present in the corridoor. Az pulled back his hood to reveal his red tattooed and horned Zun's head, he closed his eye's and concentrated to try and locate the watcher. " Damn....i can't seem to pin point their position, but we are being watched, we'd better move along, and not go to Cyric, they may be counting on us to lead them right to him ", the two moved off, slowly walking down the corridoor, " are they following us? Lemme us my bio scanner, maybe it will help us to find this being ". As they walked, Khadger pulled up his sleave to reveal his old BHG bio scanner, it could pick up and identify a heart beat up to 5oo yds, and even tell the dna to reveal what race it belonged too. " Anything Khad? ", Khad shook his head, " not much to go on, just a very faint signal, it's roughly behind us, 150 yds, thats all i can tell ", Khad kept trying to fine tune it through it's variouse settings and power level's. Az could feel the presence getting even stronger as they neard the end of the corridoor, he stopped and spun round, " Khad, i'll have to use my force seeing....maybe this will reveal it to us !!", Az's eye's glowed with an eerie white glow as he scanned the corridoor, side to side and up and down, " there!", " what? where? ", whisperd Khad as his eye's narrowed to see what Az saw. " There, near the bend on the right hand side, a being about 6ft, it's pressed against the wall, but it's only enough out for it to keep an eye on us, i don't think it's armed ", Az 's hand slipped onto the hilt of the smaller lightsabre, the being stayed as still as possible, still beleiving it was undetected. Az turned to Khadger, " Khad, i have an idea on how to get this guy, we'll head to the end of the corridoor, those cargo carton's are perfect for my plan, on reaching the end , you take the left corridoor, i'll take the right, just go 50 paces then stop, just lean against the wall and look casual, i'll take care of the rest. Cyric will want to ask this guy some questions ", Khad looked at Az, " ah i get it, if he's after one of us, or both, he'll have to pick one of us and follow us ", " exactly old bean, we'll bag him for sure...........trust me on this !!". The two walked down seperate corridoor's, then stopped at 50 paces and turned to face eachother. Az's eye's glowed again as he used his seeing ability, after a minute, the being came round the corner, he headed down after Khadger, he hugged the wall and was pressed against it. Khad as if hearing Az warning him, looked up, Az knew it was now or never, he concentrated on one of the cargo container's, and imagined it hitting the being on the back of the head.....as he thought it was made so. The being gave out a harsh groan as the container struck the back of his head, it fell face down accross the corridoor. The move even took Khadger off guard, and he to had ducked ! " Er......Az, nice plan, but um.....that freaked me out, i thought it was coming for me !! Thats until it stopped in mid air 3ft from me and i heard the groan ". Az just smiled, " hold on a sec.....he's becoming visible......look, he has blue skin, slightly pitted....he's an AMORIAN !! The Sith chronicled this race from beyond the outerrim, they are assasins and spy's.....but why was he after us??", Az & Khadger picked up the uncontiouse form and headed for Cyric's quater's. Just outside the door, Khadger put on some binder's so the Amorian could not put up a fight. Cyric came to the door, on seeing the two he looked shocked, " what the ?? who's is this?? i thought i said no fighting Azazel?? ", Cyric looked mad, " No Cyric, he is a Amorian, he was following us, maybe he knows something, or maybe he hoping we would lead him to you , let's revive him for questioning ", Az was hoping Cyric would agree, " well.........sure ok, bring him in, put him on the chair ". Cyric pointed to a chair at the end of a dining table, Az and Khadger plonked the unconciouse Amorian in the chair, where Khad used some smelling salts to bring him round. Cyric sat opposite

the Amorian, Khad to it's left, and Az to it's right. As the Amorian came round, it groaned, it's head rolled then the eye's opened and it looked straight at Cyric. " Who are you? ", asked Cyric calmly, " i am Varrk of Amoria ", Varrk looked at Azazel. " So , you used the force to knock me down!? Nice trick.......you must be a Sith Dark Jedi ", Varrk looked at Khadger, then at Cyric again. Az looked at Cyric as he was waiting for permisson to answer...but none came. " Why were you following my freinds?? Were you sent here to kill one of them? Or let them lead you to me?? ", Cyric leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table, hands clenched together. Varrk's gaze never moved from Cyric, " I was sent to find you.....Oda Mori sent me to find you, i am his trusted aide....you can trust me, i mean you no harm, i thought that these were hear to harm you, so i was making sure that did'nt get the chance. My master told me to watch your back until he could visit in person ", Varrk held out his hands, so they could be realeasd, Khadger took off the binders, but Az's hand remained near his lightsabre. Varrk sat and spoke of a treaty between a senate member and Admiral Ackbar to capture a Imperial high ranking office. And that VA Cyric was selected by this senator, word had gotten out because Varrk was watching this senator whilst Oda Mori made a speech. He also said that Oda is a senator for his homeworld of Amoria, and a former member of INTEL. Cyric, Az, and Khadger all looked suprised, but all three knew this was the truth. Shortly after finding out this infomation, Oda Mori tried to get word out, but was caught by the senator's body guard, and was to be executed, that was until Varrk killed the four bg's, and snuck Oda Mori out on his shuttle. " And this senator, what is his name? ", Cyric was intrigued......who would sell him out like this?? " My master shall reveal the traitor, for he knows his real name !"

After alot of talk, the door ringer sounded, Cyric used the peeper to see who it was, it was a robed man with a yellow sash on right arm. Cyric opened the door, and let Oda Mori in. " Ah i see you found Varrk......one of you must be a Jedi ?!", Oda looked straight at Az, " Yes, well two of us are, right well, down to buisness, please Oda have a seat ", Khadger pushed a chair out for Oda to sit on, he did so. Oda started from the beginning, of how he had gotten Varrk to listen out for this senator's election plans. But instead he found out thing's that were highly dangerouse to the Empire. Oda spoke of the plan to kill GA Ronin and other top senate and Directorate member's, of the plan to extract infomation on the size of the Imperial fleet, positions, strength's, manpower, the whole thing. " And this senator Oda, what is his name?? ", Cyric turned his ear towards Oda so not to miss the name, Oda hung his head, took a breath, then spoke, " he's an old clone of senator Palpatine, and his name .......Sen Rea Van Morrdal.....curse him and all who aid him, the traitor !!", Oda spat as he said his name aloud. Oda continued with what he knew about Rea Van Morrdal, he also planned to become the next Emperor, and re-take Courescant from the Rebels, and re-build the Imerial Palace in Impirial Centre. All present looked angry at the guile of such a plan by one who has no real power, only lust and greed. Oda conyinued, telling Cyric that himself and Varrk were to be killed on site, and that Cyric was to be caught and held trial for ' Heresy and attempted Mutiny against the Imperial Senate, and all those who the Empire. Cyric coughed aloud, " what?? Me?? I would never do such a thing !! I love the Empire and all it stands for, i fought at the battle of Endor as a Pilot !!", Cyric was fuming. His fist slammed on the table, " So tell me , why am i to be the only commodore to face such accusations?? ", Cyric's eye's glared madly at Oda. Oda shifted in his chair uneasily, " Rea used a drug to trick and control your BGCOM into beleiving you were guilty of these accusations, and that also you were caught and detained.....only now that Rea learnt of your 'leave', and with the arrival of the BGCOM, you look.....well.......kinda guilty ", Oda looked at Cyric, who was not too angry to show it. " Kinda got me by the tail there huh? Well, somebody aboard the Grey Wolf must be a spy for this Rea Van Morrdal otherwise how else would word have gotten to him?". Cyric came to a descision, staying at Bespin was indeed a bad idea, too many smuggler's and independant contract pilot's about, any would be a perfect bounty hunter to track him down. The time to move was at hand, they would have to find a new planet for the night, then decide on the course of action, maybe a possible trap for SEN Rea Van Morrdal !


FO Theo has retired the new Flight Officer is Admiral Priyum Patel, congrats to Pri :)

New Valkyrie CMDR is CM Wes Janson, congrats Wes.

CPT Raxis Krieger has retired from the Tie Corps, Vortex wishes you well :) replacing him is our old FL and friend CM Azazel, congrats Az :)

New Battes and Free Missions have been released from the TAC Office (finally :) check http://www.tiecorps.org/news.asp for details.

A new look NL has been released download it from http://thunder.prohosting.com/~surefire/NL71.zip

There is new High Scores listing on tiecorps.org http://www.tiecorps.org/rosters/highscores.asp. Top Three Wing XIII members are:

[176] MAJ Brucmack in 3rd place
[45] CM Mace in 13th place
[20] Wes Janson in 39th place

It's along way to the top if ya looking at 1st place, which is 243 currently held by Baron Mini Minkus :)

Activity Reports

1-1 CM Mace
- Battle Submissions: TC-TIE #61-63, Free-XvT # 36.
- Multiplayer Events: ASF Comp(1 win), Avenger training (5 wins), XvT WoW (5 wins), XWA WoW (5 wins)
- Working on Homepage
- Medals: 16 LoC's, MoT-gh, DFC.

1-2 LT dosk
- Reported in
- Flying Citation Battles

1-3 CM Crazy R2
- Battle Submissions: TC-TIE #3...nice work.
- Reported in

1-4 Daurathi Ghost
- On leave for the next month due to exams...good luck.

2-1 Achim Schwarick
- Seen on IRC
- Reported in

2-3 Tyken Restar
- No Report, please e-mail me ASAP.

3-4 Alex Foley
- No Report, please e-mail me ASAP.

Seeing Ghost has exams I'm guessing the other guys have exams too, so I expect these coming weeks to be abit slow.
Combat Ratings

1 point for every Legion of Combat earned
5 points for every Distinguished Flying Cross earned

Officer 3rd (40 points)

[47] CM Mace up 21 pts, 2 CR rankings.
Marksman 3rd (15 points)

[15] CM CrazyR2
Trainee (1 point)

[4] LCM Alex Foley
[1] LT Tyken Restar
[1] CM Achim Schwarick

FCHG Rankings

1 point for every mission flown
1 point for every Legion of Combat earned
1 point for every Iron Star - Copper Ribbon earned
2 points for every mission high score
2 points x # of missions in the battle for every battle high score
3 points for every Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon earned
5 points for every Iron Star - Gold Ribbon earned
10 points for every Iron Star - Platinum Ribbon earned
Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)

[672] CM Mace up 41 pts
Centurion [CNTR] (400 points)
[429] CM Achim Schwarick
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)

[283] CM CrazyR2 up 6 pts
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)

[57] LT Tyken Restar
[50] LCM Alex Foley
[5] LT Dosk
Competitions and Tournaments

XWA Zone Sunday:
XWA event on Internet Gaming Zone
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.

NC vs TC:
XWA event on IRC channel: #Project_Faithful
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.

Greenwich Wolf Competition:
XVT and XWA event on IRC channel: #wingxiii
Time: 1:00 - 4:30 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win. PC for overall winner, ISM for second place.

Wednesday ASF Competition:
XWA and XVT event on IRC channel: #wingxiii
Time: 7:00 - 10:30 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win. 2xDFC for overall winners in both games.

Avenger Training:
XWA and XVT event on IRC channel #avenger
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win. 2xDFC for overall winners in both games.

EuroLoC aka Euro Competition:
XVT and XWA event on IRC channel #euroloc
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM EST
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.

XWA event on Internet Gaming Zone
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST
Awards: LoC for every win.



ISD Grey Wolf: http://www.emperorshammer.ca/isdgreywolf/
Aggressor Strike Force: http://www.redrival.com/demios/enter.html
TIE Corps: http://www.tiecorps.org
Emperor's Hammer: http://www.emperorshammer.org

EH Battle Centre: http://www.tiecorps.org/battles/
EH Mission Compendium: http://www.tiecorps.org/battles/battletypes.asp
EH Combat Centre: http://www.tiecorps.org/combat/

Internet Relay Chat

Wing XIII: #wingxiii
Aggressor Strike Force: #eh_asf
TIE Corps: #tiecorps
Emperor's Hammer: #emperor's_hammer


With Az gone we're back to just getting all TC-XvT. Ya know what ya gotta do :)

Mac's Thoughts

Run-on still going http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=27.

Flight III Leader spot is NOW open! get your apps in if you want all the rights and privileges of being an FL.

Also you may have noticed our members have dropped abit both in Vortex and Wing XIII so I'm gonna get out there and start recruiting and want you all to do the same so here is a little incentive to recruit new members. Every MoI you earn I'll award you an ISM for your efforts so get in amongst it :)..Some tips on recruiting: the Zone is a very good place to find active pilots, also you can mail a few cadets and offer your services to help them in their training and also there is always family members or friends in RL you can ask.

Cheers Boys, have a good one!!

Bar [V]

Well it's almost V-day so love is in the air :) so I think it's appropriate that I add this new drink to our great Bar.

Get Between the Sheets

1 oz Cointreau
1 oz Brandy
1 oz Light rum
1 ds Lemon juice
4 Ice cubes

Combine the Cointreau, Brandy, light Rum, lemon juice, ice cubes in shaker and shake vigouously. Strain drink into glass.

Please don't go using corny lines like "Hey baby wantta get between the sheets" it won't work :P

There is also a few others I see around at night clubs but with names I can't repeat ;) ask me privately if ya wantta know :P
Last minute Valentine's Day advice

Don't tell your partner about that perfect present you almost bought.
Don't give the same Valentine card you gave your partner last year.
Don't buy the wrong size/brand of anything.
Don’t forget to wear clean underwear.
Don't tell your date you forgot your wallet again.
Don't leave your date alone with your parents, flatmates or pet.
Don't buy your partner household appliances for Valentine's Day.
Don't wipe your nose on your sleeve.
Don't go to a D & D, it's a waste of time.
Don’t club baby fur seals!
Well that's it have a happy V-day everyone :)

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CM Mace (mace@isdchallenge.org) - #5079
NICKNAME: The Winds of Destruction
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/vortex.jpg
MOTTO: "Silent.. leges inter arma"
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=27

Nickname: Devil's Flight
Motto: "As swift as the wind, silent as the forest, fierce as fire, immovable as a mountain."
1) CM Mace (mace@isdchallenge.org) - #5079
2) LT Dosk (gorilla14@ozemail.com.au) - #6047
3) CM CrazyR2 (smelenchuk@home.com) - #1247
4) LT Daurathi Ghost (paladin78@aol.com) - #5657

Nickname: Lucifer's Hammer
Motto: "In Domine Imperium"
1) CM Achim Schwarick (Avaris@t-online.de) - #3810
2) TBA
3) LT Tyken Restar (icestriker@hotmail.com) - #5725
4) TBA

Nickname: The Silent Hunters
Motto: "Live with honour, kill by stealth"
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) LCM Alex Foley (alexfoley@emperorshammer.ca) - #4612


Total: 7

Squadron Citations (9) - 11 Lets build this back up :)
TC-XvT Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
TC-XvT Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
TC-XvT Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
TC-XvT Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
TC-XvT Battle 7 - The Resupply
TC-XvT Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
TC-XvT Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
DB-XvT Battle 1 - Jedi Academy

Respectfully Submitted,

Commander "Swoop" Mace
CMDR-TCT/CM Mace/Vortex/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
BS/ISMx7/MoT-1bh/LoC-PSx42/DFC/CoB/LoA [LGNR] [Officer 3rd] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/2-TM}
WC OWN WINGXIII - November 2000
"Silent.. leges inter arma"

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