Tempest Report # 0 (2001-03-10)

This report was submitted by CM Locke

Tempest Squadron Report (A-CMDR LCM Sephiroth)


-Squadron Orders-
It is absolutly *critical* that everyone participate
in phase 2 of ECR III. This is a graphics phase, and
evn someone with graphic tallent should particpate.
Even if you have to open up Windows Paint, and hand
draw "Join Tempest Squadron" that is perfectly fine.
The key is participation. The due date (to me,
cc:Locke) is March 16th. The normal due date is the
17th, and due to WC Darklord the 18th. I need em on
the 16th, so I can send them to DL on the 17th, as I
will not be able to get online on Sunday the 18th.
Also, please ZIP your submissions.

The Honour Guard Comp is also going on. The battle is
TC-167, and TFR's are due on March 14th. Send them to
GEN Darklord, and cc: myself and Locke.

Finally, the ISD Challenge, and Tempest Squadron as
well could use some more pilots, so get out there and

-Squadron News-

CM Locke is on leave till March 17th. He has named me
A-CMDR. All squadron issues should be directed to me.
Mission or battle tfr's need to be sent to Gen
Darklord, and cc: myself and Locke.

We need to do better in ECR Phase 2 than we did in
phase 1. As I said in the orders, use stick figures
if you have to.

-Activity Reports-

-CM Locke-
3/6 Completed IWATS Course HTML 2 (100%)
3/6 Completed IWATS Course TIE Mission Creation (92%)
3/7 Submitted a graphic for ECR Phase III early since
will be on leave
3/8-3/17 On Leave

-CM Kaneda Pellail-
3/6 Awarded PC for activity during the month of
February and invaluable
service to SCMDR in making transition.

-SL Alimet-
No Activity

-LCM Sephiroth-
3/8 Named A-CMDR of Tempest till 3/17.

CM Rover
3/5 Completed TC-TIE #167, K2 (233,473)
3/6 Awarded PC for high activity in the month of
3/6 Completed FREE-TIE #15, Fish56 #1
3/6 Completed FREE-TIE #6, Dorja #2
3/9 Compleated FT 018
3/9 Compleated FT 019
3/9 Compleated FT 021

CPT Vuffi Raa
3/6 Submitted story for ECR III

Lt Master
3/5 Submitted story for ECR III

-CPT Soontir Fel-
No Activity

-Lt Jerha'd Milar-
No Activity

-Wing News-
VA Corran Force has added a new poll to the isd
challenge website. Go vote when you have a chance.

GEN Darklord names the WC's Own:

The award of WC's Own this month has to go to Typhoon
Squadron! Taking into account both the BSF ratings,
and the MSE's for the month, they were by far the most
active squadron within the wing in February, and
pretty much so in January too. Many thanks to COL
Callista for her excellent service as Typhoon CMDR,
and the best of luck to CM Airyu in the future. (from
GN Darklord)

-Fleet News-

Several battles have been corrected. See
www.tiecorps.org for details.

Skipping Missions
16:30 - AD StarLion [colstarlion@hotmail.com]
Recently, it has come to my attention that pilots have
been simply playing 5/6 of a battle (or X-1/X) and
submitting it, saying they skipped the last mission.
According with the Tactical Manual, i have issued
Tactical Order #001.

Tactical Order #001
Admiral StarLion

Persons having skipped a mission in a battle MUST fill
out a legitimate bug report on that battle in order to
receive credit for that battle.
If the Tactical Office discovers you are NOT doing so,
the BSF's in question will be removed from your
record, irregardless of previously completed entries
for said battle.

(Quoted from: The Tactical Manual)
You may not skip more than one mission. You may NOT
skip Free Missions. You may NOT skip a mission just
because you do not want to fly it.

Reminder on skipping missions
10:46 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
In addendum to the Tactical Office's order, if you are
skipping missions on a regular basis, forcing the
Tactical Officer to have to bring up your record again
and again to remove battles you didn't fully complete,
you will be sent to the HCI on charges of cheating,
which results in many steep punishments.

We understand mistakes happen, but repeat offenders
who feel they can abuse the system will face the


COMMANDER: CM Locke (locke@isdchallenge.org )
NICKNAME: Riders on the Storm
BANNER: tempest.jpg
MOTTO: "May the winds blow till they have waken'd
death!" - Othello
HOMEPAGE: http://www.xwing.nu/tempest/

Nickname: The Booze Capturers
Motto: "Mortuus ex Vento" -- "Death from the Wind"
1) CM Locke (locke@isdchallenge.org )
2) SL Alimet (Thrawn551@aol.com)
3) CM Kaneda Pellail (kaneda@isdchallenge.org)
4) TBA

Nickname: Apocalypse
Motto: We are the Plague of the Galaxy!
1) LCM Sephiroth (TC_Sephiroth@yahoo.com)
2) TBA
3) CM Rover (eh_rover@lglobus.ru)
4) CPT Vuffi Raa (vuffi@isdchallenge.org)

Nickname: The Imperial Monsoon
Motto: "We'll blow you off your feet."
1) LT Master (capt_master@hotmail.com)
2) CPT Soontir Fel (soontir_fel@isdchallenge.org)
3) LT Jerha'd Milar (ranger1968@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Respectfully Submitted,

A-CMDR LCM Sephiroth

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