Scorpion Report # 1 (2001-02-09)

This report was submitted by CPT Raven Arestar

Scorpion Squadron Weekly Report for the week ending 02-09-01
CMDR Raven Arestar reporting.

This is Shuttle Gravium 3-2B37.
-You are cleared to dock in Hangar Bay 3.
Thank you.
An imperial shuttle enters ISD Vanguard's Hangar.
[In the background] This is the 10th one today.
A new transferee exits the Shuttle and his new CMDR and WC and COM arrive to help him get acquainted with the ship. The CMDR and the pilot leave while the COM and the WC have small talk.
WC: We are doing allright aren't we?
COM: Yep
WC: 10 people in a week is a huge increase.
COM: Yep
WC: Shall we take the ISD for a spin?
COM: Yep
WC: Do you say anything but "Yep"?
COM: Yep
The WC shrugs and yells into the comlink. Set course to 3-2-B75-F, FULL SPEED!
-Yes SIR!
[ISD Vanguard jumps into hyperspace, its assigned task force gives it 2 CRVs as escort]
WC: Well time to get my beauty sleep :)
COM: Yep.
[Suddenly a sudden jolt threw the WC across the bulk heads, the COM who was used to being on the bridge yelled out his new word]
A young Lieutenant came to the COM and handed him a datapad.
COM: Yep
WC: Let me read!
The COM gives the WC the datapad.
WC: Ah nuts!
WC(over loudspeakers): All pilots to the hangar and launch status:
US: ISD Vanguard, CRV 3210-B5, CRV 3210-B6 and 72 fighters.
THEM: 3 Calamari Cruisers, 6 Carrack Cruisers, 3 Interdictors, 3 Assault Frigates, 2 Frigates, 30 CRVs, over 400 fighters.
WC: This is bad.
LT: Sir! There is one more force out there, but our sensors aren't scanning it!
WC: Give me an eye view.
LT: 6 ISD Class vessels, 50 Frigate Class Vessels over 2000 figters.
WC: And what are they doing?
LT: Currently they are pummeling the rebel fleet.
WC: And our location?
LT: Erathia conclux. 6 planets. EH Territory. , SIR! Half of the enemy is coming at us. They are initiating bombing runs at the following trajectories.
WC: Give this to the Pilots!
Scorpion Squadron ready room.
6 pilots gather in a small room. LCM Shitzo and LT Ayudanter are giving the new pilots tips on flying.
The CMDR walks in.
CMDR(me :) ) Ok guys! Here is the plan, see that Colossal thing there?
DarkClaw: Yes.
CMDR: Well we are ordered to take it out :)
LT Jones: Are they crazy?
CMDR: Hey this is EH get prepped here is what we have:
Flight I: 4 TDs. 16 bombs total.
Flight II: 4 Razors. 8 bombs total.
Flight III: 4 Cloak Shape fighters: 32 missiles total.
So here is the flight plan. We release the razor flight bombs at hte brink line. Test their defenses. Flgiht I and III fly cover once we run out of bombs we see the damage done if the ship is still alive Flight I will change the duties with II. The ships w/o pilots will be flown by our AI. The junk formely known as "Fragile"
Fragile: H=E=M=L=O.
Raven: Something wrong with his speech :)
disclaimer: The fragile bot's name has nothing to do with EH characters that are seen on IRC. :)
Raven: Ok lelts go to it.

Raven: Flight I all green.
Ayu: Flight II all green
Shitzo: Flight III all green.

The fighters launched but there is something between us and the target. About 10 squadrons of fighters.
Raven: Nuts?
Echo I: Yes?
Raven: Not you :)
Python I: Yes?
Raven: Can you guys clear that junk in our way?
Python, Echo: Yes

Command: 5,4,3,2,1
On zero the sky was green and red with the amount of firepower out there. The first casualities came only after 5 minutes. Echo 6 didn't evade the 30 missiles launched at him and had to bail his fighter was prompty destroyed by the enemy whp concentrate on one enemy.
Ayu: Sir! They go after the weakest opponent be it friend or foe! Request to use the ions to take one of them out.
Raven: Granted,
The ship was disabled and the swarm turned toward the disabled ship.
Raven: Do the same only let me drop a time bomb near that.
After the maneuver.
The bomb exploded leaving only 5 fighters behind. Who were quickly finished off.
After 1 run the ISD class ship was destroyed and the enemy ran.
REBEL ADMIRAL: Good fight EH we ain't gonna fight you. But those guys wil be back. This is or should I say was the Rebel 64th fleet. We went from over 500 capital ships to 3 and from over 10000 fighters to 50. Don't go into unknown territories.
The CRS jumped or so it thouhgt the next second it exploded when its engines ignited.

They are as follows:
CPT Raven Arestar from Elite Praetorian to the new Elite :) Scorpion CMDR :)
LT Ayudanter from Copperhead to FL in Scorpion Flight II.
LCM Shitzo from Tartarus to FL in Scorpion Flight III
SL Darkclaw from Daedlus to Scorpion FI.
SL Jones from Daedlus to F II.
SLTK-6201 from Daedaus to F III.
LT Darkclaw requested transfer to reserves due to RL issues.
FM SL DarkClaw to Lieutenant
FM SL Jones to Lieutenant
COMP Updates:

Ok new comp. Fly XWA 1 2 3 by the end of next week. Time to rack up citations. I'd like to have at least 75% participation.
I'm in the process of making a battleboard so hopefully soon we'll know what will get us Cits:)


Thursday · February 08 · 2001

New Flight Officer
18:56 - HA Kawolski []
Former Command Attache Admiral Priyum Patel has been promoted to the position of Flight Officer
and TIE Corps Commander of the Emperor's Hammer! Congratulations Pri!

High Score listings
09:21 - HA Kawolski []
The FCHG Listings may still be broken, but in the meantime you can check out the new High Score
[CMDR Note: Now you can see how good are you at highscoring compared to other pilots]
Congratulations to the Baron, Major Mini Minkus!

Flight Officer resigns
04:27 - HA Kawolski []
Looks like I forgot to post it here:

Flight Officer Admiral Theodore is hanging up Command Staff position badge to retire to tend more
time with his family and newborn, but he'll stay on board as our Imperial Counsel.

All roster changes and such inqueries should go to the Command Attache, Admiral Priyum.

Wednesday · February 07 · 2001

Encyclopedia Reseachers needed
21:48 - HA Astatine []
Researchers are urgently needed for the EH Encyclopedia project. If you're interested, contact the
Training Officer at

Tuesday · February 06 · 2001

More New Battles
19:55 - AD StarLion []
Seems there were a few that i had missed in the shuffle:

[TIE] K2
[FREE-BoP] Battlecry #1
[FREE-BoP] Battlecry #2
[FREE-BoP] Kill Britany Spaers
[FREE-XvT] Supply and Demand

Currently, these battles are also available through the,, and
(Euro) mirrors.

New Battles Released
15:11 - AD StarLion []
After a long hiatus, the TAC Office is pleased to release the following battles to the Fleet:

[TIE] Strike of the Hammer
[FREE-TIE] Confiscate From the Hutts
[FREE-TIE] Cutting Out
[FREE-TIE] Demons and Angels
[FREE-TIE] Funeral Service
[FREE-TIE] Kill Drones
[FREE-TIE] Noname Squadron
[FREE-TIE] Patrol of Somewhere
[FREE-TIE] Phoenix III
[FREE-TIE] Return of Psi Squadron
[FREE-TIE] The Slaughter of Phantom Squadron
[FREE-TIE] Tod’s Anniversary

Currently, these battles are available through the,, and (Euro)

EH in January XWA Week of War
11:57 - VA Chrusos Ichthys []
EH wins 5th place among all clubs in the January XWA WoW.

EH wins it's first BattleStats Week of War medal (first BSC medal period).

Special congrats go to pilots Colonel Dras Hempor/Immortal and Major Brucmack/Grey Wolf for bring
this medal home to EH.

I hope this is a sign of more BSC medals to come.
Yay go us!

Saturday · February 03 · 2001

Phoenix Engineer's Team Open
22:15 - AD StarLion []
This is to announce the opening of the Phoenix Engineer's Team. Essentially, it will be the Team's job to
pick up where Project Phoenix left off, correcting the bugs our pilots find in Emperor's Hammer Battles.

Currently, the team is searching for testers for all platforms. Interested applicants should email RA Arso
Slyth for more information.


None so far!
Except the appoint of a few WCs and a COM.
Nothing important :P

Major Khadgar is the new Wing Commander.
Rear Admiral Ender new Commodore.
Scorpion opens under CPT Raven (me)
Scorpion at 6.
Ok guys new comp fly XWA 1,2,3 for a Iron Star Copper Ribbon.
We need citaitons and pilots so if you know someone in EH recruit them in here :)
I'm working on the Battle Board expect it up by next week.

1-1 CPT Raven Arestar (
Started the squad.
Flew in some MP comps nothing much.

1-2 LT Darkclaw (
Joined the squad
Promoted to LT
Goes to Reserves due to RL.
2-1 LCM Schitzo (
Seen on IRC.
2-2 LT Jones (
Joined the squad.
Promoted to LT
3-1 LT Ayudanter de la Clars (
Seen on IRC.
3-2 SL TK-6201 (
Joined the squad.
Please complete your INPR and be promoted to LT :)

Commanders Thoughts: Ok guys I hope you settled in cause its time for the comp:) So start flying:) I'd like us to gain some more citations.
FCHG Listings/CR Listings:
The FCHG Listings are down so nothing yet:(

CR LIstings:

Top Ace 4th (250 points)
[266] CPT Raven Arestar
Certified (5 points)
[5] LT Ayudanter de la Clars

Not good we are an MP squad. Lets get some more wins! There are a ton of comps. These are the ones that are this week.

[XvT] EuroComp 2/10 (10:00 -11:30 EST)
[XWA] EuroComp 2/10 (10:00 -11:30 EST)
[XWA] Kampfergemetzel 2/10 (13:00 -15:00 EST)
[XWA] Outer Rim War 2/10 (14:00 -23:00 EST)
[XvT] Outer Rim War 2/10 (14:00 -23:00 EST)
[JK] Outer Rim War 2/10 (14:00 -23:00 EST)
[XWA] Zone Sunday 2/11 (13:00 -14:30 EST)

COMMANDER: CPT Raven Arestar (
NICKNAME: Flaming Stingers
BANNER: scorpion.gif
MOTTO: Scope the targets, then sting from behind

1) CPT Raven Arestar (
2) LT Darkclaw (
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) LCM Schitzo (
2) LT Jones (
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) LT Ayudanter de la Clars (
2) SL TK-6201 (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 6
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (0)

Squadron Citations (10):
TC-TIE Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TC-TIE Battle 12 - Jedi Hunt
TC-TIE Battle 24 - Save the Emperors DNA
TC-TIE Battle 25 - Spoils of War
TC-XvT Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
TC-XvT Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
TC-XvT Battle 7 - The Resupply
TC-XvT Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
CAB Battle 1 - Assault On the Hast Shipyards

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