Hey Report # 20 (2001-03-05)

This report was submitted by CPT Osan'gar

Greetings all, welcome to another Hey Squadron Report,
sorry that it is a day late, but better late than
never I suppose :P


- Combat Run 4 of the XWA league has finished. Final
scores from Hey Squadron looked like this

1. LCM Josh Popelka - 5567
2. LT Dan Jenkins - 4029

Total = 9696

LCM Josh Popelka will receive a Golden TIE for getting
the highest score.

- I don't know the mission for CR#5 as it hasn't been
announced yet, but you will know what it is as soon as
I get any information. We should be aiming for 100%
participation for this round.

- LCM Josh now has 5 Golden TIEs which makes him the
first person to get a Goden Missile Boat. Congrats
Josh, your reward will be on its way.

- The FCHG run ended with LCM Josh Popelka achieving
the highest number of FCHG points from Hey in the set
time. LCM Josh receives yet another Golden TIE for
this, which means that he now only needs four more to
get his second Golden Missile Boat. Can anyone stop
him and start catching up?

- LT Wes Comabt was the first person to submit
something to me to go into the gallery in the website.
Check out the graphic in the graphics section, nice

- Remember that the website contains up-to-date news
which is updated nearly every day, so if you want to
find out Hey Squadron news as it happens, read the
website every day.

- I was awarded a Palpatine Crescent by GN Sasquatch

- Post on the message board, no-one else seems to be
doing this except myself and LCM Josh.

- Communicate with other Hey Squadron pilots. As soon
as I get the egroups back up and working again, I
expect to see lots of intra-squad communication.

- RECRUIT. Try to get your friends, family and anyone
you know to join Wing III and especially Hey Squadron.
The FO, AD Pri has declared that no-one can mail
cadets trying to recruit them, so don't do this as you
can expect a visit to the HCI if you do.


- LT Dark Angel of Daleth Squadron was appointed the
new Wing III Nurse. Congrats Dark Angel, I'm sure that
you can do a great job.

- I believe that Beth finished first for CR#4 as
Ranger only got 46000 and Demon got around 52000.
Congrats Beth if this is correct.

- Black Hawk 2 will be starting soon run by LC Seqouh
Marden of Beth. All of the players are in place, and
your intrepid Commander is ready to lay some SmackDown
(excuse the stupid WWF expression :P) on some certain
high ranking Wing III and Sovereign staff.
Be ready everyone, because I'm going to win this.


TIE Tactics professor appointed
06:48 - HA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
LC Ford has been appointed Professor, TIE Tactics. The
course will be up soon once some updates are made.

[Note - LC Ford Prefect has had his named changed to
LC Lord Twinkalicious for the time being :P]

Executive Officer promoted to Sector Admiral
05:47 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
Grand Admiral Ronin has promoted Executive Officer
High Admiral Kawolski to the rank of full Sector
Admiral and 25% secondary owner of the Emperor's

SM/2 hits 500
09:56 - HA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
Squadron Management 2 has finally made it to the 500
graduate mark. This makes SM/2 the 4th most taken
course (only narrowly beating IIC/1 on 496).

EH Ladder is online!
02:06 - HA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
After many months, the EH Ladder is finally online.
The ladder features divisions for X-Wing vs TIE
Fighter, Jedi Knight and X-Wing Alliance. The ladder
is pretty much automated. The only human interaction
is the reporting of matches (and signing up, of
course). The ladder code takes care of all the
score/win/loss/draw incrementing, as well as the
ladder displaying code and emailing off the pretty
match confirmation emails (which are in colour-coded
HTML, to match the colours of each ladder.). You can
visit the ladder site at

CA:FO selected
06:08 - AD Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
After receiving over 20 applications, mostly from
highly qualified people, I've finally decided on my
new Command Attaché. Congratulations to the former COO
and most recently, CA:TAC, Admiral Havoc! I've worked
with him in the past, I know he can successfully carry
out the duties that will be assigned to him. When you
send routine email to the Flight Office, please be
sure to CC AD Havoc (Pellaeon2000@cs.com).

ASF Commander appointed
06:05 - AD Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
Following VitCarp's resignation from the Fleet, I have
decided on the new ASF BGCOM. Many congratulations to
Vice Admiral Cyric! Cyric is a long-standing member of
the Aggressor Strike Force, and has proven his
abilities during his tenure as Grey Wolf COM. His has
my full trust to bring continued success to the ASF.
VA Cyric's first duty will be to select the new Grey
Wolf Commodore.

CPT Osan'gar - Commander stuff
- Awarded a PC
- Passed the IWATS course IIC1/2 both
with 100%

LT Wes Combat - Submitted some graphics and sound
files to go in the archive on the website.

LCM Josh Popelka - Flew TC-TIE 29, 32, 44

LT Dan Jenkins - Flew FXWA 15


COMMANDER: CPT Osan'gar (dclutterbuck2@yahoo.co.uk)
NICKNAME: The Demon Guard
MOTTO: Darkness is our element.
HOMEPAGE: http://www.geocities.com/heysquad/hey.html

Nickname: The Enraged
Motto: You play with fire, you're gonna get burned!
1) CPT Osan'gar (dclutterbuck2@yahoo.co.uk)
2) LT Wes Combat (StrmTrprWC@aol.com)
3) LT Joba (jdzioba@connected.bc.ca)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Forsaken
Motto: From the shadows comes the Inferno of Hell
1) LCM Josh Popelka (ehj_popelka@hotmail.com)
2) LT Dan Jenkins (4jenkins@prodigy.net)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Dark Knights
1) LCM Seth Rommel (samds@texoma.net)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Citations (3):
TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
TC-XWA Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil

CRT Rating = 2

Thats all for this week

CPT Osan'gar
Hey Squadron Commander
Wing III Doctor
CMDR/CPT Osan'gar/Hey/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign
DOC/LT Osan'gar/Wing III/Tiecorps/FMC

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